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The Quote of the Day
The Quote of the Day
The Quote of the Day
Ebook229 pages3 hours

The Quote of the Day

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The Quote of the day the experiences we live is three stories and in each story, everyone is living out a quote without even realizing it, it's that Quote that's everyone is living out that's going to connect them as people and human beings.

PublisherA.D Figueroa
Release dateJul 21, 2023
The Quote of the Day

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    The Quote of the Day - A.D Figueroa


    The quote of the day takes you into stories being told, behind a quote that each individual involved in the story is living out for that day. Each person is living out that quote without even realizing it. They're experience's and contact with other people. The things they do and the way they do it will not only bring them into full circle with that particular quote, that they're living out. But will also make them realize that human experience is something we all go through and can't deny, because that's what connects us as people and human being's. My hope is that each story being told because of the quote, will make you feel some connection with it.


    Table of contents

    Chapter story:three girls and a dog. Chapter story: seeing yourself through fresh eyes.Chapter story: what you put into life is what you get back.

    Chapter 1: Three girls and a dog

    When people make up their mind's to be happy they are, happiness to them is how they see it and they'll show it, when (they start) seeing it. Quote, first story: three girls and a dog. It was a cold Saturday morning, a really frosty start to the weekend. Everyone was sleeping a little later because it was a Saturday, a day off from their Monday thru Friday routine; whether it was school or work everyone was getting a little extra rest. The girl's were two teenage sister's ages 14 and 15 and the youngest one of the three was 10 years old, they lived in a small house with their parent's on top of a steep hill in Ridgewood queens. It was a nice small house, very comfortable for the family of five, when the father first saw the house he liked it right away. But wasn't too pleased with how far up: the hill you had to walk to get to the house, he did look at other places before he decided on that house. But none of the other places had the feel and warmth that that small house displayed so against his better judgment. Decided to take it and surprise his wife with it: when he told his wife that he had a surprise for her." 

    First story

    First story is about three girls and a dog. She had (no clue) what the surprise was: he told her to take a drive with him to the queen's area, because that was where the surprise was. At first she didn't think anything of it, but when he said queen's and she started to give it some thought, she started to wonder what surprise he had for her in queen's, she never imagined that the surprise he was talking about was a house. At the time they were staying with her parent's and everyone got along very well and everything was fine: so the thought of her husband purchasing a house was the last thing on her mind. When they pulled out of her parent's driveway which was in Brooklyn the crown height's section, she started to ponder more on what was out there in Queen's, she finally turned to her husband and asked him, Robert is this suprise a small surprise or a big surprise.In which he turned to her and said...Julia now! If I tell you a small surprise. You might say to yourself? if it's a small surprise why did you bring me: all the way out here for it and if I say it's a big surprise! You might get really excited and start to assume all kinds of things; so I'd rather just say it's a surprise and look at the reaction in your face! when you see it."

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog, she did not want to press the issue anymore: if it was a small surprise. Or a big one! Because (she knew) that the last answer Robert gave her, was going to be his final answer: she knew her husband's ways, he was stern when it came to sticking to a decision and he wouldn't keep going back and forth with her. About that conversation anymore, so she left it at that and just went along with him to see what the surprise was: the quiet time they had while he was taking her to Queen's was making her think about it. What was it that she did to deserve the surprise! That he was going to give her. I mean she's always been a good woman to Robert and he's always been a good man to her and it's not; like she doesn't deserve, whatever the surprise is; that he wants to give to her. But to come out of the blue with this surprise."

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. Was making her question what the occasion was, especially when (there wasn't) anything coming up soon: like their anniversary or her birthday or any holiday that would make him show her, how much he appreciates her. Finally, she said to herself if he wants to give me a surprise. Just because he wants  to do it, then why not? I mean I'am his wife and the mother of his three daughters and if he feels like doing this, because his heart or gut told him to do it. Why shouldn't I just accept that and stop thinking? That there needs to be an occasion attached to it: so with that she stopped thinking about it and just went along with him. When he reached the corner he made a stop: at a stop sign and then turned to his right and started going up. A street that was like a hill, as he was driving up that street; I was thinking wow! Why would anyone want to live! On a street like this? I mean the whole block and street was literally slanted like a hill. Just the sight itself made me glad I didn't live on this block, or have to deal with going up and down on that block and street to get home. When he finally made it to his destination: he shut the car off and looked at me and said! Let's  step out of the car. It never occured to me that he was going to show me what he showed me.

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. As we were stepping out of the car. I was saying to myself maybe! He has a friend here! He wants to introduce me too after all! I knew most of his friend's, but I also knew Robert has friend's that I still don't know personally, so I walked with him up to this house upon approaching the house. I started saying to myself? So I was right! What was I assuming? He does want to introduce me to someone... so when (he went) up to the door and started knocking on it. I figured whoever was behind that door would open it and greet me and Robert, like they were expecting us and they were expecting us. But not in the pleasure to finally meet you this type of way? I heard so much about you! But let me show you. Your new home came inside, I was in awe when he said that I was speechless, this definitely caught me off guard.

