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The Puppet Master of Islam: A Fabricated Religion
The Puppet Master of Islam: A Fabricated Religion
The Puppet Master of Islam: A Fabricated Religion
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The Puppet Master of Islam: A Fabricated Religion

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To understand the dangers imposed upon the world by Allah, Muhammad, and the “angel of light,” you must look at Islam through the eyes of Christianity.
Hal Lindsey, one of the true futurist preachers of our time, wrote in The Late Great Planet Earth that “there are only two sources of the supernatural: The God of the Bible (followed by Christians) and the god of this world (followed by Muslims) who is described as an ‘angel of light’” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
This is the angel that visited Muhammad and introduced Allah into the world. In the beginning, Muhammad thought he was possessed. He spent years convincing himself that he was not. Many, however, believe that what Muhammad suspected about demonic possession may be true.
It took a great deal of persuasion by Muhammad’s first wife, Khadija, to convince him that his encounter may have been divine as opposed to demonic in origin. She was instrumental in the birth of “the prophet” becoming a reality.
Discover the evil of Islam and how we know that the apparition that spoke to Muhammad was likely an evil spirit in The Puppet Master of Islam.
Release dateSep 1, 2022
The Puppet Master of Islam: A Fabricated Religion

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett looks at things through a lens of logic to find understanding. He has examined and explained the beliefs and concepts of many Christian families on a range of topics. He believes the differences in belief among Christians is not a sign of weakness but rather one of strength. It shows that Christians aren’t willing to accept man-made theology they deem unjust. Instead, they are always striving to bring themselves closer to Christ through knowledge.

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    They came, they saw, they almost conquered.



    IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY, how long will it be important news is anyone’s guess. In addition to the constant threat of Islam bringing another 9/11 to our doorstep, and China threating war over Taiwan, we read daily about how Russia is busy invading Ukraine. While enduring tens of thousands of strangers, some friendly some not, entering our country monthly, all during the time we are dealing with a pandemic. And according to some, perhaps one of many pandemics that will be coming down the pike. A pike, that is bringing us to the point of asking ourselves many questions.

    Some of the questions might involve the latest government requirements. Are we wearing masks? Have we received our vaccination? Should we get vaccinated? Is this becoming a war between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? On and on it goes, Democrats against Republicans, Republicans against Democrats, brother against brother and so on. Our country has never been as divided as it is right now. And this is not even considering the threat Islam poses, but we know that. Just looking around confirms the reality of what was just said.

    A quote you might find interesting comes from Jack Van Impe as he quoted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said, Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. To that I believe we can only say, it’s as if America, perhaps as well as the rest of the world, stepped into the twenty-first century with a terminal case of both. Even now our Supreme Court is under attack for some decisions they are making. When did America stop understanding it is impossible to please everyone? AND that is creating a problem. Regardless of which way the country goes, everyone knows their will be unrest, both physically and mentally.

    It is as if overnight the world has reached the place where many are equating current conditions to those mentioned in the Bible as the end times, the last days before the coming of Christ, and pointing to the Bible for conformation. Or, as a Muslim would say, the coming of al Mahdi, and pointing to the Quran for conformation. Are we as close to the last of days as many Christians seem to be bringing to our attention? We will have to wait and see is all most can say. That is also, all anyone can say about Islam, we will have to wait and see.

    For those who bet, the smart money is on Islam bringing destruction to our shores as they have in the past, especially since Iran is home to the Iranian Republican Guard, a brutal terrorist organization who now has control of Afghanistan that spawns the Taliban (a brutal, fundamentalist religious group). Twenty years we were there. Twenty years of sacrifice and what does America have to show for it? But more importantly, did we learn from it? After thousands of lives lost and trillions of dollars spent, we are inviting the enemy we were unable to stop in their country, into our country. Am I wrong? This book illustrates the pending disaster from such decisions.

