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Power of the Mind
Power of the Mind
Power of the Mind
Ebook303 pages2 hours

Power of the Mind

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The modern-day teacher, with the vast amount of material available, from an unlimited number of sources, makes the day of using one text obsolete. Technology has made the teacher capable of producing materials for their class a matter of judgment and choice. Teachers, old and new, can use a useful guide to help pending chaos. For the new teacher instant help would to some extent eliminate the long process of trial and error. The "Power of the Mind" is a text book which compliments whatever materials the teacher chooses to use. Its structure covers a full range of possibilities such that personal development and classroom learning is enhanced. Of course, this is a high priority for any teacher serious about their own development and their student\' advancement. First there are holistic outlines that form a comprehensive view of living, learning and creating. Each part of the whole is explained in a simple and forthright way. The teacher can use the outline guide and advance their own learning as they see fit. The text will include free verse, sayings of educational significance, and short outlines that can be used to enhance the learning process. Also, there is an expanded view of knowledge which allows for better understanding of learning in general. There are over twenty pages concentrating on the creative process. The text views mental processing where thinking is analyzed so the teacher and student and teacher can benefit from the clarity offered. The "Power of the Mind" is a companion that any teacher can use to foster better understanding of learning and its effects. The text is a compact encyclopedia of learning that the teacher can use over and over to stimulate both the teacher and the student.

Release dateMay 24, 2019
Power of the Mind

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    Book preview

    Power of the Mind - H. M. Hyra

    SECTION1: Living Proces

    Life is composed of a series of actions which produce physical and mental constructs that define who we are. Living is not always well de­ fined with predictable and attainable outcomes. The living process is marked by change, conflict and fulfillment.

    Our minds allow us to function in understanding our external surroundings. We reflect and react to conditions which form the basis for existence. Our feelings and emotions help to guide our judgment while our hopes and convictions influence our will to make proper decisions.

    Living involves learning which takes place in a formal setting like school or by experiencing real life with its maze of possibilities. It is our ability to think which allows us to control our lives to a certain extent. We are aware of limitations which can serve as a hindrance or prompt our creative problem solving abilities.

    We often refer to our higher power- a force which is beyond reason where our spirit guides us to the fullness of what life offers. We perpetuate our existence according to the standards we live by. It may seem illogical, but faith and hope are as much about who we are as what our reasoning process dictates.

    LIVING Section 1 / Introduction


    Living involves a physical and mental interaction with our world. Our intelligence, will and feelings guide us to results which can be matter of fact or a wonder to behold.

    A persons position on life is only as good as his/her intention to seek a higher level of meaning.

    Humans are unpredictable, for they are free to choose. Freedom is an encounter with life that demands critical thinking and action.

    The theories of life are made of straw unless their application has the power for significant change.

    The Learning connection



    The teacher and student relationship is heart of the formal educational system that prepares our youngsters for a productive life. Modern day learning deals with a liberal arts format where eventually some specialized field provides for vocational opportunities. There is a concern, perhaps a hope, that whatever field a person enters will be one that they will enjoy and be able to earn at least a living wage. A formal education should also enhance a person’s growth as a well balanced individual pursuing other interest that enhance their lives.

    A teacher is the number one reason for student success.

    AH-HI: This sound effective symbolism expresses a general outline involving student development.

    Each day the student enters the arena, called the classroom, where he/she follows the teacher’s directions in hope of gaining experiences that are meaningful as well as valuable. The art of teaching flows from the teacher providing enough instruction to enable individual and group participation to take place. The student becomes engrossed in the learning process in a cooperative effort where theory and application promotes skill development.


    Human life is precarious and limited to actions within a narrow frame of reference. We can control some human outcomes, but others leave us powerless and aware of how fragile we are. The known, the unknown, and the mysterious seem like strange bed-fellows, yet, each has its moments in time.

    We can stand up to a wind of twenty-five miles an hour, but a hurricane leaves us frightened and helpless. Natural disasters, such as, floods, earthquakes and tornadoes vividly remind us of our mortality. The political power of another country can destroy a city, creating fear and confusion. Diseases and the lack of basic necessities leave people in despair.

    At times, it is the teacher’s responsibility to be honest with their students pointing out human limitations as well as possibilities to excel.

    Honesty and compassion is a noble pair. A good teacher

    understands when to apply either so as to make it a learning experience.


    A random selection of components for use in an educational environment is an opportunity for the teacher to demonstrate bow organization can improve upon student outcomes.

    A student may desire an answer to a problem. However, premature closure denies the student the alternatives that a rush to judgment brings. Teach connection making, examination of choices, and how to appreciate a job well done.

