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Life Enhancement With Jesus: The Witness OF One Ordinary Man
Life Enhancement With Jesus: The Witness OF One Ordinary Man
Life Enhancement With Jesus: The Witness OF One Ordinary Man
Ebook266 pages2 hours

Life Enhancement With Jesus: The Witness OF One Ordinary Man

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About this ebook

Jim Brandt grew up in a devout Christian Family with Good role models. His mother's family was Presbyterian, and his father's family was Baptist. Although he attended Church regularly as a youth, he was not as consistent as an adult. Jim Brandt always had faith, but sometimes he let other priorities prevail. It was not until

Release dateJan 6, 2023
Life Enhancement With Jesus: The Witness OF One Ordinary Man

Jim Brandt

Jim Brandt was an all-conference college football player and served as a Marine Corps pilot during the Vietnam War. He also started a software company and served as an executive for a subsidiary of the fifth-largest bank in the United States. Brandt won the Democratic party nomination for Congress twice. He is married with children.

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    Life Enhancement With Jesus - Jim Brandt


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    Published by LitPrime Solutions 01/06/2023

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    The Beginning

    Family Structure

    First Vision

    Early Years

    Second Vision

    Finishing High School

    Relationship with My Birth Father

    High School Sports in Southern California

    Dating to Marriage

    First Near-Death Experience

    My First Wife’s Family

    College Years

    Challenges with the New Relationship

    Second Near-Death Experience

    Deciding to Marry

    Important Lesson Learned

    Vietnam War Causes Challenges

    Unexpected Answer to Prayer

    Commitment to the Marine Corps

    Finishing College

    My Final Paper

    My Grandfather Dies

    Football in College

    Major Disappointment

    Disappointment Turned to Opportunity

    Marine Corps

    The Drive to Quantico

    Challenges with Pregnancy

    My Birth Father Dies

    Night Compass March

    Alternatives to the Infantry

    On the Way to Flight School

    Flight School – the Ultimate Challenge

    My First Child

    Marine Corps after Flight School

    Third Near-Death Experience

    Family Life Was Developing

    Fourth Near Death Experience

    Change Jobs Within the Marine Corps

    Starting a Business

    I Was the Only Full-Time Partner

    Initial Start Was Positive

    Opportunity Within Marine Corps

    Back to Business

    Marriage Breakup

    The Actual Split

    Family Life After the Marriage Breakup

    Traveling with My Children

    Spend Time with Nathan

    A Camping Trip with the Children

    Additional Hikes in California With Nathan

    South American Trip with Nathan

    Trip to Europe With Jessica

    Trip to Greece With My Daughter

    Trip to Europe With Nathan

    Trip To Las Vegas With Jessica

    Trip to Australia & New Zealand With Nathan

    Fifth Near-Death Experience

    Seeing Beautiful New Zealand

    Working the Business

    Changing the Leadership

    Selling the Software – New Adventure

    Family Restructure

    Nathan Moves to Live with Me

    Nathan Selecting a College

    My Relationship with Jessica

    Career Changes

    Another Software Development Company

    Sixth Near-Death Experience

    Established with the New Company

    Back to the Consulting Firm

    Running for Congress

    Initial Campaign

    Campaign Leadership Change – Big Mistake

    Charity Nalzaro

    Initial Introduction

    Started with Interprise Solutions

    Meeting Charity’s Family

    Wedding Plans

    Wedding in America

    Wedding in the Philippines

    Charity Adjusting to America

    Charity’s Parents Came to Stay with Us

    A New Church

    Locating a Church

    Attending the Seventh Day Adventist Church

    Pastor Mu’s Easter Message

    A Dream About Running

    Teaching Bible School

    Becoming a Church Member

    My Parents Pass Away

    My Mother Passes

    My Father Passes

    Final Thoughts


    My children, Jessica (the editor of this book) and Nathan, who were the original reason I wrote the book. Both made my life special.

    My wife Charity helped me during my effort to focus on creating meaning for my life.

    My sister Edna and her husband Bill were always there for me. They put the needs of others ahead of their challenges.

    My Mother and Father. My mother always put my sister and me first. My father was the most significant role model I ever met. He was there for everyone.

    Pastor Mu helped me to see how I could come from a different church and grow my faith in his church. He respects that I see my relationship with Jesus as an essential objective.

    James Barber helped me understand critical spiritual concepts through his teaching at the Sabbath School. He was never judgmental.

    All the Elders and members of the New Life Seventh Day Adventist Church helped me to understand the connection between my life experiences and my faith.


    My purpose in writing this book is in three parts. First, I want to communicate to my children how my faith in God has helped my life and the lives of people around me. Second to show my wife Charity how she helped me understand how my faith affected my life. The third purpose is to be a witness of how faith in God has directly affected my life. My witness is an account without listing scripture. I am not a Biblical Scholar; I am a regular person who is lucky to have the right family, a great wife (Charity), and good friends who helped me.

    The content of this book is limited to those facts that lead me to grow my faith in God. Details about my accomplishments are not included to avoid distractions.

