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The End: When the Last Star Has Fallen
The End: When the Last Star Has Fallen
The End: When the Last Star Has Fallen
Ebook297 pages4 hours

The End: When the Last Star Has Fallen

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Discover why one-third of the church will lose their place in heaven after following the Antichrist by accepting the Mark of the Beast.

Can you identify this powerful man?

1.      He will call fire down from the heavens.

2.      He will heal the sick.

Release dateMay 13, 2023
The End: When the Last Star Has Fallen

Jim Bushong

Even as a serious student of the Bible, Jim Bushong was like so many others that read God's Word with a collection of preconceived notions assimilated over the years from the pulpit, religious books, and even the media. Unconsciously, of course, his assumptions about the meaning of Scriptural passages dictated how he "learned" God's message. An unexpected turn of events changed Jim's life inexorably when he was diagnosed with Stage IV prostate cancer in January 2002. Given a prognosis of weeks to months because of the aggressive nature of his disease, Jim was prepared to go him to live out eternity with his Savior. He spent every possible moment in the Word or in prayer. Today, Jim spends his time cautioning fellow believes of impending tragedy because of the message of false prophets. Hopefully, your life will be changed too by the Biblical truth of End Time events.

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    The End - Jim Bushong

    The End

    Copyright © 2023 by Jim Bushong

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America.


    979-8-88945-216-4 (Paperback)

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    Brilliant Books Literary

    137 Forest Park Lane Thomasville

    North Carolina 27360 USA

    The Promise

    The earth will be completely laid

    waste and totally plundered.

    The Lord has spoken this word.

    The earth dries up and withers, the

    world languishes and withers, the

    exalted of the earth languish.

    The earth is defiled by its people;

    they have disobeyed the laws,

    violated the statutes and broken

    the everlasting covenant.

    Therefore a curse consumes the

    earth; its people must bear their guilt.

    Therefore earth’s inhabitants are

    burned up, and very few are left.

    ISAIAH 24:3-6

    In loving memory of my husband...


    Author’s Comments


    Foundational Chapte

    The Great Deception

    The Great Teacher

    Between the Chapters

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    The Tribulation / Seals and Trumpets

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Special Events

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Looking Forward

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Looking Back

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    The Future

    Chapter 19

    The Millennium Covena

    Chapter 20

    Eternal Life

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Appendix A




    As you look at the United States, are you at all disturbed with the direction this country has taken over the last twenty-five years? We have watched a society that has become so self-centered that it is very difficult to identify the difference between us and Europe and many other countries of the world that are self-defined as Socialist. People from these countries have flocked to the United States to escape socialism. Now they find themselves living in a country quickly becoming like those they fled.

    When you look around the globe, can you see the desperate situations that nearly every country, especially those in the Middle East and North Africa, are experiencing? None of this should be a surprise to those who follow the prophecy of the Bible. You do not want to be uninformed of what is surely coming as the world draws nearer to what God has warned us about. This study of the book of Revelation will answer many of your concerns.

    Where do we see God in our society? Over the years we have removed the Ten Commandments from the walls of our public schools and government buildings. God has been under assault for many years now, to the point where we can only find Him in the closets or basements of these same buildings. History has shown us that when God lifts His hand from a nation, that nation does not survive. We are in serious trouble here and around the world as we live by a code of situational ethics rather than the ethics of God. The time has come to look back and learn the lessons of history, because history will indeed repeat itself. We have angered God and He will take revenge in a most horrific way. There is little time left to ignore the coming of God’s Wrath.


    It is important to look over the past centuries from a Biblical perspective to help us put the book of Revelation into context. The first three chapters of Genesis are a great example of how Scripture is written. In the first chapter of Genesis, God gives us an overview on how the world was created. We know what was created on each day and how the Lord felt about His creation. However, there were special events that took place during the creation of this world and of man himself. The wonders that took place during the creation would indeed take more time to explain. In the second and third chapters, the Lord takes us through creation again, but includes more specific details of the event. Many questions would go unanswered if God had not added these details of the creation sequence. The first three chapters of Genesis compliment and complete each other in the account of our beginning.

    The book of Revelation is written in a similar fashion. Just as God wants us to know how our world began, He wants us to know how it will end, and to know where we are in that process. The Revelation will show us how the advent of Christ places us right in the middle of God’s plan for His children.

