About this ebook
This is the true and ongoing story of one woman's battle with evil spirit attachments. This document is a personal journal of her lifelong paranormal experiences that have become alarming and abusive. Along with hours of video recordings containing non stop dialogue, Lottie King documents the physical, emotional, sexual and psychological torment these entities have put her through.
Lottie King
Lottie King is a first time author, housewife and homemaker, artist, and lifelong paranormal experiencer. Interests include drawing, painting, wood carving, folk art, steampunk art, Victorian architecture, gardening, classic cars, and the paranormal including cryptozoology.
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Them - Lottie King
This document began as a written account of the bizarre personal experiences I’ve had throughout my life, a personal journal, over time it became this little book. Over the years, especially the last few years, these experiences have become more invasive and alarming, therefore I started my own investigation using infrared and full spectrum video. What I’ve discovered on these recordings is unlike anything I’ve ever heard or even heard of existing within the paranormal community.
So I’ve decided to share these experiences along with some of the dialogue from these recordings due to an overwhelming need to write them down and document them beginning with my earliest memories of them as a child. I believe my experiences and the recordings I’ve obtained will appeal to anybody who has personally experienced, is interested in, or who professionally studies and investigates parasomnia (sleep disturbances), parapsychology, sleep paralysis, astral projection, demonology, incubus and succubus devils, spirit attachments in particular, and anything paranormal.
The recordings I’ve obtained over the last few years from my own research I believe to be some of the most compelling evidence of intelligent life and consciousness both human and non-human, existing outside the physical body, in another dimension which resides in the midst of our own. Due to these findings and my personal experiences that led to them, I believe that what I have experienced and what I am still experiencing, must be shared and documented, I believe they are too important to keep to myself.
There are no embellishments here, this is not a work of fiction, it was written as a true life account of my past and current experiences. In this book I discuss numerous out of body experiences, and the physical, sexual and psychological horror these entities have put me through. I’ve tried to break these down into subheads however there are so many of them that I thought it might be a bit redundant to put a subhead above every one of them. So these experiences are described one after another as I can recall them. I did my best to place them in chronological order and to date them whenever possible.
Chapter One
Early Years
My earliest memories go back to when I was very young, my mother who had just recently been widowed with three kids, had bought a house in a suburban neighborhood out on the eastern edge of Chula Vista, a city just south of San Diego in southern California. I shared a room with my younger brother John and we would often experience some things that were very frightening to us as children. For example my brother would often have night terrors that would cause him to run screaming out of our room and into our mothers room. He told me that he saw a solid black man with glowing red eyes hovering over him telling him, I have you now
I understand that these types of experiences are quite common for young children, however after having had the experiences which led me to where I am now, I have to wonder about them. For me I heard a lot of sounds that would usually come from the closet, this would have me so frightened at times that I would just freeze in bed with the covers pulled all the way up to my chin. These noises in the closet could have possibly been accredited to a mouse or two, however I just can’t say for sure. I would often lay in bed on my back like this and I would feel a strange swirling energy sensation in the palms of my hands and I can remember being told somehow that I was different than most people.
Another interesting experience that my brother and I would have was, we would see a glowing white orb gliding around our room, we had no idea what it was with us being so young, and my little brother would ask me what it was, and I would tell him it was White Fluff
, and that it was friendly. We would stay up at night waiting to see if White Fluff would show up, sometimes it did, sometimes it didn’t. It was during this time period that I would often wake up in the wee hours of the night lying there still and quiet, because I heard something in the house. I would hear footsteps walking down the hallway and into the living room and then they would stop.
These were unmistakable because our house was built on a wood foundation with hard wood floors, so the floor creaked underneath you when you walked. I could never figure them out, they would stay silent after walking into the living room for long periods of time, then they would head into the kitchen or back down the hallway and stop again. I wouldn’t hear them anymore and I would drift back off to sleep. This next incident occurred within the same time period, and I would remember it very vividly since. I had no idea what it was until later in life, and I knew it wasn’t a dream because of how drastically different it was, even from a very vivid dream, and the best way I can describe it is as follows.