    Only in America could an enemy of the State be elected to governmental positions as Muslims are, so that they can continue to promulgate their ideology of what Islam, especially Sharia law, brings to the table. Most Americans understand we have differences but during these peaceful moments many might ignore some of the more dangerous differences. What they are ignoring is the fact that it is Islam’s destiny to defeat and destroy the American way of life. And when Americans try to discuss the differences, we are besmirched with insults. I should have titled this book, Goodbye America—Hello Islam. Or Goodbye America—hello Secularism. It is as if one or the other is destined to take down the America we know.

    Many might take offense to this book just as they took offense to Joel Richardson’s book, The Islamic Messiah, as it reveals much about Islam that exist beneath the surface. A place as defined by their literature as well as their teachings and their actions. Much of which reveals the mind of a Muslim. And when that information is opened for discussion, many say, they are misunderstood or perhaps we must pray for them to accept Christ.

    Personally, I can say that I have never met a Muslim I didn’t like, but that doesn’t change the fact that we see things differently. Does that make us good and them bad? Of course not, but it is impossible to ignore the fact that Islam brings a lot of brutality to the table. And because of this perception, many might begin describing Islam by saying; Plane’s crash, people get hurt, American flags are burned and the nation of Islam praises Allah. Followed by the question: Why is that?

    Well, the response to that question would depend upon who was asked. As we might expect, Christians would answer it differently than a Muslim. For example, in answering that question, a Muslim would probably avoid saying; If the truth be known, eliminating the Christian God, and those who acknowledge him, is part of our destiny. We have that straight from an Islamic Iman. Eliminating the creator God and replacing him with the god introduced into the world by a night vision is what many Muslims live and die for—literally.

    Most know Islam is not averse to retaliation when they think they have been wronged. I was thinking, I don’t believe one could alienate a few million Muslims any quicker than to begin a book titled; The Puppet Master of Islam—A Fabricated Religion. It would be virtually the same if a book was released titled; The Puppet Master of Christianity—A Fabricated Religion. I believe many would take some issue either way. However, while one might complain, disapprove of, and even protest—let us put them in the Christian camp, the other might think of eliminating the messenger, let’s put them in the Islamic camp.

    What you are about to read would be considered unbelievable by many, and yet it is true. It seems as if anyone speaking out against Islam, or it’s initiators, Muhammad or Allah, is putting a death sentence upon his or her life. The threat of death is not unrealistic. There was a recent event that occurred in France where many people lost their life because of a drawing of Muhammad. Denmark published cartoons of Muhammad sometime back and some of the fallout from that incident included more than 130 Christians in the Nigerian cities of Maiduguri and Onitsha being slaughtered by Muslims and six children being burned to ashes in front of their fathers.

    What advances Islam to the place they are destined, is acceptable to Islam, and the Muslim community in general. Then conversely, what adversely portrays Islam is cause for death. Sometime back Joel Richardson wrote a book titled The Islamic Antichrist.¹ A book that caused the author to receive many death threats just for exposing some truths about Islam. He chose the following email of the many to be included in his book. The email went as follows:

    I will chop off your head! May Allah damn you and your whole family. May you and your whole family all rot in hell forever. I want you to know that all Muslims call upon Allah to damn you and put you in hell. I will personally kill you. I will personally kill your family. You will die a very slow and painful death inshallah (by the will of Allah)."

    It was shortly after receiving this email that Joel wrote about his thoughts. He said it was not the only email that he had received, but it was the one that caused him to begin practicing quite a bit more discretion in his interactions with Muslims in the context of interfaith dialogue. Others have retracted, recanted, or renounced any criticism of Islam when the reality of Islam came knocking.

    Why? Why would anything written offend anyone to the point it would warrant death? There is only one answer: What has been written in this book, as well as in Joel’s book, is the revelation (exposure) of the powers behind the spirits of Islam. Spirits that have been unleashed upon the world, allowing for the introduction of a different god, a god many consider to be a fabricated god. A god to deceive approximately 1.3 billion individuals.

