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"W" Like Woman
"W" Like Woman
"W" Like Woman
Ebook52 pages1 minute

"W" Like Woman

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How many artists have always placed a woman at the center of their works? There is no statistic but it is safe to assume that they are almost all of them.Well, the author is not afraid of appearing unoriginal and joins the endless group. So he dedicates this collection of his images to the "other half of heaven." The result: an anthology of different styles, a research laboratory, free from patterns but with a thread to unite them: the collage, in the Pop Art manner.

Release dateNov 8, 2022
"W" Like Woman

Guido Sperandio

Guido Sperandio was born and lives in Milan. A freelance writer for some thirty national newspapers and magazines, he later became a creative-copywriter in advertising.A writer for adults, he has also published for children and young people with major national publishers and in the USA.He has also written comics, including the legendary Topo Gigio and Tiramolla.After a life spent practising the most unbelievable genres of writing, he has recently replaced the cult of the Word with a passion for the Image. He has been seduced by Pop Art, starting with Andy Warhol & Co and is now working on and publishing a whole series of albums under the 'Guisp Collages' label.Any special notes?He has no mobile phone, no car or microwave oven, but he does have a very affectionate and intelligent cat called Tatablu.Guido Sperandio è nato e vive a Milano. Free-lance per una trentina di giornali e periodici nazionali, diventa in seguito creativo-copywriter in pubblicità.Scrittore per adulti, ha pubblicato anche per bambini e ragazzi con le principali case editrici nazionali e negli USA.Ha scritto anche fumetti, tra cui i mitici Topo Gigio e Tiramolla.Dopo una vita trascorsa a praticare i generi più improbabili di scrittura, ha recentemente sostituito il culto della Parola con la passione per l'Immagine. A sedurlo, la Pop Art, a cominciare da Andy Warhol & Co e così ora ha in corso l'elaborazione e la pubblicazione di tutta una serie di album con l'etichetta "Guisp Collages".Note particolari?Non ha cellulare, nè automobile o forno a microonde, ma ha una affettuosissima e intelligentissima gatta di nome Tatablu.

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    "W" Like Woman - Guido Sperandio

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