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. As I followed him he was walking side by side with Robert and was telling him, I hope your wife will like it here! after all. You already put a (down payment) on the house as he was saying that: I noticed Robert was motioning, with his eye's not to say nothing just yet, because he wanted to break it to me gently and when he was ready: but the realtor said it so loud that Julia turned to Robert and said!  You bought this house? Without consulting me! I can't believe you would do something like that. I'm your wife! The other half of this marriage or have you forgotten that? Right now I'm so mad at you! that I can't even think straight!  I feel like I don't even know you, what you did without even speaking to me about it. Was very sneaky and underhanded!  Just then as Julia was mouthing off to Robert... Robert looked at Julia and told her, can you please let me explain?

    Chapter 2: Three girls and a dog

    First story: three girls and a dog. You're right, I should have spoken to you! About this, before I made a move like this! But this move was not made because? I don't respect you! On the contrary I love and respect you wholeheartedly, this move was made, because I feel that we should have our own... Not because we're not ok: where we're at, I love your (parent's) very much! And I appreciate everything. They have given us! I know they don't mind us and the kid's staying with them. But at the same time: I also feel that it's my job, as your husband and father to my three girls; to have our own roof over our heads. Because that's a thing a man does for his family, if I'd have told you that! You would have probably shrugged it off and not taken it very seriously. Not because you don't respect me! But because it would have sounded! Like I was trying to be macho."

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. But because in your eyes you know your parent's don't mind us staying with them, in fact (I know) they love it and you love living with them also; you guys have a bond! That I respect and admire very much and I would love to have that type of bond. With our three girls, but I also knew that the only way that I was going to get you, to leave your parent's house! was by doing something like this, I knew that once I gave the realtor the down payment for this house, no matter how you felt about it, that you wasn't going to leave my side on this, that you would stick it out with me, because that's how we've always been, you've always had my back and I've always had your back and I need you to trust me on this? I know that once we get over this hill, that the house is on, you're going to like it here! it's all about perspective and time and definitely giving it a chance, please sweetheart! I need you by my side on this and understand why I did what I did! Julia was quiet for a few minute's but you can tell by how red her ears were! That she was still very upset! About it."

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. She told Robert to let me contain myself after being quiet for a few minute's. She (kept pacing) back and forth for a few more, until Robert said to her like I said! I'm sorry? For doing it the way I did it, I know this is a hard pill to swallow and it's something that you're not going to just accept  like that. Just then Julia looked at him and said if you keep reminding me of how you did this, I'm never going to consider it? So stop talking while you're still ahead and let me deal with this my own way! Robert stood shut and wasn't speaking about it anymore, he was giving her a chance to digest it, he knew that Julia had strong convictions: about a lot of things and one of those convictions was the value you put on family. She always put family first and now that she had: her own family that she was the matriarch off... She started to calm herself down little by little and was starting; to see the light that Robert was trying to shine on her. She knew that Robert was right that he would have suggested to her: about moving out and getting their own place.She wouldn't have even given it a second thought, because she loved living with her parent's, and her parents loved having her and their granddaughters and Robert there. So now that light that Robert was shining on her was starting to make more sense."

    First story

    First story: three girls and a dog. To her she knew that (the reality) of having your own family would force you: to make some hard decisions that you would have never made. If you didn't have a family to provide for, so she told the realtor even though it's a done deal! Because he already put a down payment on this house? Show me the rest of the house and afterwards we will go home and start packing our stuff. So we can start moving, aside from her own personal feelings about the situation: she was dealing with, she had to break the news to her parents that they're moving out and tell the girls also! So after getting a basic tour of the house: they got into the car and were on their way to her parent's house. On the drive she again got into quiet mode and Robert didn't try to say anything at all. Because he knew that she was processing everything, that the  reality that she was  getting ready to face: was going to be a reality that was going to hit her hard. Upon getting to her parent's house the girl's came out and started asking them where they were. At first Robert and Julia were quiet and then, Julia asked the girls! Are grandma and grandpa in the house? They all  said yes! Then Robert and Julia said girls, let's go inside. Me and your mother! Have something to tell you and your grandparents? When they said that: a seriousness came over the girl's face, as if they knew; it wasn't going to be something. That wasn't going to be pleasant to them, so they went inside the house and the first room that you enter into, when you came inside the house was the living room: so Robert and Julia asked the girls to take a seat and then Julia started calling her parent's. To come to the living room that they have something to tell everyone, the girl's still had a seriousness on their face. When they sat down, Julia's parents made their way to the living room and asked if everything was alright! To which Robert and Julia said everything is going to be fine! We just want to tell you something because you have a right to hear this, after all."

    You're the reason! I'm willing to do this? Because you raised me and I Am the woman. I Am today, because of you! The value's and strength you instilled in me would one day, get me ready for a moment like this. Julia's parents were happy that she felt like that, but they also knew there was a reason she was saying this. So Julia's parent's started to hold each other's hands tightly, because they were bracing themselves for whatever, Julia and Robert were going to tell them. Julia saw that her parents were bracing themselves for whatever new's, they were going to tell them, she started saying to herself. I hope my parents! "Don't blow this new's! That I'm about to tell them out of proportion: as she started

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