    I sincerely believe that your life will be impacted when you complete this study. The best way to use this commentary is to open your Bible to The Book of Revelation and read along with the indicated verses. We will be discussing some issues that people find very complex. You will quickly learn that the Revelation of Christ Jesus is not hard to understand. Without a doubt, there are some questions that cannot be answered right now, but we will know all the answers when we are with Jesus. If you choose to read only the commentary under the assigned text, you will miss much of what the Holy Spirit can teach you as you study the End Time of this world. By reading the appropriate Bible verses, you will discover what Jesus wants you to know about His return.


    End Time: This is a span of time leading up to the seven years of Tribulation. It is important to remember that the end time can also be described as the time you have left at the end of your life here on this earth. Both of these options are unforeseen.

    Related Verse / 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

    Last Days: The Last Days can be associated with the life span of any human being on this earth. The Last Days always refers to a time leading up to the end of life whether it is the end of our natural life or the End Time of this world as described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

    The time is coming, and indeed may already be here, as witnessed by the actions of many radical people as they demonstrate their desire to eliminate all Christians around the world. This is especially true in Israel and the United States, which is an indicator of the beginning of the end of this world. As we look at our neighbors both next door and around the world, we are seeing power hungry countries that will stop at nothing to overpower the people on earth with their ideas of how to live. We are at a point now where treacherous men will use any means to gain power. The real tragedy of these events is that the average person believes that this trouble is reversible. Our question should be: has this situation been foretold by the Creator of the world; thus making it irreversible?

    More has been written about the Revelation of Jesus the Christ than any other book of the Bible. Revelation can be hard to read and even more difficult to understand. First, the book of Revelation is not written in chronological order. The writer begins to tell a story, and right in the middle of an event, John moves to a different subject. That is why this book must be read at a time you have deliberately set aside to use this Bible study. Do not get discouraged because you do not understand everything you read the first time. Read it over a few times before coming to any conclusions.

    Most of you have formed your own opinions about Revelation issues by listening to your pastor, priest, bishop, etc. Whatever they say about the book, you say amen and go on to tell the story just as you heard it from your church leaders. Revelation is one book that you cannot have someone else tell you what it says. You must read it yourself and understand most of what God is telling you. Of course, some areas leave us wondering what message Christ is conveying to us. In that case, we must accept the fact that the message is unclear at this moment and go on. The Holy Spirit may open up your heart to those issues as you mature in the Lord. Your church leadership may say something that will trigger an answer to your question.

    The Holy Spirit living within us yearns for our souls to know what Jesus is saying about His return in the book of Revelation. We see many commentaries today that have been written which stray far from what Jesus is telling us in His Revelation. Many studies by spiritual leaders in the church say, I think what Jesus meant by this is, when describing a particular event. When they do that, they risk their opinion being one hundred and eighty degrees opposite of what Jesus meant. I will admit it is tempting to add more to the story, but we MUST remain true to the text and accept what Jesus is telling us through the Holy Spirit. That is why it is very important to understand what Jesus is saying to us and to recognize the warning signs as the Tribulation period approaches. The Tribulation may come at any time from minutes to years, but we must understand that it WILL come at the appointed time.

    All of us have questions about the book of Revelation. Many people look to this book for answers to the questions about what happens to us after death. For example, is there life after death? Is there a literal heaven and hell, and what are they like? If there is life after death, what must I do to obtain that life? What will the end of this world be like and when will it happen? Can we do anything to survive the so-called Apocalypse? Will there be a world, as we know it, after all the disasters described in Revelation have decimated the world God created? All of the answers to these questions are in the Bible, the book we will be reading. Remember, all are guaranteed to live eternally. The huge question that only you can answer is this: where will you spend eternity?

    When we are done with this study, you will be able to answer the hard questions of Revelation. You will know what your role is as a member of the family of Christ in the End Times. Your anxiety level will be decreased significantly and your confidence in your salvation will be strengthened. You will have much to learn after this experience, but you will be equipped to study deeply into the more complex issues of Revelation.

