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TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures
TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures
TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures
Ebook144 pages13 minutes

TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures

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About this ebook

Hello everyone, this is a fictional fantasy book I have made. It has a preface about me and the book, and I have many pages to read. There are 17 chapters, each containing three or four events. I won't spoil it for you because you must find out about this fantastic story.

PublisherAarin Arora
Release dateApr 17, 2023
TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures

Aarin Arora

Hi, I am an author who just started recently. As an author, I love to publish fiction books because I used to read a lot of them when I was younger. Hope you enjoy my books and just give me a review so that I can improve.

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    Book preview

    TheThe Enchanted Kingdom of Mystical Creatures - Aarin Arora


    WELCOME TO THE WORLD of storytelling! My name is Aarin, and I am delighted to be the author of this book. I have always been enthusiastic about crafting worlds and characters that leap off the page, and I have poured that passion into each story in this collection. As a child, I lost myself in the pages of my favourite books and dreamed of creating my own stories. Now, as an adult, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my imagination with you. This book is a tapestry of tales spanning a variety, including fantasy, adventure, and mystery. Each story takes you on a journey, introducing you to unique characters and unexpected twists that will keep you turning the pages. As you read, you will experience both heartbreak and triumph. Whether you are young or old, this book has something for everyone. So, settle in, and let us embark on this adventure together.

    Chapter 1

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