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Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond...
Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond...
Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond...
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond...

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In the second book of this series, Pat’s life in Manhattan was turned upside down with the Coronavirus, having spread to this city and cases were quickly increasing.
Soon it was called a Pandemic, and cases were doubling every few days. Then Richard, her fiancé, came up with an extraordinary plan to escape. The reader is drawn into this thriller from the beginning.
Release dateJul 12, 2023
Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond...

Pat Serby

Pat Serby lives in Manhattan, where she has lived most of her life, with her family. She has been a successful, residential real estate broker, in Manhattan, for over twenty-five years. Pat has had an interest in her family genealogy, which has led her to do extensive research. From this research, the idea for this book came to her, while looking at old photographs of her ancestors.

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    Life in the Time of Corona And Beyond... - Pat Serby

    Copyright © 2023 Pat Serby.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents,

    organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products

    of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-4545-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-4546-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023911271

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 07/12/2023

    This book is dedicated to my daughter, Jennifer Lauren,

    who has become my close friend and companion



    Chapter 1     A Crisis Disrupts Our Happy Home

    Chapter 2     A Possible Way to Escape

    Chapter 3     Escape from the Coronavirus

    Chapter 4     Settling into Our New Life

    Chapter 5     Romance in the Air

    Chapter 6     Getting to know the people of The Hudson Valley

    Chapter 7     Fitting in with the People of the Hudson Valley

    Chapter 8     A Wedding in Tarrytown

    Chapter 9     Washington Irving, The Man

    Chapter 10   Getting Ready to Leave

    Chapter 11   Getting Back to the Future

    Chapter 12   Oscar Arrives in the Twenty-First Century

    Famous Quotes of Washington Irving

    Bibliography of books, articles and other sources

    About the author


    When I was sheltered in place with my daughter, Jennifer, starting in March 2020, I decided to write about this war against the invisible enemy, the Coronavirus. It was a Pandemic, being fought all around our world. This was a time of great fear, isolation, sacrifice and loss. We had all been brought down to our knees, the strongest of us. At that time, we learned what is truly important in our lives. We learned to value the simple things in life.

    The true heroes of our nation were the health care workers, doctors, grocery store workers, truckers, and delivery people. They kept our lives moving on.

    These health care workers risked their lives to take care of the infectious, sick people, in many cases, without the proper protective equipment or PPE.

    Those countries where the government had taken drastic steps at the beginning, were seeing less cases and deaths. They also had the full cooperation of its people to stay at home, work at home and only go outside for essentials.

    The new phrases created by this Pandemic were to shelter in place and social distancing. Social distancing was staying at least six feet away from one another and not touching. Shelter in place was when people came home from travel or if people were exposed to this disease, to quarantine themselves in their homes for fourteen days to make sure they had not caught the Coronavirus. If they had, they were to continue sheltering in place.

    Doctors, healthcare workers, and the police were quarantining themselves away from their families or at home, in separate areas of their home.

    Families that sheltered in place together, were learning the true meaning of family and the importance of being together. Sharing a simple meal together at home was appreciated, and so was the food in our refrigerators and pantries.

    In most ways this was a dreadful time for all of us, but it did bring out the best in people. Our values had shifted from things to people and necessities. This war was not to end with this invisible enemy, as soon as, the cases begin to go down, and the deaths decrease. We would have an apex that would probably go up and down a few times until a vaccine was created.

    Doctors and scientists were taking out the antibodies in the plasma from patients who had gotten the Covid 19, and then were tested negative for the virus. The nurses infused antibodies into the very sick.

    There were trial runs on those, who were very ill from the Coronavirus, to see if these antibodies have lessened the virus’ effects and saved lives.

    There was not one plan or guideline on how to fight the disease nationwide, in the United States. In many European countries, there was one plan and one set of guidelines.

    In America, each state had been setting their own guidelines by the number of cases, increasing cases and the number of hot spots. Many thought this was too lax, compared to how other countries of the world were handling their guidelines, as one nation.



    A Crisis Disrupts Our

    Happy Home

    J ust when Richard and I settled into our new

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