    Looking into the future is a subject that has fascinated us since the beginning of time. Even in our advanced technical world, some people still rely on horoscopes, fortunetellers, palm readers, and psychics. We anxiously await the predictions of a New Year. What will happen to the leaders of our country? What kind of trouble will the famous people in our society get into this year? How many tornadoes will strike and where? How many hurricanes will hit the United States? What will our weather be tomorrow and how will our plans be affected by that weather? We worry little about today, but work ourselves into a paranoid frenzy about tomorrow. We wring our hands and imagine all sorts of wild and weird things. Yet, if we would only read what Jesus has to say about the future, our fears would be replaced by peace.

    Matthew 6:34 tell us not to worry about tomorrow. Christ is always there for us, so when we feel anxiety beginning to take over, we must remember that worrying will not add one single hour to our lives and the problem is not larger than our God. If we will only learn to take our problems to the Lord and leave them in His hands, we will have more peace in our lives and less uncertainty.

    Luke 12:25, 26Can worrying about life add a single hour to our existence? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the circumstances of life?

    The Bible is filled with prophesy, most of which has been fulfilled. (And before this thought is lost, let me remind you that fulfilled prophecy is proof that the Bible is indeed the word of God). Some suggest that there are no prophets in our time. But that is not what God says. Prophecy is a gift promised to His church, by God through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, along with other gifts. As you study the Scriptures, you will find yourself learning things that you will want to share with others. When you share what you have learned with others, it can be prophecy to their ears.

    Related Verse(s) 1 Corinthians 14:1…Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.

    Prophecy is not about something new on the horizon, but it is an interpretation of the writings of the Holy Scriptures (The Bible). The gift of prophecy is still alive today in the family of God. We experience true prophets and, of course, we experience false prophets. The Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 12:7 talks about this gift: Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another, miraculous powers, to another prophecy. Paul addressed the various gifts of the Spirit given to the church, one of which is the gift of prophecy. Most of us rarely think about using the gift of prophecy in our own churches. It could be that there is no one in your church with that gift. However, your pastor is often in a prophetic mode. Prophecy is a subject that does not get discussed often. Prophesying means taking on a huge risk for the person making a prophetic announcement. In most churches, he or she could be laughed out of the congregation. Anyone who would dare approach the church leaders with a declaration that he or she thought God had given them a prophetic word for the church could possibly be banished from that church, literally or figuratively.

    Let’s be clear about prophecy. No one can come up with anything in the realm of prophecy unless it comes from the Holy Spirit through Scriptures. In the New Covenant, God does not speak to man directly, but through the Scriptures. Man can get in enough trouble just by interpreting the Bible (2 Peter 1:20-21).

    Biblical prophecy is specifically for the church (1 Corinthians 14:22) "prophecy however, is for Believers," but many denominations avoid or discourage this gift as if it were the plague. Prophets can be men or women who have something to share with us that confirms our relationship with the Godhead. Being fair, prophecy has also damaged some churches beyond repair. A prophet does not exercise authority over those to whom he or she is speaking. They are merely conveying their interpretation concerning the word of the Lord as they feel it has been given to them. To accept their prophecy as truth, we must search the Scriptures and pray earnestly. That concept is true of this commentary as well.

    Related Verse(s) I Corinthians 14:1…Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.

    The problem with most modern day prophets is that, just as the prophets of old, their prophecies must be true. Any so-called prophet, who sets dates for the return of Jesus, is not a prophet. Matthew 24:36… No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. If they tell us of something else in the future different than Biblical truth, we should not accept their word. There is no room for a prophet to be wrong. Once prophecy has been given, it MUST be fulfilled as written in the Scriptures. We have experienced several of these self-appointed prophets in our time that abused the word of God by setting dates for the return of Christ, only to see that date come and go. To make matters worse, they continued to set other times and dates until they looked silly, and were forced to stop setting dates. However, men, and women still follow these false prophets to this very day. Men or women claiming to be prophets of the Lord MUST be right every time they give us prophecy. Prophecy today, of course, is the public interpretation of Biblical writings as they apply to our life as Believers. Nothing new is going to happen to us that is not written in the Scriptures. That means that Scripture drives prophecy. It is very easy to be deceived by something that is not Biblically based.

