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The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
Ebook52 pages42 minutes

The Waiting Room

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About this ebook

The Waiting Room is about the importance of relationships from a Christian perspective. Written with the perfect blend of compassion, love, humor, and wisdom, it compels us to “stand in the gap” for the betterment of our loved ones. With each season of life, our relationships are constantly defining who we are and who we can become. The influence of our relationships can profoundly affect the quality of our lives. All of us are involved in some type of relationship. Whether it’s the family-unit relationship, marriage relationship, coworker relationship, or all other relationships in-between; there is a common thread that connects us. With each chapter, we are reminded that relationships are the cornerstones of life. We are inspired to be more attentive and purposeful as we relate to one another. The Waiting Room insightfully reveals how God wants us to become the active force of unconditional love, compassion, and patience in our relationships as we journey through life together.

Release dateJul 26, 2021
The Waiting Room

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    Book preview

    The Waiting Room - Felicia M. Wright


    The Waiting Room

    Felicia M. Wright

    Copyright © 2021 Felicia M. Wright

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN 978-1-6624-3105-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-5275-8 (hc)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-3106-7 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Waiting Room

    Your Spouse

    Your Children

    Extended Family


    Your Neighbors

    The Workplace


    To all Waiting Room Warriors—past, present, and future

    In loving memory of Margie Wright, my beautiful mother-in-law

    and Patricia Teats, my tenacious but elegant mentor

    Although you are no longer physically here, you are still loved. Your legacy of love, hope, and commitment to others will continue to live on in my heart and in the hearts of my husband and children.


    With a heart of gratitude,

    To my husband, Martin, thank you for your love, prayers, and being extremely supportive of me in all of my ventures throughout the years, especially this writing project.

    To my children Jessica, Ashley, and Brandon thank you for your love, support, prayers, and causing it to never be a dull moment in our home. Jessica and Ashley, the two of you are the most adorable cheerleaders and accountability partners ever!

    To my parents, Lawrence Williams and Joy Thomas, thank you for your love, support, prayers, and guidance. Also for raising me to be a courageous, creative, and independent individual.

    To my Auntie Joyce, thank you for your love, support, prayers, and willingness to let me share a glimpse of our very special sisters-in-the-Lord friendship.

    To my Uncle Andrew, thank you for your love, prayers, and for being a supportive accountability partner. Your persistent but gentle encouragement is what I needed to finish this writing project.

    To Don Staley, thank you for your support and encouragement. Your passion for writing has truly been an inspiration to me.

    To the rest of my village of accountability partners, my siblings, sisters-in-law, my extended family members, college friends, church family, employer and coworkers thank you all for your love, support, and prayers.

    Most of all, I would like to say thank you to my Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for abundantly loving me and for giving me the conceptual creativity to write and bring this book into existence.


    When you know deep in your heart beyond a shadow of a doubt that your loved one has been predestined for greatness, you are in a constant state of anticipation as you wait for that greatness to come to fruition. That greatness is God’s plan for their lives manifested in its fullness. With the discovery and acceptance of the future that God wants for them, His vision for their lives becomes their own vision as well. Then God and your loved one become unified in purpose and vision.

    God’s first plan for our loved ones is for them to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Then connect with a church that will teach and grow them spiritually to develop them into mature Christians. As they allow Jesus to be Lord over their lives, God’s vision for them will obtain momentum and vitality.

    Waiting for the fruition of that vision to become manifested causes you to stay in a state of expectancy. You must stay focused and remain consistent

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