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Think About It: 365 Day Devotional
Think About It: 365 Day Devotional
Think About It: 365 Day Devotional
Ebook402 pages4 hours

Think About It: 365 Day Devotional

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The sole purpose of this book is to encourage you and to help you understand no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. No matter how hateful or hurtful this world has been to you, you have a loving Father that wants to wrap His arms around you to protect you and provide for you. He wants to fill you with His love, shower you with His mercy and grace. He wants to fill your heart, mind, and life with His peace, joy, strength, wisdom, and discernment. He wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings on you. It is my prayer that you will find all you need and more within the pages of this book. May God bless you and move mightily in your life.

Release dateJan 30, 2020
Think About It: 365 Day Devotional

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    Think About It - Betty Lambert

    Thought #1

    Isa. 43:18: Do not…ponder the things of the past.

    Understand those things are in your past for a reason. They have no place in your future. Do not continue to think about them or try to carry them into your future. The things of the past will bring certain darkness to the bright future God has planned for you. The past may have helped shape your testimony, but your past is not who you are. Do not let it define you! You are so much more than what you leave behind! Leave the past and all its mistakes where they belong! Keep moving forward with your eyes on God. Let Him take you where you need to be. Let His love define who you are to become.

    Phil. 3:13: Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead!

    Thought #2

    Deut. 6:5–6: And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today.

    As I sat and meditated on these scriptures, I realize that there are at least two reasons for loving the Lord with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength. The first and most important one is because my Lord deserves it. He has given me more than I deserve or ever be able to give back. He’s loved me more than I’ll ever be capable of loving Him. But there is another very good and very practical reason for being wholeheartedly committed to loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength. If we are totally committed to loving Him, then there is no room for anything else. If we are totally, completely, wholeheartedly in love with God, then the enemy of our soul will never be able to find a crack in our armor. If we are consumed with love for the Lord, then we do not have room to love anything else. No worldly idol, no lie, trick, or distraction will be able to take up residence in a temple completely filled with love for the Lover of your heart, mind, and soul. No fiery dart will ever be able to pierce a heart, mind, or soul fully armored with love for God! I encourage you to become fully committed to love, follow, and serve the Lord with your whole heart, mind, and soul. He deserves no less, and neither do you! Protect yourself with love!

    Thought #3

    Isa. 57:15: I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

    Aren’t you tired of dealing with pain, depression, bitterness, rejection, worry, fear, stress, anger, jealousy? Wouldn’t you rather live a life full of joy, instead of this spirit of heaviness that seems to permeate every breath, every thought, and action? Jesus said, Come. He also says, Knock and it will be opened, seek and you will find, ask and you will receive. Is it that easy? Yes! Put your life, your heart, and your troubles in His hands. Leave it there, and it becomes His responsibility. He will take that heaviness and those burdens away from you. He will wipe it away like it was never there and He will replace it with more joy than you can imagine. Trust Him, dear friend. Don’t you know He is waiting on you? Don’t you know He wants to take this from you? He wants to heal your pain and erase your past so that He can give you a future brighter than you can imagine! Trust Him, let Him do this for you!

    Thought #4

    John 4:13-14: Jesus replied, Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.

    Once you allow the Lord to fill this old cracked cistern we call our heart, it is our job to become a living, breathing, flowing well of living water. You ever notice what happens to water that just sits in a bucket? It gets slimy, green, dirty, and filled with dead things. But if the water is constantly flowing into the bucket, not only does the water stay fresh, it flows out to water everything around it, giving life to everything it touches. Don’t just sit there and let your water become stagnant, green, slimy, and filled with death! What God pours into you, He expects you to pour out to others.

    Thought #5

    Phil. 4:6–7: Don’t worry about anything: pray about everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.

    Have you let your life, your circumstances, your struggles, your storm steal your peace? Or, maybe it was the enemy’s tricks and lies that have taken it. Either way, don’t fret, stop stressing! The Word says that God has provided an escape! That escape comes through prayer and the blood of Jesus Christ! Whatever it is will torment you no more, if you would just go to God in prayer and believe! I know from experience that the peace God offers is beyond comprehension. Without His hand on my life and the peace He has poured into me, I know without a doubt I would be divorced, addicted to a myriad of drugs and alcohol, or very possibly dead. He has so very graciously brought, or rather carried me through some of the hardest times a parent can face. I want to encourage you to give whatever it is to the Lord. Whatever has you at the end of your rope, tied in knots, in total darkness, unable to breathe, God will make it better! He can and will end your bondage, if you will allow it. He will break every link in the chains that bind you. He will end your torment! Trust Him, have faith in Him; He will take care of you.

    Thought #6

    Rom. 10:10: For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.