    In 1 Thessalonians 2:2, we read about an early church that was already having problems with false prophets. In this case, the false prophets were saying that Messiah had already come. No person can come up with a prophecy that is not specifically inspired by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. It is important that we look very closely at the context of what has been written about Christ Jesus and His return for the church. The Apostle Paul tells this church that the day of the return of Jesus will not happen until the antichrist has been revealed for who he is, and that will not happen until the Mid-Tribulation point. It is extremely important that we read the book of Revelation carefully and critically.

    Jesus prayed for us in John 17:15, asking His Father to protect us from evil. There has been, and always will be, evil in various forms to deceive the church; causing many in the pews to leave the security of Christ and those He has put around them to give them support. False prophets come to us looking very well qualified to speak of the words of God; but their real goal is to get Christians to reject the true Christ and accept a false god.

    Many people are so apathetic about the return of Christ that they are willing to believe anything that comes from the pulpits concerning this book of prophecy, and are satisfied that the end times will be just as their church leaders have stated. Others are so frustrated with the modern day prophecy about the return of Christ that they have abandoned their faith. Still others are looking to these modern day prophets for answers to the big question; when will Christ return to take us out of this world so we won’t have to suffer the perils of the Tribulation? What you will read in this study is based on the truth of Scripture. It has not been written to be popular nor does it assume you are too stupid to learn what the Holy Spirit is saying concerning the return of Christ Jesus.

    Today we are experiencing an ever-increasing interest in the secular community concerning what the Bible has to say about the events described in the book of Revelation. Billions of dollars have been made from book sales that attempt to put a spin on God’s word. It is critical for today’s Born-Again Believer to read and understand what Christ is telling each one of us concerning the events of the last seven years of this earth. We must remember that just because an author sells millions of books, it does not mean that the information inside is true. In fact, the authors of a recent series of books addressing the End Times state that their books are written as fiction. The goal of Christ is not to leave us in confusion about His return, nor does He want us to rewrite the Scriptures on this topic. As you read The Revelation of Christ Jesus with complete obedience to the Holy Spirit, you will be able to discern the last days events and prepare accordingly.

    It will be helpful to remember that the events described by John in this book are from his perspective as a first-century Christian. We will be reading of weird looking creatures with many eyes and heads that in the mind’s eye appear to be gross and offensive. John will describe certain creatures that will test our ability to think in the deepest form of the abstract as we try to identify some of the beings. Some of the things he will say to us cannot be explained. However, when you finish this study you will be able to form a clearer picture of what the Harvesting of the Saints and the Second Coming of Christ entail, and how they will affect your life. You will feel a sense of urgency to relate what you have learned to others in the church and especially those in your family. I would caution you to be ready to defend what the Holy Spirit has taught you and stand firm in your decision to follow Him through all that lies ahead.

    Before we look at the immense destruction that will come upon our world, we need to look closely at what is happening in the world today. One of the things that concern our world leaders the most is that smaller countries now pose the same threat in the area of weapons of mass destruction as the larger ones once did. When we look into the future, we can see it is possible that we are about to enter the End Time of the world. When we take into account the environmental issues, infectious diseases, famines, catastrophic events, and cowardly acts perpetrated on innocent civilians by radical Islamic terrorists, it can be overwhelming. As we focus on the role of the church in End Times, and how the events will unfold, Revelation will become easier to read and understand. You will come to understand what your role should be during these end times.

    I would urge you not to get too deeply engrossed in the explanation of how many toes, eyes, and horns some living things may have in this book. Put things that you do not yet understand aside, and wait until they fit into the overall picture of Jesus’ message. We will get into the deeper explanations of issues and complex events as we continue through the study. Do not give up early. Keep reading even though it may seem very confusing for you.

    This study will take you through a step-by-step process. It is more important to discover how we should be living our lives as Christians during the last days than trying to unfold complex issues. The church has a definite role to play in the End Times, and we are getting closer to those days. I encourage you to become a Revelation prophet in your church community.


    The Great Chaos

    In this commentary, the Great Chaos refers to a time when all the nations of the world are in immense financial and political disarray. Many countries have collapsed financially, including some significant ones. There will be a great outcry for a new one-world order making way for a one-world religion. This has happened before with other great societies in various regions of the world. Leading up to the End Time, the entire world will be in chaos and looking for a one-world leader to save them.

    I believe that we can agree as we look around the world, we find ourselves in terrible trouble. Nation after nation has overthrown their past leadership, and new radical groups have replaced the old regimes. Chaos has caused

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