The Light Bearer: 7 Days of Light
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It is the year 2025, a strange string of world events and happenings begin to happen when the Aurora Borealis suddenly disappears. What if everything you have ever wondered or desired can be answered by a simple question. What do you do? Do you let the moment pass, even if you understand great destruction will come to you and all that you know and love? If you found out how the world would end, would you tell everyone? Or would you keep it inside? Will the truth be heard out of the mouth of an abducted extraterrestrial being? No one has a clue of what will happen next when the fate of all mankind as humans know it, seems to fall on deaf ears.
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The Light Bearer - August Gracie
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Balboa Press rev. date: 05/09/2022
The Alert No One Heard
Agent O: Sir, do you feel comfortable enough to tell me the whole story?
It was just a regular night in New York City, a little rain, but Times Square was buzzing just as it has been for over 400 years. The same loud, yet amazing atmosphere it has evolved into still held her blinding brightness, flashing lights, flamboyant characters, tons of cars, and of course extravagant art and theatre. There were millions of people from all over the World in this melting pot of people, nations, tongues and accents, and everything went on as usual in Times Square, even as this strange broadcast went over the air waves of national radio stations, social media outlets, podcasts, and television broadcasts. Yet this report went unnoticed because the World was already used to every kind of emergency and catastrophic event you can think of.
Every conspiracy of every kind was being revealed and created as a new one was solved. The years of misinformation from racist media outlets, satire news, people creating algorithms which create algorithms, life imitating art, the combination of reality and theatrics, where man’s every imagination is met, mass shootings and murders go unnoticed and entertainment is easily confused with politics, it has become a time when evil is greatly rewarded and good acts are condemned. At any moment spontaneous wild parties can burst out because it’s the shock entertainment era, a good time and yet a dangerous time. People have been literally shot on camera, and the audience loves the gore of this entertainment. These events have become the glitter of the moments in this city, and in the World abroad. The majority of the people walk around like zombies glued to their devices or spend time programming and customizing other electronic mechanisms to make their lives more convenient. All of the thousands of satellite stations which broadcast the World’s radio and television aired this strange event. Yet no one really cared to know what was truly happening
Agent O: What was this strange event that no one cared to pay attention to?
Television and radio stations were buzzing with the reports of the strange surges of energy that struck from coast to coast, city to city. Yet, no one payed any attention to this particular brief and sudden event. The news world and its reports were so involved with the event that suddenly struck the Earth for a brief moment, yet nothing seemed to happen, no real catastrophe. The high-energy surges pounded the entire Earth and even destroyed the Aurora Borealis, but still no one was bothered by this one event. Dolphins began changing their swimming patterns, the oceans began to quake at the deepest and darkest parts of all unknown areas of the great blue waters, and all seven continents began to float towards each other, even if at the slightest pace, yet no one cared as people were so heavily invested in their handheld devices, or saving their last dimes to take a trip to Mars to the Disney Space Park and Resort with its tonnage of amenities and a plethora of robots, sites, and features. Also, many new and innovative drones of all sizes flew across the skies delivering packages, foods, and now even mail. VR goggles, automated transportation systems, and automation of Artificial Intelligence had replaced a lot of jobs, but there were still a lot of factory and warehousing jobs people worked because of the complications with robot stress in the warehouses and docks.
The strange thunder and lightning displays occurred across the entire Earth, but it went mostly unnoticed as people were more interested in being entertained instead of informed. After so many centuries of people always living in fear of the End of the World from false information, no one really cared about the next big threat from space, because mankind had become voluntarily unaware of its World and of itself. Political issues and power conflicts, that had always been between larger countries, had also become commonplace between small lands and townships in certain regions. World peace seemed to be on the way via an unlikely man of power in the World who has been sewing the World leaders together as one with his idea of a one-World policy, sweeping them off their feet at an alarming rate with his smooth and powerful words. His big idea of a new monetary system for the entire World seemed to be the key to his campaign of peace.
Agent O: So what else happened? How did we get to this moment?
Inside the headquarters of the Center for E.A.R.T.H. (Extraterrestrial Activities Round The Horizon), the alert warning sounded of extremely dangerous, high-risk extraterrestrial activity in the empty space surrounding the planet. Each unit located around the globe communicates with the headquarters unit located in Los Angeles, California, to ascertain the problem, asking if it’s just a drill or the real thing, a serious imminent threat. General R. Vanderpool, who is the head of this top-secret operation, sent out a response after receiving messages from all the other leaders in the secret locations around the globe. All units—this is not a test, this is HIGH ALERT status code Magma! Be prepared to engage and intercept at any moment at any point over the entire Earth!
There was blackness and silence, then sudden thundering and lightning. From a quick zoom-in to Earth from outer space down to New York, an individual was suddenly running and frantically looking up above them. In the same instant they ran, they stopped running as if nothing was wrong, but a few yards up from them another person begins running frantically. Then the same thing happens in New Orleans, then Houston, up to Chicago, all over from Detroit down to St. Louis, from Kansas City across to Denver, to Las Vegas, Sacramento, and Los Angeles. There was a man that broke out running erratically in LA, screaming and looking up at the sky, and other pedestrians who see him look up and see nothing; same thing happens where he suddenly stops running and begins walking like nothing ever happened, while a few yards up the block another person begins running in a frenzy.
