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Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1
Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1
Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1
Ebook44 pages25 minutes

Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1

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About this ebook

Join Tommy and Celine on their thrilling adventure around France! Watching and playing many different sports, including scuba diving, they'll show you a new way of learning French in no time. Experience nine unique stories filled with fun activities and language insights - explore the world with them today!


Learning a new language can be difficult and frustrating. Most people give up before they ever really get started learning a new language.They never reach their potential because the process is just too hard. Our French short stories book makes learning French easy and fun. You'll learn grammar and vocabulary in a natural way that won't feel like work. 


Our stories include beginner, intermediate and advanced words ranging from CEFR levels: CEF Levels A2-C2. Some scuba diving terms are advanced. Whether you are just starting out or looking for some more challenging words at the C2 proficiency level, we've got something that can help your linguistic journey!


By using this method, you can advance faster and more naturally. You start by reading the vocabulary words and becoming familiar with them. Then you read the passage in French and try to understand the meaning of each word as it is used in context.  After that, you can answer a few questions about the story in English or French. This allows you to practice translating from French to English and vice versa. Lastly, you read the passage again in English to check your understanding of the material. This will help to reinforce what you have learned from the French text and give you confidence in speaking or writing about it.  With repetition of this learning process, you'll be able to improve your language proficiency quickly and effectively.  



Buy our book and experience a unique way to learn French - by reading our 9 captivating tales. Challenge yourself, gain insight into cultures far away, and strengthen your language abilities in an enjoyable manner.

Release dateJan 1, 2023
Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1

Language Story

Language Story is revolutionizing the way we learn languages through short stories. With their creative and engaging techniques, they are providing a truly enjoyable experience that makes mastering different tongues almost effortless and fun!

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    Book preview

    Bilingual French Short Stories Book 1 - Language Story


    Learning languages with short stories is a fun and effective way to increase your language skills. By using this method, you can advance faster and more naturally.

    First you start by reading the vocabulary words and become familiar with them. Then you read the passage in French and try to understand the meaning of each word as it is used in context. After that, you can answer a few questions about the story in English or French. This allows you to practice translating from French to English and vice versa. Lastly, you read the passage again in English to check your understanding of the material. This will help to reinforce what you have learned from the short text and give you confidence in speaking or writing about it.

    With repetition of this learning process, you’ll be able to improve your language proficiency quickly and effectively.

    La Ferveur du Football : Une Histoire d’Un Spectateur Lors du Match Paris contre Marseille


    Stade de France - the national stadium of France

    Supporters - a person who enthusiastically advocates or approves of something

    Coup de sifflet initial - the initial whistle

    Bataille physique - physical battle

    But - goal

    Enthousiasme – enthusiasm

    Frustration – frustration

    Exploser de joie collective – to explode with collective joy.

    Coup de sifflet final – the final whistle

    Remporté - to win

    Ferveur – fervor.

    Nous voilà enfin au Stade de France pour regarder le match de foot opposant Paris à Marseille. Les supporters des deux équipes ont pris possession du stade et les chants retentissent dans tout l'enceinte. Nous sommes assis entre deux groupes de supporteurs, et la ferveur est palpable. Les tensions sont à leur comble. Les joueurs surgissent sur la pelouse, et les supporters se mettent à hurler d'enthousiasme.

    La partie est lancée! Dès le coup de sifflet initial, une intense bataille physique commence entre les joueurs français. Chaque but ou occasion manquée suscite des clameurs bruyantes et des encouragements passionnés. Nous ne pouvons pas nous empêcher de nous lever pour célébrer chaque but marqué par Paris

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