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Awaken the Light Within Your Heart: A Guide to Self-Healing
Awaken the Light Within Your Heart: A Guide to Self-Healing
Awaken the Light Within Your Heart: A Guide to Self-Healing
Ebook143 pages1 hour

Awaken the Light Within Your Heart: A Guide to Self-Healing

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About this ebook

We are in the midst of massive global change. And while so many unknowns lie ahead for humanity, it’s clear we all have an opportunity to heal and step fully into the life we came to lead. In fact, it’s necessary for us to do this inner work so that we can show up and create the monumental change this world is craving and needing.

In a transformative guide, Susan Kennard relies on her experience as a therapist and medium to lead others through profound, yet easy-to-follow processes to release blocks from the past that include unwanted childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, and old energies in order to awaken the light within and align with a destiny and true identity. Kennard shares stories of her own personal awakening and healing journey; offers insight from her guides about relationships, money, freedom, and even animals and how they help us heal; and provides guidance on how to clear past traumas and open a path to healing.

Awaken the Light within Your Heart shares personal stories, insight from spiritual guides, and a transformative process that encourages healing on a deep level.
Release dateOct 10, 2022
Awaken the Light Within Your Heart: A Guide to Self-Healing

Susan Kennard

Susan is a seasoned Spiritual Scientist specializing in healing and transformation. With over 25 years of experience in psychology and psychotherapy, she has integrated various energy healing modalities into her practice to create a unique and powerful approach. Susan’s primary focus is supporting individuals and groups, including children and adults, in clearing trauma on all levels. She is well-versed in Meta Health, recognizing the profound connection between the body and soul. By facilitating the healing journey from the soul, Susan guides her clients towards holistic well-being. Susan is highly sought-after as a therapist, speaker, and presenter. Her expertise in PTSD has led her to work closely with veterans and individuals who have experienced signifi cant trauma. Known for her speed, directness, and accuracy, Susan has a clear channel to spirit and higher realms. As a medium and channel, she collaborates with galactic guides, using channeling, toning, and light language to activate deep healing and empower individuals to eff ortlessly manifest their desires. In addition to her therapeutic work, Susan is the author of “Awaken the Light Within Your Heart,” published by Hay House’s Balboa Press division. She has been featured on respected tel evision networks such as British BBC2 and ITV TV, Sky, and has been interviewed on international tele-summits and podcasts. Susan hosts her own podcast, “The Spiritual Awakener,” available on major platforms, and has developed a growing community on YouTube. Driven by her unwavering belief in the innate capacity for self-healing and the ability to create an abundant life, Susan is dedicated to helping individuals reconnect with their inner healer and align with their soul’s mission.

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    Awaken the Light Within Your Heart - Susan Kennard

    Copyright © 2022 Susan Kennard.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8647-7 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8648-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  10/10/2022

    My gratitude goes to my two beautiful children,

    Sara and Martin, who have taught me so much more

    about life, love, and patience than any degrees I have gained.




    Part 1 My Life’s Journey

    1 The Girl from the Village

    2 Martin and My Awakening

    3 My Soul’s Plan

    Part 2 The Guides

    4 Loving Yourself, and How to Heal

    5 Healing Codes from the Light

    6 Healing the Body

    7 Manifesting and Abundance

    8 The Unified Field of Light and Our Emotions

    9 Parents and Choosing

    10 The Soul’s Mission

    11 Love and the Guides

    12 We Love You

    Part 3 The Spiritual Toolbox

    13 Assembling Your Spiritual Toolbox

    14 Muscle Testing

    15 The Peace Scale

    16 Clearing Statement

    17 Earth Star*Soul Star Meditation

    18 Colour Energy Clearing

    19 The Emotional Wall Process

    20 Time Travelling with Your Inner Child and Healing Your Heart

    21 The Projector Process

    22 Cutting the Ties that Bind with Forgiveness

    23 The Mirror Process

    24 Soul Rebirthing

    25 Infinity Process

    26 Forgiveness Letter


    About the book


    Dear Soul,

    I welcome you to the next part of your soul’s journey.

    I am so glad that you chose to go on this journey of healing and discovery. I know that you are going to expand and grow as you listen to and feel the healing codes channelled in this book.

    I was guided to share the information throughout this book and guidance to assist you towards healing yourself on a profound level. The processes allow you to release unwanted childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, and old energies holding you back, including past lives that you have brought in with you to heal in this time. In doing this, you are shifting to new timelines. Your mission will become much easier for you to accomplish when you are sparkling brightly, igniting your light, and awakening your gifts. These gifts are part of your soul’s plan. By remembering them, you feel not only peace but also a presence that can be explained only as a deep knowing.

