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A Conscious Humanity: Morality, Freedom & Natural Law
A Conscious Humanity: Morality, Freedom & Natural Law
A Conscious Humanity: Morality, Freedom & Natural Law
Ebook203 pages3 hours

A Conscious Humanity: Morality, Freedom & Natural Law

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About this ebook

We are in the midst of the biggest psychological attack on mankind ever.

The truth is mankind has always been under this attack, only now, with modern technology, it is happening on a global scale.

As the illusion of freedom disintegrates before our eyes, the harsh reality hits us.

We are all

Release dateDec 31, 2022
A Conscious Humanity: Morality, Freedom & Natural Law

Rob Ryder

A technical consultant on many sports-themed movies, Rob Ryder wrote the column "Hollywood Jock" for Also a screenwriter, Ryder is about to finally escape development hell with the upcoming "Zulu Wave" from National Geographic Feature Films.

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    A Conscious Humanity - Rob Ryder


    The writing of this book is taking place in the middle of the biggest psychological attack on mankind ever. The truth is, mankind has always been under this attack, only now, with modern technology, it is happening on a global scale – and just about nobody is left unscathed… that is, if it hasn’t killed them (yes, people are dispensable under this control system).

    For as long as we know there has never been true freedom on this planet for the individual. It doesn’t really matter how far back you go, or where geographically we look, all we see is the tentacles of control in many different forms. We have seen the divine right to rule expressing itself through Pharaohs, Emperors, Kings and Queens and other Monarchs, with a religious priesthood working alongside these or even leading the way.

    This form of rule can be seen easily throughout European, Middle-Eastern and Asian history, but control can also be seen throughout Central and South America, and in fact, globally. People don’t tend to think of indigenous peoples having this form of control over its people. But whatever group of people you look at, there will always be a system of control and a hierarchy or superstitious belief, though not all about domination.

    In modern times, we have institutions called Governments which manifest in many forms, from communism to fascism, and dictatorships to democracies – with democracies supposedly equating to freedom (more on this later).

    The truth is, history has always been written by the victors. Thus what we are told about the history of mankind on this planet is at best an opinion, and at worst, and outright lie.

    Neither of us profess to know the true history of mankind. But there are many researchers who have done extensive studies over many decades who we contend have put forward more truthful versions of history.

    We aren’t looking to do that. Our intention is to give you ONE TRUTH that nobody can dispute:

    Your life is your own.

    This one simple truth may seem obvious. Yet in practice, most of humanity seem to accept and even condone slavery – almost as if they don’t believe that your life is your own.

    In his book Medical Fascism: How coronavirus policies took away our freedoms and how to get them back Rob Ryder puts forward compelling scientific data about disease and vaccines, and the truth about allopathic thinking and its drugs and treatments and how this is fuelling the insanity taking place across the planet right now.

    The book goes into detail about medical science but only a small amount regarding mind control and the psychological attack. This book sets out to further explore this aspect of the many insidious attempts to undermine the truth: that your life is your own. In the book Why me? Science and Spirituality as Inevitable Bed Partners Dr Patrick Quanten and Erik Bualda show in great detail creation, how it happens, its purpose and the role of the human being in this divine manifestation of potential.

    The individual spirituality meets the world of science as we, the people, get to know more about the reality of life itself. Only through such knowledge and awareness can the individual, and through the individual humanity itself, evolve towards its full potential.

    A Conscious Humanity is meant to cut through the crap and just give simple truths.

    There are many researchers who may have published more detailed work on mind control and the human condition. We recommend you do that research, but sometimes too much information clouds the message and in truth there is only one thing at stake on this planet for humanity:

    Freedom of the Individual.

    A Conscious Humanity simplifies what the other research points to, so that you have accessible and usable information you can use in your fight to reclaim your individual freedom.

    When you make up a jigsaw puzzle you are aware it is made up of many pieces and that those pieces make up one big picture. When focusing on the smaller pieces many people lose sight of the big picture.

    This book brings these pieces together so you can see the big picture.

