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Broken Vases
Broken Vases
Broken Vases
Ebook72 pages22 minutes

Broken Vases

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About this ebook

Poetry is lawless. Its nature is unrestrained and without rules. Untethered by convention, appearance, or punctuation, these words sprang from me as I reacted to circumstances and the prompts that life assigned. Read along as I grapple with this dimension, and the layers that surround, and shape, our world.

Release dateSep 26, 2022
Broken Vases

Holly Manno

HOLLY MANNO is a Pacific Northwest-based author who writes literary fiction, romance novels, and poetry. One of her audacious writing dreams is to adapt her books for the screen.

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    Book preview

    Broken Vases - Holly Manno

    O N E

    She told me once,

    this friend of mine,

    "not all things

    stand the test of time.

    "It’s true about love

    and friendship too.

    It’s true about eyes

    and skies of blue.

    "But when you find O N E

    who always comes through,

    hold tight their hand

    and love them too!"


    Oh, yellow chair

    tell me where

    did you go?

    I wake at night

    from dreams I fight

    you have to know.

    A lapdance here

    private show there

    but I’m no ho.

    My happy chair

    Oh darling––dear

    I miss your glow.

    You’re gone I fear

    not anywhere

    my joy in tow.

    You brought me cheers

    and happy tears

    I’ve lost my flow.

    But don’t despair

    without you here

    I’ll stop the show.


    Love is


    Strung in gold

    It’s the fluffiest cloud

    Or soaring

    Along a twisted track

    It glows

    And burns

    A permanent path

    And fades


    When you

    Stop looking


    The forest


    My heart

    Split in two

    First and Always

    My breath

    You drew

    Tears unchecked

    Your fancy cooled

    I wander




    For no one else will ever do


    Yesterday was a dream

    We WILED it away

    Sun shot down beams

    Cares for another day

    Trees along the stream

    Daisies did arrange

    To show us all we need

    Hearts–no longer maimed

    Grass danced with reed

    Everything was right

    Please–don't let us break

    Held each other tight


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