    I have channelled a statement to clear your energy on a daily basis. I use it every day when I go to sleep and work with my clients, and of course when I was writing this book.

    I recommend that you do the Earth Star*Soul Star process to feel grounded and connected before you do any other processes. Trust that you are guided by your very own team of guides and angels.

    Enjoy each process. Feel the activations and light codes flow through you as you read this divinely guided book.

    In deep gratitude with much love to you,

    Susan and the Guides


    We are in the midst of massive global change. And while so many unknowns lie ahead for humanity, it’s clear we all have an opportunity to heal and step fully into the life we came to lead. In fact, it’s necessary for us to do this inner work so that we can show up and create the monumental change this world is craving and needing.

    Awaken the Light Within helps readers do this with ease. This book is written for those who want to understand themselves more deeply and to heal on a profound level. It teaches the reader to remember who each of us is: a soul choosing to have a human experience. It guides the reader to align to their divine mission and in doing so to live an abundant life with harmonious relationships.

    The profound yet easy-to-follow process outlined in this book guides readers in releasing blocks from the past—whether these may be from childhood, past lives, or their ancestral lines—and awaken the light within their own hearts. Once ignited, this light allows us to step forward to fully align with our mission, activate the intuitive inner guidance we need, and become the people we were meant to be—the people this world needs during this transformational time.

    When we are held energetically captive by the past, our potential is severely limited, and we are often prevented from living in freedom, which is our sovereign birthright. We often struggle in our health, our relationships, our access to resources, and much more. Our perceptions and limiting beliefs lead us to choose mediocre lives and experiences, accept less than our true worth, and muffle the voice of our inner guidance. We struggle to see clearly the path meant for us and end up stuck in dead-end and unfulfilling situations that keep us from shining our essential light into the world, being of service in our chosen mission here, and experiencing the joy that is our birth right.

    What makes Awaken the Light Within unique and important is that it weaves together the latest knowledge about trauma healing with a clear step-by-step process that readers can do on their own for profound and lasting transformation. Literally lifetimes of limitation can be cleared in minutes using this method. Never before has it been this simple and transformational to heal the pain of the past. The book weaves in healing codes and channelling from my team of guides, adding potency and support for readers’ experiences by elevating their vibration. It also includes numerous success stories in the form of testimonials from people who have experienced tremendous benefit in utilizing this light-awakening process to live their true mission here on Earth.

    The book opens with three chapters about my simple upbringing and the story of my personal awakening and healing journey. This was the catalyst to my mission to help others heal and awaken the light within their hearts.

    The guides speak throughout Part Two, offering insight into many subjects that we encounter throughout our lives, such as relationships, money, freedom, and even animals and how they help us to heal. Each word that is written in this book is encoded with love and healing; and I hope you will be open to receiving this as you read.

    In Part Three, we experience the powerful processes that were channelled to me many years ago whilst working with early childhood trauma, veterans with PTSD, sexual abuse, shocks, and those with dis-ease.

    From there, I guide you in using the step-by-step, easy-to-follow processes to clear the past trauma and the pain to heal.

    Here is an overview of what to expect with these transformative processes.

    The Earth Star/Soul Star process (Chapter 17) is activated in order to feel safe, supported, and able to connect to Mother Earth or Gaia and to the universe to align to and manifest our mission here on Earth.

    Colour Energy Clearing (Chapter 18) helps us to bypass thought and conscious knowing to get to the core level of trauma to heal, using colour. A chart of the emotional meanings of colour is provided.

    The Emotional Wall (Chapter 19) takes us to the origin point of our seeming separation from Source/God/Universe in this lifetime, even if we don’t have conscious awareness of this moment. Clearing this trauma re-establishes connection to universal support, and we begin to feel safer and freer in the world.

    Time Travelling (Chapter 20) takes us on a journey of healing our inner child so that we can access and clear old feelings that have lingered in our vibrational field throughout the events of life.

    The Projector process (Chapter 21) guides us to take an unwanted emotion from our body and place it in front of us to allow a hidden inner child to heal emotionally.

    Cutting the Ties That Bind with Forgiveness (Chapter 22) is a powerful relationship-healing and releasing process, and allows you even to cut past ties across lifetimes.

    The Mirror process (Chapter 23) guides us to step fully into our light body and truly own our I AM presence through the higher self/light body, which is crucial to stepping into pure abundance and mission.

    Soul Rebirthing (Chapter 24) takes us on a journey from conception, growing in the womb, to birth order to heal past lives, epigenetics from our ancestors, and the imprints of our mother’s and father’s energy on us, allowing us to recreate the blueprint of our soul’s mission.

    Infinity process (Chapter 25) may be used to visualise and quickly clear energy with a person, situation, or place.

    The Forgiveness letter (Chapter 26) is a healing

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