I floated up and out of my body feeling very light, I could see my room and everything had a strange blueish gray tinge to it. I floated around my room and drifted over by the bedroom door, that’s when what I believe to be what we called White Fluff drifted in from the hallway. It came up to me, pretty close to my face and stopped there hovering in front of me, the best way I can describe it’s appearance would be that of a glowing humming bird. I remember it said something to me, something about it being my friend. I don’t recall if I ever mentioned the experience to my brothers or my mom, I would have been around the age of five or six at the time.
My mother re-married in 1976 and my brothers and I were excited to have a new father. Every Saturday morning after breakfast and cartoons, we would have to clean our rooms, polishing, vacuuming and straightening out our closet. I remember going off to church on Sunday morning and returning home to notice that our closet was in disarray. Our shoes were all dishevelled, this we noticed because the day before we had them paired and organized. I remember thinking to myself, wondering if it had anything to do with the footsteps and the little glowing entity, but it said it was my friend, and if it was my friend, why would it mess up our closet? Over the next decade things had seemed to stop, as far as the footsteps, orbs, and our closet being messed up on occasion. I was around the age of fifteen and was very close to my uncle Tim at the time, we would always go fishing together either at the Ocean Beach pier, or at one of the local lakes.
My Uncle’s family was a bit familiar with the paranormal, at my uncles mothers house she had hanging in the kitchen what they called a kitchen witch. This kitchen witch would turn to follow certain people and my fascination with the unexplained grew deeper. My Aunt and Uncle would talk about their house being haunted by someone they believed to be a man by the name of Harvey, they would hear him walking around at night opening and closing doors. It was this time in my life when I first heard of astral projection, my uncle talked about being able to do it sometimes and being able to travel anywhere. I wondered if what I had experienced in my room was astral projection but I didn’t travel to far off places, I remained in my room for a brief period of time, I still kept it to myself.
My aunt and uncle would talk about the Ouija Board, and how you could contact spirits with it, this sparked our interest and my older brother Charles got one for Christmas one year, I know, what a Christmas gift, but I believe my parents did not take it very serious and saw it as a novelty, it being a piece of Masonite with a sticker slapped on one side and sold as a board game. When we used the board, the planchette would usually just sit there and not move, and if it did move it would be very slowly and who ever was using it would accuse the other person of moving it.
However when my uncle and my mother would use it, it would move pretty quickly and freely and spell out random nonsense. It usually would say things that made no sense but sometimes it would spell out a name that nobody was familiar with, or it would claim to be Christ. It was during these early teen years that I became very troubled, I did not like school and I always felt like an outsider. I had a hard time concentrating and retaining information on subjects that I had no interest in. Aside from that, I had some deep seeded issues I was dealing with and I carried around a lot of anger.
Their were some bizarre occurrences that took place during this time period. On more than one occasion we had a dish or a glass fly out of the cupboard and shatter across the kitchen floor. This happened one Saturday morning when I was in the kitchen doing the breakfast dishes, I opened the cupboard to put away a glass when one of them flew out and shattered into tiny pieces across the kitchen floor.
It looked as if someone smacked it real hard from inside the cupboard sending it flying. As I stood there looking at the shattered glass on the floor wondering how that just happened, my younger brother John came into the kitchen entryway with a shocked look on his face. He had been dusting and polishing our room when someone touched him on the shoulder, he said when he turned around no one was there and then he heard the glass shatter.
One night I was awoken by a strange noise coming from inside the closet, my bed was right next to the closet at the time and it sounded like an electric motor with a smacking sound every other second. My brother woke up and we turned on the bedroom light and opened the closet door but we could not tell what it was, we didn’t see anything. Our parents came in to see what was going on and my dad