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I'll Wait
I'll Wait
I'll Wait
Ebook93 pages1 hour

I'll Wait

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About this ebook

I have always wanted to write love stories
but I didn’t want to use foul language to
get my point over. I tried to write this story
where if a teen read it their parents wouldn’t
feel that it was offensive. I stayed in
prayer about it and was very satisfied with
what was given to me. I wanted to be an
instrument in making reading material a little
more decent for anyone to read because
what goes into the mind is what comes out.
Basically I’m in great hope that this book
will influence someone to be patient about
waiting for love. If you wait, it will come.
Release dateJun 17, 2011
I'll Wait

Doris M. Jones

The Author Doris M. Jones is a multi-versatile writer. She has self-published ten books in six Genres in sixteen years. She worked in the medical field for almost thirty years as a Medical Assistant, Medical Scheduler, and Medical Receptionist. Her writing skills started when she was a child. Doris started writing rhyming poems and short stories. She is active in her Church and is very family oriented. She grew up in a close-knit family where they all love helping and sharing with other people. Doris has over seventy poems published in different Poetry Anthologies in the Public Libraries in California. She has earned several Merit of Honor, Editor’s Choice, Who’s Who in Poetry in 2004-2005 and more. She was also nominated for Who’s Who in Poetry in 2023.

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    I'll Wait - Doris M. Jones

    I’ll Wait


    Doris M. Jones


    Copyright 2011 Doris M. Jones.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4269-7151-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4269-7152-5 (e)

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    Lydia Waits For Joe


    How Joe And Lydia Met


    The Day At The Park


    The Scare


    The Movies


    Their Courtship


    The Wedding


    Their Honeymoon


    The Surprise

    CHAPTER 10

    Joe’s Mission

    CHAPTER 11

    Joe’s Arrival at the Park




    This story is about Joe Stevenson and Lydia Marshall. They met through Joe’s friend Steve. Lydia and Steve worked in the same office. Steve was happily married so he decided to introduce Joe to Lydia. He felt that Lydia was perfect for Joe.

    They decided when they were young that they wanted to abstain from sex until they were married. Joe is twenty-eight years old and Lydia is twenty-six years old. They had dated other people but never seem to have a good connection with them.

    After they met, they seemed to know that they were meant for each other. Joe has a secret that he did not tell Lydia when they first dated. How will she find out what the secret is? How will it affect their relation- ship?

    Well, you are going to have to read the story to get the answers to the questions. Don’t worry, it’s interesting. It will literally pull you into the story. It’s a heart felt story, and I believe you will enjoy it.



    The anticipated moment

    had finally arrived.

    It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and Lydia’s husband was coming home. She had missed him very much and longed to be held by him again. To Lydia, it seemed like eternity.

    They were married three months before Joe was sent on a Secret Mission. That was to be his last mission and he would be discharged from the Army when he gets back.

    Anxiety and excitement had built up. She had been waiting for the day when Joe would return home. She has a beautiful surprise for him. She is five and a half months pregnant. She was very happy about the baby. As Lydia waited, it seemed like time stood still for her.

    She knew Joe would be very happy because they had discussed having a baby before he left. Although she was five and a half months pregnant, she was barely showing. Lydia decided to stand with her back in the direction that Joe would come from. He wouldn’t see her stomach immediately. She thought, five months is a long time to be away from my husband.

    I was allowed to send only two letters to him. She smiled; her heart began to beat faster as she visualized Joe’s face.

    She was glad that Joe wanted to meet at the park. Since he was coming home as a hero, they would have more privacy. She felt the reporters were probably trying to find out which way Joe would leave the Base. His Commanding Officer decided that he had been through enough and should have some quiet time for a few days.

    Meanwhile at the Base, the reporters were lined up out front hoping to get some pictures of Joe as he left. This was why Joe didn’t want Lydia to meet him at the Base. It would have been harder for the both of them to evade the reporters. He didn’t want the attention.

    They all wanted to be the first to get his story but all Joe wanted was to be alone with his bride. Joe had made plans to meet Lydia at the park and they would drive up to Steve’s mountain Cabin. Steve and Joe had been best friends for many years.

    When Steve bought the Cabin he told Joe that he could use it any time that he wasn’t using it. He had even given Joe a key to it. The Cabin was in the Lost Lake area. It was secluded away from the highway with no telephone. This was the perfect hideaway for Joe and Lydia.

    All Joe could think about was he had not seen his wife in five months and how he missed her. After all, he thought, we are still newlyweds. He had prayed every day that God would let him see his wife again. He had missed her so much.

    Now that the day was here, he was just as nervous as when he first took her out. Joe knew that the park was the perfect place to be alone with Lydia. They did not want any neighbors, reporters or telephone calls to disturb them. They would be alone to reunite with each other.

    It was as if they were leaving the world behind. As far as they would be concerned they were the only two people in the world. Lydia had arranged to be off

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