    The big picture shows humanity in slavery and the truth is it is a slavery we have built ourselves and maintain ourselves. Now is the time to break free, and while most people are looking outside of themselves, observing problems and looking for solutions, we aim to encourage people to look closer to home – to discover the root of our problems and consequently to find the solutions. Yes, we will touch on the fact there are elites manipulating humanity in various ways, but we will keep the focus on us as individuals, as that is where the real understanding and solutions lie.

    If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.

    Jiddu Krishnamurti

    The real truth about the nature of humanity and its problems, and our own, needs to be understood before we can even think about solving these said problems. The external wars in reality are a manifestation of the wars going on in our own minds. The real war is the war on the consciousness of the individual human being. A harsh truth needs to be accepted before we can even contemplate solving the riddle. By solving the riddle the truth will be revealed, and by revealing the truth the truth will be changed.

    We are all slaves.

    To free ourselves from slavery we need to know what is enslaving us. To know this, we need to know who we are and why we behave, and are manipulated to behave, in the way we do. Only then it is possible to end the insanity and to live in a world where real freedom exists and where humanity can really find out what living is all about.

    Join us on our journey.



    Morality is a set of principles guiding us to evaluate that what is right or wrong, and it builds the personal character, reasonable behaviour and choices of a person as well as helping people to justify decisions, goals, and actions all through life.

    Normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational people.

    Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal. Morality may also be specifically synonymous with goodness or rightness.


    Behaviour that conscientiously goes against accepted morals, that is, the proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by the majority of people.

    Immorality is often called wickedness and is a state avoided by good people.

    The quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.


    The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

    Exemption from external control.

    The power to determine action without restraint of any kind.


    Modern slavery refers to situations of exploitation in which a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, or abuse of power.

    Slaves are obliged to live their lives in perpetual service to their master, an obligation that only the master (or the state) can dissolve.

    Slavery, a condition in which one human being was owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons.

    Natural Law

    Based upon principles and truth. (Inherent to creation).

    Harmonized with, due to knowledge and understanding.

    Universal; exists and applies anywhere in the Universe regardless of location.

    Eternal and immutable; exists and applies for as long as the Universe exists, and cannot be changed.

    Man-made Law

    Based upon dogmatic beliefs. (Constructs of the mind).

    Complied with, due to fear of punishment.

    Differs with location based upon the whim of legislators. (Moral Relativism)

    Changes with time based upon the whim of legislators. (Moral Relativism).

    Note – The Natural Law definition is from researcher Mark Passio who has been researching Natural Law for over 14 years. His work can be found at


    Patrick Quanten

    I wanted to become a doctor because I was convinced that if one knows the answers to all diseases and if one could cure all those diseases, the world should be free of them. I thought that if, as a doctor, I would do my job well, people would no longer be suffering from illnesses. My ideal was to do my job that well so that I, and my colleagues, would be out of a job. It didn’t work out that way!

    I discovered that no treatment that I learned about worked for everybody all the time. And this was no different when I started investigating the alternative treatments. So I kept looking for answers, as I began to realise that I must be missing an important point somewhere. I began to study life itself. So I evolved from occupying myself with diseases, to becoming more and more interested in health, to wanting to understand life much better.

    Studying life showed me a lot of things that are wrong with the way humans are told to live. I no longer believed any sources I drew information from. Instead I started to combine similar information about life itself to try and puzzle things together in a way I could comprehend and that I could justify and keep justifying to myself.

    In order to have the freedom to investigate life the way I wanted to, in order to become free from oppressing ideas and dogmas, I turned my back on the profession I worked so hard to be part of. I turned away from every organisation I ever came across and I vowed never to be part of any group anymore, never to feel the restrictions of the beliefs others may hold. Now I was free. Now I was alone.

    I soon found out that this also means that nobody listens to you anymore. Yet, I continued because I enjoyed the freedom to think independently. I embraced the fact that if I was going to be wrong, at least it would all have been my own mistake and not because someone else convinced me of something.

