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John the Baptizer: Step into Scripture Bible Study
John the Baptizer: Step into Scripture Bible Study
John the Baptizer: Step into Scripture Bible Study
Ebook128 pages56 minutes

John the Baptizer: Step into Scripture Bible Study

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About this ebook

John the Baptizer—one of the most fascinating and interesting characters in the New Testament. Jesus called him the greatest man that ever lived!
Yet John is often misunderstood, appearing as a wild, ranting fanatic. The movies show him shaking his finger at people and shouting, “Repent, repent!”
You, however, know the real John—now that you are one of his disciples! Step into Scripture Bible Study makes it possible for you to insert yourself into the pages of your Bible using this interactive study method. Up close, a whole new John emerges.
The John you know is tough as leather, living outdoors and snacking on locust and honey! He is bold, confronting sin even in the highest places. But he is also humble, thoughtful, and proving to be compassionate with some of the most hated people in Israel (Luke 3:12–14).

John the Baptizer:
Knows who he is and why he is here.
Understands his mission.
Never craves the attention that his entire nation seems to lavish on him.
Steps forward to do a job and back when it is accomplished.
Gives God the glory and Jesus the limelight!

As John’s Disciple, you are:
Seeing him baptize Messiah!
Hearing him call down corrupt leaders.
Listening as he counsels your enemies.
Watching your friend Andrew leave John for Jesus.
Burying John—deciding who Jesus Christ is to you.

John is a compass—always pointing to the Savior of the world. Walk with John in his ministry. Then step out of Scripture and back to today and decide what you think and feel about John and finally, the Lord Jesus, himself!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 6, 2023
John the Baptizer: Step into Scripture Bible Study

Susan K. Boyd

Susan K. Boyd MS, LMFT, author of 6 books, is a Bible Teacher, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and featured speaker. She and Jerry, married over 54 years have a son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

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    John the Baptizer - Susan K. Boyd

    Copyright © 2023 Susan K. Boyd.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8639-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8640-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-8638-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022922825

    WestBow Press rev. date: 01/06/2023





    1.John’s Birth; God’s Plan

    2.John’s Lifestyle; People’s Baptism

    3.John’s Confrontation with Sadducees and Pharisees; John’s Conversation with the Crowds, Soldiers, and Tax Collectors

    4.Jesus’s Baptism by John

    5.John’s Witness Regarding Jesus–The True Light; John’s Conversation with the Second Delegation of Priests, Levites, and Pharisees

    6.Jesus, The Lamb of God, Increases; John, The Friend of the Bridegroom, Decreases

    7.John’s Arrest

    8.John’s Legacy

    9.John’s Death

    10.John’s Disciples; Jesus’s Ministry

    11.Jesus or John–Who do you say I am?

    12.John to Jesus–Where to Go from Here?

    Author’s Note



    Other Books by This Author

    After Easter

    Step into Scripture

    A Bible Study of the First Acts of the Apostles

    The Christmas Story

    Step into Scripture

    A Bible Study for Advent

    Seder to Sunday

    Step into Scripture

    A Bible Study for Easter

    The Book on Bullies

    Break Free in Forty

    (40 Minutes or 40 Days)

    Includes Forty Devotionals to Fortify Your Soul

    The Book on Bullies

    How to Handle Them without becoming One of Them

    To the reader who wants to meet the one who was designated by Jesus as the greatest man who ever lived (Matthew 11:11). Discover how God used a person who was on the margin of society. A sovereign Creator foreordained and empowered a very unusual man in an extraordinary way.

    John the Baptizer prepared the hearts of a nation and beyond and introduced people to Jesus, the Son of God. This Bible study is for the adventurous who will open their Bibles, along with their minds and hearts, and step into the Jordan with John to meet the one and only Messiah.


    Why write a Bible study about John the Baptizer?

    I wrote John the Baptizer, the fourth book in the Step into Scripture Bible Study series, because John is one of the most fascinating characters in the New Testament. But he has often been misunderstood, appearing as a wild, ranting fanatic. The movies show him shaking his finger at people and shouting, Repent, repent!

    Yet in researching John’s life and ministry and piecing together Bible references to him, another side of John emerges. He was certainly tough as leather, living outdoors and snacking on locust and honey. He was bold confronting sin even in the highest places. But he was also humble, thoughtful, and proved to be compassionate with some of the most hated people in Israel (Luke 3:12-14).

    John had a unique perspective by taking on God’s viewpoint. He did this by knowing who he was and why he was here. He understood his mission, and he never craved the attention his entire nation seemed to lavish on him. He stepped forward to do a job and back when it was accomplished. Most of all, he gave God the glory and Jesus the limelight.

    Who were John’s disciples?

    Little information exists about John’s disciples. To create an accurate portrayal of a student of John’s, verses had to be gathered up and threaded carefully together.

    You will step into the pages of your Bible as a disciple of John’s and experience the historical period in which you find yourself. Scripture never changes, but studying it with this exciting method might change you.

    John, your compass in this story, always points without exception or deviation to the Savior of the world. By stepping into Scripture and then stepping back to today, you will decide what you think and feel about John and, finally, the Lord Jesus himself.


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