    As never before, the information you are about to read exposes Islam for what it really is and exposes the beliefs of those who follow Muhammad and bow to Allah. I would say for the most part, this book is not about what one sees manifested on the surface, but as mentioned, what goes on beneath the surface where Allah lives.


    Inside Islam…


    …AN AWAKING: WHEN ONE DISCUSSES the inside of Islam, they are introduced to a religion that is quite different than any other religion and a god that is quite different from any other God, especially the God of Christians. The Islamic god has great ambitions with perhaps the greatest being, to overthrow and eventually eliminate the God who orchestrated history from Geneses to Revelation—the I Am God of the burning bush. The God who told Isaiah, Before me no God was formed, nor will there be one after me. (Isaiah 43:10, NIV). Christians accept that while Islam makes that out to be a fabrication. After saying that, they claim, both Muslims and Christians worship and serve one God. Do we? That will be an interesting topic of discussion later.

    The first time I saw the meaning or perhaps the results of Islam was when Juan Williams, a former commentator for NPR was fired for just being honest. It was while boarding a plane and observing a couple of Iman’s boarding the same plane that he made a comment. He said he gets nervous when boarding a plane and seeing Muslims in full Islamic attire. He’s probably not alone when he feels this way, but he was perhaps the only one fired for expressing feelings regarding those who have said repeatedly, they want to do us harm, those who have said they want to eliminate us, kill us, otherwise remove us from this world any way possible.

    Would I be considered Islamophobic for stating that, even though it is a fact? For those who perhaps missed what Muslims have been saying for the last fourteen hundred years, especially Muslims who accept Muhammad as a prophet and Allah as a God, then listen-up perhaps we can play a little catch-up. It comes as no surprise that radical Islamic Muslims want to eliminate us, at least that is what they tell us…repeatedly. What does come as somewhat of a surprise is the fact that most Americans only see the good in Muslims and do not consider the dangerous ideology they follow.

    I was watching a program the other day highlighting the different aspects of the Middle East when I saw all the camaraderie and fellowship that went on and how nice everyone seemed to be while living within the Muslim community among those of like mind. It was then that I realized what has been written portrays Islam, and the Muslims who follow Islam, in a light that might be disturbing to some. It was also then that I realized it isn’t the people as much as it is the ideology of the people, or perhaps I should say, it isn’t the people as much as it is the faith in a non-Christian religion embraced by the people. Hank Hanegraaff² verified this information while on a trip to Iran many years ago.

    Hank concludes his discussion of the Iranian people by adding a paradox that seems to exist between Muslims and their religion. He says, My encounters emphasize the distinction between the Muslim people and the religion they follow. Many Muslims are peaceful and tolerant; however, the history of Islam demonstrates conclusively that it is not a peaceful and tolerant religion.³ Thus, the paradox.

    Inside Islam—Islamic Heritage

    To understand Islam, it might help to define the beginning of the thread of the Arabs who eventually became Muslims. And upon becoming Muslims they have a destiny that requires them to promote a religion known as Islam. A religion with a destiny that requires the obedience to a set of rules and a very distinct lifestyle. For those outside of the parameters of Islam known as infidels, well, they are not of much use. Somewhat like cattle that need to be slaughtered. I believe everyone on this planet knows your either with them or you are against them. There is no middle ground.

    As we know the relationship between Muhammad, Allah, and the Puppet Master was responsible for bringing forth a fabricated religion, but the seed of that fabricated religion started somewhere, and many believe it was a religion introduced to them by the angel of light. That might be something worthy of exploring, but first, let us trace some history regarding the heritage of Islam. In retrospect everything seems to begin with Noah and his family.

    In the beginning was God as explained to us by way of the Christian Bible. A book that is accepted by Christians everywhere. A book written well before Muhammad and the Qur’an came upon the scene. And in that book the world is told the story of Christianity and the story of eternal life. In that book are many players who assumed different roles in bringing forth the Christianity we embrace today. And in that book, we are told of a tremendous flood that eliminated all the inhabitants of the earth except for eight—Noah his wife and their three sons Ham, Shem, and Japheth, and their wives. Considering this, one can only surmise the world was repopulated by them.