    This is where I am, and this is where you are. For you to know whether someone is telling the truth or not, or to put it differently, whether someone else’s conviction contains real truth, you need to investigate and collate your own evidence. For you to make up your own mind as to what you would like to believe, you have a free choice. You are free to base it on any information you care to consider.

    When someone is telling you something totally different from what you believe, you have a choice. Either this person is completely nuts, or this person has learned something you don’t yet know.

    When two opinions are being expressed that are totally opposed, there are only three possibilities. And only one of them is true, irrespective of what you believe. One, this person is right and the other one is wrong. Two, the other person is right and this person is wrong. And three, they are both wrong.

    Your choice. You believe whatever suits you best. Whatever you believe does not alter the truth. In order to find the truth, you will have to search it out – and often will find it in unexpected places, away from mainstream narratives, sometimes even hidden from view. The bottom line is: if you seek truth, you’ll have to do the digging.

    Seek and you will find.

    Ask and you will be given.


    Rob Ryder

    I was born in 1969 in a council estate in Manchester called Wythenshawe. For many people it would seem we were poor. In those days there was no central heating, no double glazing and, at least for us, no carpets. We lived on the third floor – the top floor – of a small block of flats. My mam (mother) was a single parent to me and my elder brother (many of my neighbourhood friends were in the same situation). We typically lived off beans on toast, spaghetti on toast, egg and chips, and homemade mushy peas – and sometimes an orange at night when we’d settled down after a bath to watch the black and white television set. In those days TVs only had three channels available and had to warm up before the picture appeared. If it didn’t work for some reason, you’d give it a whack with your hand on the top or the side. To this day no technical expert has been able to tell me how whacking a TV made it work – but it did.

    Sometimes when the electricity meter needed topping up, but we didn’t have the money to do so, my mam made a 50 pence coin shape from a piece of vinyl record, which fitted the slot and would get us through the night. We had many nights without electric before we found out that trick. I’m sure those records would have been worth a few quid by now if they hadn’t been cut up! The only thing my mam had to do was make sure the amount of plastic money in the meter was available in real money by the time the meter man came around to empty it.

    My daily routine was just going out to play. I didn’t have to go far as my friend Leigh lived just across the hall in the opposite top flat. We would play all day up and down the stairs and never found ourselves bored or unable to find something to do.

    When we were a little older, my brother, Leigh, and I would play with the kids from some nearby flats. Most days we’d go to the park across the road. It was a good-sized park with a playground and plenty of trees to climb and have adventures on. We’d go home when we were hungry or when it was getting dark. Getting older, we’d mostly play football with the odd game of cricket during summer months.

    It was a lively place to live and grow up in – and it was all I knew. None of us even thought about life anywhere else in Britain, never mind other parts of the world. The estate was my only reality. I remember someone taking his life by jumping of the roof from the big block of flats, about ten stories high. I also remember excitedly following the blood trail after someone had been axed in the head outside our flats. To this day, I’m not sure whether he survived or not. The blood trial went in the direction of Wythenshawe Hospital which was just half a mile away. There was never a dull moment.

    Some people complain about how they were poor when they were growing up and how bad their environment was. Some people may read this and think the same. Rubbish. A child has no understanding of being poor, at least in a material sense, unless they have something to compare their life to. I certainly had no conception of us being poor. Even getting second hand clothes from a jumble sale gave me no impression we had little money. A child doesn’t need much in the material sense. A child who feels safe and secure in his or her home and has the freedom to play is the richest child in the world. It is only when we get older, and we compare ourselves to others and hanker after material things, that we recognize that we grew up close to the breadline. It’s become trendy nowadays for stars and celebrities to highlight how they grew up in poor backgrounds – before they made it (made what exactly? I’m not sure). I doubt their younger selves had any notion that they were living in poverty.

    We may never have had the material goods and home comforts people have now, but we were certainly rich in life. We may have lived in a cold flat with damp walls (which was bad for my asthma – and absolutely bitter in Manchester winters) but it was warmed up by the security of knowing mam was always there. Having known people who have suffered terrible abusive childhoods, I can tell you all

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