    Once you are saved, you must live as though you are saved. What good does it do to get saved but live, act, talk, and think like the world? For it is by the example of our lives that the world sees God. There is no in between, no gray area. It is simply black or white. If you are saved, then live like it! If we talk the talk, then we must certainly walk the walk. Who are we showing to the world by the example of our life?

    Thought #7

    Phil. 4:4: Rejoice in the Lord always.

    As Christians, we have no reason to be sad, worried, fretful, angry, embittered, or anxious. If you are an obedient child of the one true living God, then all your worries, all your battles, all your storms have already been handled. Do what you know to do and trust God for the rest. Rejoice in the fact that no matter where you are, He is there with you. Remember and rejoice! Fear and worry or any other lie from the enemy cannot take root in a state of praise, worship, and rejoicing! He is the light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep rejoicing, praising, trusting, and moving toward Him and trust that whatever it is, He has already fixed it!

    Thought #8

    Lam. 3:22–23: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin fresh every morning.

    What an amazing promise! God’s love and mercy never cease! Every morning you wake up, God’s mercies are there, fresh as the morning dew. As faithful as the next day, so is God’s love, mercy, grace, and compassion. It never gets old, and it never runs out. Before your eyes even have a chance to open, God is there waiting! What is it you need God to cover for that day? It’s there for the taking! You can’t need more than God’s mercy can cover! If you don’t have it, it’s because you haven’t asked for it. What are you waiting on?

    Thought #9

    James 1:17: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father.

    Every good thing you have, every good thing you will ever have comes from God. No one will ever be able to give what God offers! Do not be deceived! What you have did not come by your own hand, by coincidence, or by luck. It was God! Will you accept, or will you throw it back in God’s face? Sounds crazy to throw a God-given gift back in God’s face, right? But how many times has the ultimate gift of salvation been thrown back in His face? How many times has a gift been refused because it wasn’t exactly what we prayed for? How many times has God sent something better than what we asked for and because we didn’t recognize it as such, we said, No, thanks, and persisted in prayer for what we thought was best for us? To be honest, it’s probably been more times than we would care to know about. Wonder what would happen if we would just learn to trust the only One who truly has our best interests at heart?

    Thought #10

    Eph. 3:18: And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.

    As humans, we do not have the power to understand how wide, long, high, and how deep God’s love really is, because we cannot understand true unlimited, unconditional love. It is not in us! But through the help of the blood of Christ, perseverance, time, and spiritual growth, we can begin to see, know, and understand God’s love for us. You may say you know, you may say, My family loves me, or My ‘ride or die’ loves me, but could you really stake your life on it? Can you really say that no matter what you did, what you said, or how badly you treated them, they would still love you unconditionally? Would they lay their life down for you? Really? Are you sure? Christ did! If you haven’t come to know Christ yet, you haven’t felt what true unconditional love is. I encourage you to give your life to Christ and find out what this verse really means.

    Thought #11

    First Sam. 24:12: Let the Lord judge between you and me and let the Lord avenge me on you. But my hand shall not be against you.

    Whatever has happened, whoever has come against you, whatever has been said or done, you can be assured that God has seen it and has heard it from on high. He will handle it. You won’t even have to lift a finger; He’s got it! His own Word says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn." That is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Resist bitterness and resentment and keep your hands clean. God’s got it, and He’ll do a better job than you could ever fathom. He is your protector and your shield. Trust Him and His love for you. Wait upon the Lord and expect to see your miracle unfold. I myself can testify to the truth of these verses!

    Thought #12

    Ezek. 36:26: And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.

    How awesome is that? God can take the parts of our spiritual body and make them new, tender, and responsive! He can take out what is hard, stony, stubborn, rebellious, hurt, angry, embittered, depressed, filled with anxiety, or consumed by jealousy and make it all new again. What an amazing life we could lead if we would just allow the Lover of our soul to take control and make us new again! Can you imagine who or what you might become if you would just let go of the things of this world? Who would you be, what would you be able to accomplish if you were free from the carnal captivity all these worldly things, feelings that keep us imprisoned? What name is on the handcuffs you wear? Depression? Anxiety? Bitterness? Jealousy? Pain? Illness? Anger? Guilt? Addiction? What is it that holds you back from experiencing the full blessing God has for you? Ask God to reveal it to you, give it to Him, and be set free! Only you can do it. Those handcuffs can define you if you allow it, or you can seek the freedom that God offers and let His love, mercy, compassion, guidance, and freedom define who you are supposed to be. Aren’t you tired of that prison cell? God has the key! Call out to God and be set free!

    Thought #13

    Deut. 4:24: For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

    Make no mistake, God is not jealous of you. God is jealous for you. God is jealous concerning you because He wants to protect you from anything that would rob you of your uniqueness or threaten your relationship with Him. Put no god before Him and His commandments, and He will put nothing or no one before the desires of your heart. He will supply everything you need. He is jealous for you and your heart. Commit yourself to Him, and He will commit Himself to you.