And as these individual people panic and run, then continue at the pace they were originally walking, a man who seems to be homeless prepares himself to commit suicide by jumping in front of a garbage truck coming toward him at high speed. Yards behind him a man is running in a berserk manner towards him, and in the next second the man began walking normally, the homeless man completes his jump into the speeding garbage truck head-first. The man is knocked unconscious and the garbage truck suffers tremendous damage to its front end. An ambulance is called and the man is transported to the hospital. After being examined by the head trauma unit, everyone is baffled as to why the truck had a dent, and how he was able to survive the impact of such a heavy truck.
They bring the man to an interview area to check the function of his brain, where they discover from his MRI and CAT scan that his entire brain was functioning normally and there was not a trace of head trauma or any immediate results of brain damage due to the blow suffered by the garbage truck. Before the news report about the man could be released, or even one line could be written about this accident, four men dressed in black came into the hospital and swiftly escorted him out on a stretcher. A couple of big guys easily grabbed the limp body off of the stretcher as a rag doll, and hopped into, then departed in an extremely detailed and shiny black van. The van drove away to the outskirts of the city, then disappeared from sight into a hidden tunnel. Reports popped up all over about the incident, and conspiracy theorists have presented it as true in certain groups, and among followers who watch for phenomenal events. There are also reports that some energy source wiped out the Aurora Borealis and readings are off the scale, and supposedly something in the range of 100 nuclear bombs going off at one time.
That is what the report said in detail. Somehow, I can remember it all…
Agent O: Tell me all that you can remember.
…And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the First Day.
The examining agent was a tall and slender man, and he slightly ducked as he entered the room where the victim of the accident sat quietly. He was a confident yet humble kind of person, an educated man who looked like someone who has mastered plenty of college-level books and a few religious ones in his lifetime.
He neared the area where the subject sat patiently to be examined, then reached into his inner suit-pocket to pull out a pair of designer glasses and began fumbling through his miniature notebook, readying his micro recorder to find out what happened. Glancing down at his calendar, then peering down at his watch to see the minute hand as it ticked, waiting for the perfect moment before he began his interrogation, the subject sitting in front of him broke the ice with a simple question.
What is today?
Sunday, it is now Sunday morning.
Sunday was the time I used to get up early, a little extra earlier than usual because that was the day I would fix breakfast for my family. I would feed them because all week I labored for them. I stood in front of that stove each Sunday and I fixed and served my family breakfast in bed. My wife and all the children would get a treat each and every first day of the week, all three boys and my beautiful wife. It was the beginning of the week and I figured it was made to get a good kick-start for their week. I was raised in the Southern Baptist Church and I went to church all my life, and I did what Mamma said. I would fix that breakfast for my family the first day of the week. I made good ol’ grits, eggs, sausage, and fried taters, all accompanied by a tall glass of orange juice. After breakfast, everyone dressed and we went to church. I did this for years.
This was a normal thing for you? Something you did regularly as a routine thing? Was it something that truly pleased you?
Oh yes, I was very pleased to serve my maker and my family on Sundays. It was my biggest joy.
The two men sat silently with each other for some moments and then the man began to laugh. It seemed a bit unusual, but the Examiner was used to all kinds of cases of tragedy and how people cope with the circumstances. The laugh turned into a hysterical laugh, one that would seem inappropriate to many, but the laughter then mellowed out to a slight chuckle, then into a mere shaking of his head.
Sir, you ok? Is anything bothering you at this moment?
No, no, no, I am fine. I am fine sir, but that was not me laughing at all.
The agent gave the man a suspicious side-eye and look of amazement because it was clearly obvious who was laughing. He knew that the man who sat adjacent from him burst into laughter most likely due to the loss of his family from tragedy. He has seen many cases like this and inwardly he sympathized with the patient.
I did not just hear you laugh—is what you’re telling me?
I, I know I didn’t laugh. That was not me.
Who was it?
I do not know, sir.
Well, apparently, I don’t know either. I guess in time we’ll just have to find out.
Yes, I hope we will, because that was very unusual. It was not me.
I would like to meet this person one day. Do you think you can arrange this for me?
Sir, I tell you it wasn’t me who laughed, and I don’t know how to arrange this meeting that you want.
The men stared in each other’s direction, somehow never actually making eye contact. It was an awkward time for both of them. They sat there speechless and sized each other up, but not in an aggressive manner, just sort of gauging and establishing trust between each other. The big decision to trust or not to trust pulsated through the twenty-by-twenty-foot room. The subject lay on a couch comfortably, and the Examiner sat in a padded chair with his legs crossed. The agent scribbled some words on his electronic notepad as his micro-recorder captured everything.
Can you tell me what happened at the scene of the accident you were in? Exactly what happened back there and what was going through your head when it occurred?
Well, I really don’t know what happened. I was tired and I was at the end of my emotional string. I mean, I was ready to die and it seems like God won’t let me kill myself.
So, God would not let you kill yourself?
I am sitting right here to tell you. I literally planned it out perfectly, to destroy myself in the quickest way I could. I stood on the edge of the road and waited for the right moment for the truck to get close enough to not notice me. I did not want the driver to hit his brakes or slow down. That would have hindered my plan to get this life over with. But something happened to me that I cannot explain. Something hit me in my back, and as I think about it, I truly don’t know what happened to me. I know I was dead, I know it was over, and soon I’d be able to