    If that is true as most Christians believe, then it would only be logical to assume that from these three sons came the threads that led to the birth of both Christ and Muhammad and established the religious foundation that went with each. From Ham came the religion of Islam and from Shem came the continuation of the thread of Christianity that began with Seth. (Adam and Eve’s kid). Then there was Japheth who rounded out the three sons of Noah, it seems he was there just to support Ham.

    While Noah’s kids went in different directions, two remained cohesive enough to begin building a tower towards heaven, referred to as the Tower of Babel. That is when God scattered the people giving each their own language. This event occurred approximately four generations removed from Noah in the land of Shiner. One thing I realized and mentioned a moment ago, is the linage that led to Muhammad and the Muslim heritage. A linage that began with Noah’s kids going forward from the flood. And of the three, it was only Shem that was chosen to carry on the thread of redemption to Jesus, while Ham and Japheth carried on the thread to Muhammad.

    It was the descendants of Ham and Japheth that built the tower of Babel. An event from which the city of Babylon came into existence. Babylon, a city with the reputation as a cradle of idols, harlots, or as the Bible says, She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit. Many believe Babylon was a coded substitute for Rome, the city that set on seven hills. Some are even considering the biblical Babylon to be America, but it appears to be Rome that is built on seven hills. It appears in some circles America is considered the Great Satan, but most would probably put their money on it being Rome rather than America.

    As the descendants of Noah’s kids were spreading across the Middle East and beyond, some of them stood out among the many. For example, Nimrod, the grandson of Ham and the great grandson of Noah. In the land of wondering nomads, various gods, various idols; a land of tribal villages, Nimrod rose to be a great builder. Cities such as Nineveh and Babylon were probably his greatest accomplishments. Also, Micah 5:6, references Assyria as being called the land of Nimrod, and we know how much trouble Assyria brought to Israel. It seemed that every time Israel got out of line, God used Assyria to remind them of their destiny. Most would consider Nimrod perhaps the greatest builder and developer of his time.

    Over time and through evolution of procreating, Noah’s kids eventually settling over the earth. It is from the loins of Noah that much history has been made for us to witness and some of that history is watching the progression of heirs and how some of them turned out. But the sliver of history that made an everlasting impact upon humanity was brought about by following the linage of Ham and Shem. Mainly Ham, as it was his linage from which Islam and the Islamic god seemed to have evolved.

    Why do most consider it to be Ham as the one leading to Muhammad and the introduction of Allah and Islam as opposed to one of the other brothers? Good question. We know it was not Shem as God used him to continue the thread of redemption, just as He did with Seth. That would leave Ham and Japheth, and as mentioned, Japheth was there in a passive role, but in answering the question as to why many think it was Ham’s descendants, most would answer by saying; it was because of a curse that was placed upon him. (Genesis 9:22). Of the three boys, Ham was the only one to receive a curse, The Curse of Ham as it has been referred to.

    This curse came about when Ham saw the nakedness of his father Noah while his father slept. He told his two brothers who were outside, probably in descriptive terms, how he saw his father’s nakedness. Noah, upon hearing of the incident, placed a curse upon Ham that has followed his descendants until the calling of Muhammad and the introduction of Allah to break that curse. Ham’s descendants, like Adam’s son Cain, who was cursed by God, become wondering nomads. Fragmented tribes of wondering Arab’s who eventually evolved from the descendants of Ishmael and Esau and were known for visiting cities and bartering merchandise, (It was a band of Ishmaelites that bought Joseph from his brothers and took him to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar⁴).

    Karen Armstrong tells us in her book A History of God that the wondering bands of nomads felt inferior with low self-esteem (I added that one) when they encountered those who always acted loftier to them. Always appearing to be superior and having something they did not have. We can accept it now as having the Spirit of God, the real God, the God of the Jews and Christians, a God ceremoniously embraced by the Jews,

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