    No one person has all the answers, but some seem to do it better than others. A teacher should be one of theses. A good teacher uses conditions to organize what seems like an impossible task.

    Things are open to expansion. (…>) but, verification can uncover errors. Organization includes a check which is worth the time and effort if we desire to get it right.



    Our students have mental capabilities that sets them aside from all other forms of life on our planet earth. Their human nature has the innate ability to perceive, remember and to reflect upon observations that enter their lives daily. Whether in a formal classroom or just living an everyday existence, people learn in a variety of ways.

    Motivation is the driving force that directs you toward worthwhile goals and it lies entirely within you. Use the power of internal motivation to help achieve your expectations.


    Our senses allow us to come in contact with the world we live in. Our natural appetites intensify our need to be involved with our world. We are not totally independent creatures, for there are basic needs we cannot do without. Certain innate drives allow for the continuation of our species and can never be overlooked in or out of the classroom.

    To challenge yourself brings with it an inherent joy

    that comes with doing something that is difficult.

    Your ability to motivate yourself will elevate you above

    the plateau of mediocrity.


    You may wish to call the spiritual nature of humankind by the name philosophy. Others feel the need for a higher power that is involved with human existence in our world and beyond. Humans have the need to love and be loved. We depend on others for life to be lived at the highest level. Our classrooms should reflect respect, compassion, as well as cooperation. A bond of meaningful significance should permeate educational pursuits.

    Success is not just achieving a specific goal. It blends integrity and character making sure that objects reached are done in a way one can be proud of.


    Learning deals with the power of the mind to produce know­ ledge of various kinds. The innate faculty of intellect together with will­ power and our feelings and emotions form a fundamental base from which to proceed. We are rational beings capable of thinking. Over time, we learn to discern, make judgments, and to bring our own uniqueness into the real world. Formal education featuring quality education is used as a means to success. Teachers have an immense duty and responsibility to get it right.

    The beauty of potential is that it lies beyond what is easy and simple. Explore your limits by pushing yourself further than you have ever gone before.


    Humans have an independent spirit: we are unique and desire freedom of expression. Formal education does not stress the creative process. Perhaps in an art class or some other form of visualization, creativity has a chance to surface. The parameters of creativity are indefinite, and development of one’s innate creative abilities may include a narrow frame or a wide focus. Teachers who can recognize creativity in their students and foster approaches that help to make realization a reality are to be commended for their efforts. Creativity blends the conscious and the unconscious in producing the birth of something that contains newness and originality in numerous areas and at a variety of levels.

    Celebrate your uniqueness! The right attitude and state of mind will allow the creative expression of individual talents to soar.


    At times, creativity becomes a must. Problems need energy directed toward a solution. Individual creative techniques, as well as group involvement, create possibilities from which the answer to resolving the problem lies. Eventually the careful selection of key components forges connections that serve a particular purpose. Often the mental products produced by mind work come with surprise. Amongst the confusion, enlightenment produces an eureka experience to be used with other


    An ideal is the limit of positive expectations!


    Teachers and students need a shot of vitamin C:

    Cooperation - Collaboration - Coordination


    The teacher will encounter limitations in their students,

    but must proceed as if limits do not exist!


    A teacher is deceiving a student if they are taught that understanding is always possible. It does not mean that student investigations into the mysterious does not have value. At times, faith is the key and application. supersedes theory. Honesty is important.

    Known: We all seek understanding.

    Unknown: Learning tries to dis over ways to reach higher levels of meaning and value. Of course, the teacher knows that something unknown will be known in time.

    Mysterious: We can’t know everything. There are content Considerations that defy complete understanding.

    Put on a transparency and discuss with your students.


    Students are sensitive to criticism, and teacher reinforcement is valuable, and compassion for the learner a necessity. If our students know they are not a dot amongst the many, it helps their self-esteem.

    CONFUSION is the first stage of learning. It takes time, effort and patience for progress to be made.

    LIMITATION is always present when learning takes place. We are not perfect and our students should understand this. This is not an excuse, just a fact·.

    THE NUMBER OF ITEMS in any presentation will have an effect on encoding information into our student’s memory.

    ATTENTION TO DETAIL will often be necessary for generalizations often need specifics.


    CONFUSION: If the student encounters difficulty, the teacher can expect confusion and even a lack of effort may occur. If the student persists, the next stage of learning will produce partial understanding.

    Eventually, the student gains confidence and what he/she has struggled with becomes more evident. The final stage will produce skillfulness. Exposure has passed and actual productivity begins. The reflecting student might say,

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