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7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners
7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners
7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners
Ebook27 pages18 minutes

7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners

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About this ebook

Teaching children basic manners is crucial for their social development and helps them to become well-rounded individuals who are respectful and considerate of others. Basic manners such as saying "please" and "thank you," apologizing when appropriate, and showing consideration for others' feelings and personal space can help children build positive relationships with others and navigate social situations with ease. When children learn good manners, they are more likely to be accepted by their peers, teachers, and others in their community. Additionally, teaching children manners at a young age can instill important values that they will carry with them throughout their lives, such as respect for others, empathy, and kindness.


"7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners" will help parents of young children navigate the first steps of perhaps the most challenging aspect of parenthood: raising a child with good manners.

Release dateMar 3, 2023
7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds: Teaching Basic Manners

Aizuddin Danian

Aizuddin Danian is a father of 2 young teens. He wishes that parenting came with a manual, but is glad that it doesn't. Half the fun is in the unknown. He lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with his family and cats.

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    Book preview

    7 Lessons for 7-Year Olds - Aizuddin Danian


    Good manners refer to socially acceptable behaviors and actions that are expected of individuals in a particular culture or society. They are a set of rules and guidelines that govern how people interact with one another, showing respect, consideration, and courtesy towards others.

    Good manners for children are similar to those for adults, but with some adaptations to account for their developmental stage and social environment.

    For most, teaching children good manners is a challenge. As a father of two myself, Rayyan and Mia, I have had to experiment and learn from mistakes. There certainly is not a one size fits all, but I hope the lessons contained in this book will help you get started on the right path.


    Aizuddin Danian

    Lesson 1: Be a good role model

    This is the #1 lesson you can give your children: do as you would have them do. Every other lesson helps, and nothing will stick unless you get this one right.

    Being a good role model is the most crucial factor in teaching young children good manners. Children learn by observing and imitating the behavior of adults around them, particularly their parents, guardians, and other significant adults in their lives. As such, it is essential for parents and caregivers to demonstrate good manners consistently to encourage children to follow suit.

    Children start learning good manners from a very young age, and it's essential to instill these values as early as possible. Parents and caregivers have the responsibility of teaching children

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