    I was blessed to have exciting experiences at an early age that allowed me to accept that the Bible is true; freeing me to spend time working to understand how the word of God improves our lives. However, I strayed from the principles of Christianity many times during my life. If at an early age, I realized the effect Christian principles had on my life, I would be better. I hope those who read this book understand that concept much earlier in their lives than I did.

    I grew up as a Christian. My mother’s family was Presbyterian, and my father’s family was Baptist.

    Although I attended church regularly when I was growing up, I was not as consistent as an adult. I always had faith, but sometimes, I let other priorities prevail. It was not until much later in my life that I began to see how critical my faith was.

    I had many experiences during my life that helped me feel close to God, but I did not understand the effect of God until much later. Earlier, I was more concerned with advancing my own life than by living within Christian values. Promoting my personal life made my development much more difficult, but gratefully, the meaning of the Christian experiences became clear. I received guidance from several role models, but I did not realize it was their guidance I was following.

    When my children were living with me, I kept my Christian values to myself. Their mother did not believe in God, so I was careful not to pray in front of the children, but I did take them to church occasionally. Their mother did not interfere with my Christianity, but I was not comfortable praying in front of everyone. Also, I was taught in Sunday School to pray in private. I should pray about personal topics in private, but I should pray with my children for meals, trips, etc.

    Hopefully, many of you who read this book will understand the importance of living up to your Christian values much sooner than I did.

    Chapter 1

    The Beginning

    I was born on May 10, 1950, in a very small town called Hayfork. Hayfork was in the mountains of Northern California. There was no hospital, so my mother had to go to a doctor’s office to give birth.

    Family Structure

    My father left my mother when I was only one year old. My mother remarried when I was a little over two years old. My mother’s new husband adopted me, so I have his last name. I will refer to my mother’s second husband as my father during the remainder of this book. He was the greatest asset to growing my faith. He truly lived Christian values, even when it was difficult for him.

    My mother was a good Christian. Her strength was how much she loved her family and the sacrifices she made without any regrets.

    I have a sister who is two years younger than me. She shares our Christian values. She and I were Baptized together when I was in high school. Our baptism was a major event. Our entire family supported it.

    Our family moved several times before my graduation from high school. That meant we changed churches several times. My father made it clear that it was not that important which church we attended because our faith was personal with God. The church provided a place to pay respect to God, a place to meet people with similar beliefs, and a place to learn more about the Bible. Our family did not worry about rules and guidelines that were specific to a Church unless those rules were part of overall scripture teachings.

    Most of the family on my father’s side lived in Redding, California (Northern California). I had two aunts, two uncles, grandfather, grandmother, and many cousins. They all belonged to the Redding First Baptist Church. My grandmother also taught Sunday School at a tiny one-room church that was in their neighborhood. My sister and I attended the local one-room church when we were very young. My grandparents on my mother’s side of the family lived in the town where I was born, Hayfork (about a two-hour drive from Redding at that time). My mother also had a sister who lived in Redding.

    During several summers in the late 1950s and early 1960s, my sister and I spent two weeks in Redding at my father’s parent’s house and two weeks in Hayfork at my mother’s parent’s house. We did attend church regularly in Redding, and only a couple of times in Hayfork.

    A group of people posing for the camera Description automatically generated

    My Mother and Father

    A group of people posing for the camera Description automatically generated

    My Sister Edna and Me

    First Vision

    I was six years old. My sister and I went to Hayfork to visit our Grandparents. Hayfork was a tiny town up in the mountains. We went to Sunday School that day at my grandparent’s church. We played near my grandparent’s horses.

    That night we asked my grandfather if we could sleep outside in their travel trailer. My grandfather said we could if the dog slept with us.

    During the night, I had a dream I can still remember to this day. After I fell asleep, I was on a beach next to the ocean. There were lots of people on the beach and in the water.

    Suddenly, I heard bolts of lightning. I looked up in the sky, and I felt the beach shake. I saw four lightning bolts, one from each corner of the sky streaking to the center of the air. When the four lightning bolts met, there was a small space between the ends of the four streaks of lightning.

    Then there was a man inside the rectangle dressed in a white robe off in the distance. Then the man moved closer, and I could see it was Jesus. I had just seen a picture showing Jesus in Sunday School that morning. I could see Jesus lift his arms. People from under the beach rose to the sky. Then another group of people began to rise.

    A group of people posing for the camera Description automatically generated

    Jesus In the Distant Sky with Lightning

    My grandfather entered the trailer and woke me up. He said that a cow escaped from a neighbor’s property and the cow was banging into the travel trailer. I told my grandfather about the dream. He felt it was a combination of the cow bumping into the travel trailer and the Sunday School lesson I had earlier.

    My grandfather’s explanation seemed logical, but years later, I began to think about it.

    Long after I became an adult, I realized the vision was showing me the second coming of Jesus.

    Although initially, I did not realize how important this dream was, I never doubted Jesus was truly the Savior. I questioned many concepts from the Church, but never questioned the fact Jesus did come to Earth, he was crucified, and he will come back. What an advantage this was because I did spend time wondering what scriptures meant; which ones were symbols or parables and which ones were literal. But knowing that Jesus is the Savior makes everything else different.

    However, it was not for many years that I looked back on the dream of Jesus and realized three very important points. First, I had never seen a beach before that dream. This was before television, so I had

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