About this ebook
Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about baptism? Though one of Scripture’s most controversial subjects, the truth about baptism is surprisingly clear. This book leads the reader on a journey examining the Scriptures, Church History, and Common Arguments on the subject. This is a must read in a Christian world that has forgotten the meaning of baptism.
Cole Parsley
Cole Parsley seeks to reform the way the church thinks about baptism through a non-dogmatic approach. His story is one which readers can sympathize with. He has a Bachelors in Biblical Studies, and has spent the past ten years refining his knowledge of the Scriptures through personal study and graduate work.
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Baptism - Cole Parsley
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ISBN: 978-1-6642-6549-3 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2022908259
WestBow Press rev. date: 05/19/2022
Chapter 1 Jewish Baptism Before Christ
Chapter 2 The Scriptures on Baptism
Chapter 3 Church History on Baptism
Chapter 4 Objections
Chapter 5 What Now?
Works Cited
My conlcusions on baptism do not come from a childhood of indoctrination. I did not grow up in the Churches of Christ, or the Christian church, or any other church with a high view of baptism. My parents/grandparents never nurtured me into correct doctrine
on the topic. As this book showcases, I do believe that baptism is for the forgiveness of sins, but I did not always believe that. Here is my story. This is how it all happened.
It was a late night in the middle of Fall 2015. I stared at the ceiling hoping and begging for sleeps sweet embrace. After hours of tossing and turning, I finally approached God in prayer, and that prayer would not only bring peace which transcends all understanding, but it also would drastically change my life forever. This did not all start with just one sleepless night. These were countless sleepless nights and months of unrest both spiritually and physically. I was a mess as I asked myself over and over what God’s plan was for me. I was in college at the time, and my pursuit in the study of Nutrition was no longer fulfilling.
There was an unrest in my soul over this. It was not simply a career change, but God was communicating too me. Deep down I think I knew what He wanted, but I did not want to accept it. That night in prayer, however, I did accept it, and I felt God’s peace which only comes through the power of The Spirit. I remember crying that night as I stood outside in my back yard looking up at the stars. It was over, the torment in my soul seized. I was terrified of the future, How am I supposed to pursue ministy when I’m terrified of any public speaking whatsoever?
, I asked myself. Despite this fear, I was at peace, and yes, it is possible to experience both.
There was a new problem that presented itself that I would spend half a year trying to sort out. If I was going to pursue ministry, then I would need to pick a school. Every school, however, is governed by a specific denomination, and I knew that whichever school I picked would likely lead to my views being changed, and to me pursuing a church/school for work that was in that school’s denomination. With this in mind, I decided to wipe the slate clean in regards to my biblical beliefs (or try to at least), and to question everything and to try and learn as much as I could about denominations, their beliefs, and which one was correct
I studied relentlessly over those six months, and I questioned everything. It was a stressful experience. It was also hard because my knowledge was very limited. Finally, however, a minister offered to study with me. His name was Tim Knox.
Tim was a member of the Churches of Christ. He invited me to church, and I remember being deeply offended by that Sunday School lesson taught by Steven Smith. It was on baptism, and how Jesus stated that it was necessary for salvation. What?! This is heresy, salvation is by faith alone at the point of belief!
, I said to myself during the lesson. The thought was probably written all over my face as well. You see, at the time, I thought I really knew something about the bible, but in actuality, I was just getting started.
Later that week Tim invited me to a bible study. We studied for probably three hours one on one. It was a humbling and gut-wrenching experience, though I was not combative, I was deeply offended, not by him, but by the truth. The topic we studied was on baptism.
For three months, I studied and meditated on what the scriptures say concerning baptism. It was hard. I read articles and I asked preachers who belief in faith alone about these passages. I also talked to friends about my studies. It is not fair to say I studied baptism for three months. It is more like I fought against the doctrine of baptism for three months. I did not want to believe it, but I was also not willing to dismiss it and pretend the verses were not there.
It was during my commute to school one morning that I became frightened of my own safety. There was a semi-truck on the road, and I thought, What if I hit them and died? What would happen to me
? You see I had been baptized at a very young age. I did not understand who Jesus or sin was at the time, or at least I doubted that I did. Would that be good enough?
Later that day, I was baptized for the forgiveness of my sins. It was a hard decision because though I wanted to feel secure in my salvation, I also knew there was no going back. In that moment, I forfeighted my old beliefs in faith alone. I surrendered to that old