    Thought #14

    Second Tim. 2:15–16: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.

    Have you ever found yourself in a conversation that deep in your spirit you know is wrong? Walk away! Walk away as fast as you can. Oh, I know you will hear a little whisper in your ear, You can’t just walk away. That would be rude! or Just wait until there is a break in the conversation and excuse yourself. Friend, I’m telling you now, if you wait for that, it’s too late! Anything you hear or say cannot be unheard or unsaid. There’s a reason the Bible says to shun that kind of situation. If your spirit man cringes even a little bit, it’s time to walk away. Be sensitive to what your spirit tells you, and you won’t have to justify anything to yourself, to others, or to God. There is no shame in walking away from an ungodly situation! If you don’t hear it, you can’t dwell on it or spread it. Just walk away! Don’t include your ears, eyes, words, or thoughts in conversations that God would not approve of.

    Thought #15

    Luke 5:13: Lord, if You are willing…

    Father, I don’t know how you will do it, I don’t know when you will do it, but I’m going to believe You anyway! Have you ever prayed for something only God can do? Have you prayed for it with your whole heart, mind, and strength? Jesus said, Ask in My name, believing, and it will be yours. It must also be in His will and His timing. He will not give you something that will, at some point, be detrimental to you. He will not give you something before you are ready or fit for it. The secret to answered prayers is total submission to God and His will.

    Lord, if You are willing, I will wait with hope and confidence. In Jesus’ name, I pray, trust, and believe. Amen.

    Thought #16

    Second Cor. 5:7: For we walk by faith, not by sight.

    We love by faith, trusting that person will love us back. But sometimes they don’t. We sleep by faith, trusting we will wake up in the morning. But sometimes we don’t. We breathe by faith, trusting that next breath. But sometimes that next breath doesn’t come. So why do we have trouble trusting the one person who cannot lie, who promises to never leave us, never forsake us, always provide for us, and always protect us? If we can close our eyes at night trusting that they will open in the morning, then why can’t we trust God for everything else? For it is God who provides you that next breath, that next morning, and that person who will love you forever. You can trust Him with everything you have! You can trust Him with your life, your spouse, your children, your finances, your job, and your ministry. Everything you give Him, He will take and make it better! Trust Him! Walk by faith in all you do and watch what He does!

    Thought #17

    Gal. 5:25: Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

    This doesn’t mean you need to ask God what color shirt you need to put on in the morning. But if you are a child of God and you sense He is speaking to you about something, do not jump to conclusions or jump ahead and charge in full force. Make sure you have clear guidance on what He is saying and where He wants you to go with it. Let Him work in you so He can work through you. Pay attention to the go, stop, and yield signs in your life.

    Thought #18

    Rom. 12:9: Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.

    So many times, we just give lip service to this verse. Of course we love them! Well, we say we love others, but do we? We are commanded to love everyone, really love them, but do we? Really? What about that person who talked bad about you? What about that person who stabbed you in the back? What about that person that lied to you or about you? What about that person that took what was yours? What about that person that just rubs you the wrong way, the one that cut you off in traffic, the one that does nothing at work but takes all the credit? Or the one that spoke to you while you were in a bad mood? The one that offended you by something they inadvertently said or did? Paul said, Hate what is wrong and hold tight to what is good. Hate the sin, but love the person. If we cannot separate the sin from the person, then we too have sinned and offended God. Hold tight to what is good, which is your salvation and your relationship with God. If you hold on to God, which is good, his Spirit will not let you hate that person, regardless of the offense they committed. Forgiveness is a hard thing! Jesus had to die to bring about our forgiveness; surely we can do no less. We do not have to die physically, but we do have to kill our fleshly desire for retribution. Hold tight to what is good and find peace instead of bitterness and sin. Without love and forgiveness in your heart, sin enters in. And you have left place for the enemy to take up residence. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them! Hate what is wrong, but hold tightly to what is good. In other words, you can hate the sin, but you must love the sinner. Yes, for the most part they know what they are doing is wrong. But so did you and God still loved you, still died for you, and still pursues you. How can we do any less than what we are commanded to do? If we don’t, then we are liars and hypocrites. Remember disobedience is sin and sin is evil.

    Thought #19

    1 John 4:4: He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

    There’s nothing you can’t do as long as Jesus lives inside you. There is nothing you can’t overcome, there is nothing or no one that can block your path as long as you are walking that path with Jesus. There’s no mountain so high you can’t climb it, no valley so low you can’t navigate it, no wave so big you can’t ride it, no storm so loud you can’t silence it, as long as you have Jesus living on the inside. Every new day will bring a new adventure or a new disaster; how you come through it depends on Who you let handle it. The One who longs to live inside you can turn that disaster into blessings. If you haven’t already invited Jesus into your heart, then I encourage you to have an intimate conversation with Him right now. Invite Him in and hang on to every promise He ever made and watch what

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