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Everyday Excellence: The Power of Habit in a Successful Life
Everyday Excellence: The Power of Habit in a Successful Life
Everyday Excellence: The Power of Habit in a Successful Life
Ebook57 pages36 minutes

Everyday Excellence: The Power of Habit in a Successful Life

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Are you tired of feeling like you're not living up to your full potential? Do you want to achieve your goals and live a more successful life? If so, then you need to understand the power of habit.


Habits are the foundation of our lives. They can either help us or hinder us from achieving our goals. In this book, you will learn how to break bad habits and build good ones. You will also learn how to set goals and achieve them.


By the end of this book, you will be well on your way to living a more fulfilling life. You will have the tools you need to break bad habits, build good ones, and achieve your goals.


So what are you waiting for? Buy this book today and start living a life of everyday excellence!

Release dateJun 23, 2023
Everyday Excellence: The Power of Habit in a Successful Life

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    Book preview

    Everyday Excellence - Hardik S. Patel

    Chapter 1: The Psychology of Habits

    Welcome, dear reader ! You've embarked on a journey that might change your life. How, you ask? Well, through the fascinating, sometimes mysterious, and undeniably powerful world of habits.

    Now, I understand that habits might sound quite mundane. After all, brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee are habits that hardly seem life-changing. But let's dig a bit deeper, and you'll discover, as I did, that there's much more to habits than meets the eye.

    Big and small habits shape our lives more than we realize. They are the little building blocks that make up our daily routines; in the grand scheme of things, they define our lives. Our habits dictate everything - from how we start our day to how we spend our free time, from how we work to how we interact with others. They influence our health, our happiness, our productivity, our relationships, and even our overall success.

    The importance of habits is best encapsulated by the words of the ancient Greek poet Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

    But what exactly is a habit? At its core, a habit is a behavior we perform so regularly that it becomes automatic. Once formed, habits operate in the background, freeing our brains to focus on other tasks. Imagine consciously thinking about brushing your teeth or tying your shoelaces. Exhausting. That's why our brains create habits - to conserve mental energy for other, more demanding tasks.

    But here's the catch - our brains don't distinguish between 'good' and 'bad' habits. They automate the behavior we repeat, irrespective of its benefit or harm. This means we could end up with habits that are not in our best interest - overeating, procrastination, spending too much time on social media, you name it. But it's not all bad news. Just as we can develop unhealthy habits, we can cultivate positive ones – like exercising regularly, eating healthy, meditating, or reading.

    Understanding how habits work can empower us to take control of our actions. The aim of this book is not just to help you understand the science behind habit formation but also to provide practical strategies to harness this knowledge. We'll delve into how to cultivate beneficial habits, break the ones that hold you back, and ultimately steer your life towards everyday excellence.

    You may be wondering why I chose the title Everyday Excellence. The answer lies in the power of our daily habits. Excellence isn't about grand, one-off achievements; it's about the small, consistent actions we take daily. It's about making a 1% improvement every day in the areas that matter to us. It's about understanding that progress is still progress, no matter how small.

    We'll journey together through the landscape of habit formation, understanding the intricate mechanisms that dictate why we do what we do and learning how to replace negative routines with positive ones. We'll explore the magic of micro-habits and habit stacking and learn from the habits of successful people. And along

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