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Myths and Interstellar Journeys
Myths and Interstellar Journeys
Myths and Interstellar Journeys
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Myths and Interstellar Journeys

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Join a fearless group of explorers on their thrilling journey towards Earth with a clear objective: to put an end to the war in their worlds. As they venture through the galaxy, they not only uncover the secrets of extraterrestrial civilizations but also the fascinating history of humanity. In their quest for peace, these courageous explorers will learn unexpected lessons about the power of diversity, cooperation, and mutual understanding. Get ready for an intergalactic adventure full of action, mystery, and astonishing discoveries in this captivating novel that blends science fiction and human knowledge.

Release dateAug 8, 2023
Myths and Interstellar Journeys

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    Myths and Interstellar Journeys - Francisco Nocetti

    Chapter I: The journey to Earth to end the war.

    Our adventure begins.

    We are a small research group composed of three species: our leader, who is a red-cloaked being; a historian cobrato; and two members of the Planet of Explorers, a pilot and me, responsible for writing the records. We fulfill different types of missions and it is our duty to collect and study the history of the various planets. Over the years, some ancient records have been lost and others, much older, are confused with existing myths in different cultures.

    There are various intelligent civilizations on the known worlds. Some species are extinct and others we collaborate for the preservation of knowledge. Some of these species are the violent cobrato, the ancient inhabitants of Co, the peaceful cloak beings, the religious Wala-Wolo, the mysterious earthlings, the enigmatic thinking machines and the civilization of my world, known as the explorers.

    Each civilization has its unique characteristics, such as the great fortresses of the planet of the cobrato and the inhabitants of Co; the imposing rock and ice structures of the layer beings; the magnificent connection with nature of the Wala-Wolo or the various forms of architecture of planet earth; in the same way, how not to forget the world made of machines and metal that in my culture we know as the planet Disco.

    My world is known as the planet of explorers, but my people do not have the diversity of species or factions that the rest of the planets have, we are beings similar to humans, although our fingers are longer and our skin is a little green. Since ancient times, we have helped the cloak beings with their explorations and we take care, together with the blue cloak beings, to investigate the various cultures existing in the known worlds.

    My planet is largely made up of structures similar to human buildings, although our architecture is different. We mainly use domes and underground constructions, created with a variety of compounds from the rocks. Unlike the fortresses of the cobrato and the imposing ice and rock palaces of the cape beings, our architecture stands out for its functionality and adaptability to our environment. In addition, my planet is famous for housing the second largest library in the universe, second only to the world of layer beings. According to our records, the third most important library belonged to the ancient Internet of planet Earth.

    It is curious to think that the term library was created by humans, this means place where books are kept, although over time it was used for various media. In my culture, both the term library and the information center are used.

    Our research team.

    In my group we are four members, a being in a red cape, who is our research leader, a cobrato from the satellite of your planet and two inhabitants of my world, our pilot, who is one of the best in all known worlds and me, who is dedicated to records. Our leader is the red cape being, whenever someone else of his species sees him, he is surprised, since his tasks are usually carried by a blue or purple cape being. In their civilization everyone can prepare for the task they want to do, but the most common is that the beings in red cape, in a crew, act as pilots or maintenance. In this case, our leader is responsible for guiding the investigations and also does maintenance work with our pilot, they are always together.

    Each team member plays a crucial role in investigations and contributes significantly to the understanding and advancement of the mission. These are the roles of each member:

    1. The red-cloaked being: He is our leader and conducts key research on the cultures and civilizations of the different worlds. Their in-depth knowledge of the social structure and history of layer beings is essential to understanding their relationship with other species.

    2. Cobrato historian: Brings his experience and knowledge of the ancient history of civilizations. Your memory and longevity allow you to recall past events and provide invaluable information. In addition, its violent nature is useful in conflict situations. He is many years old compared to the rest of the crew, although within his species, they consider him too young to be part of an exploration team.

    3. Explorer's World Pilot: As an expert pilot and mechanic, your ability to operate the spacecraft and your advanced knowledge of technology are indispensable for equipment. In addition, his experience in previous explorations provides unique perspectives.

    4. Explorer World Researcher: Responsible for collecting and analyzing data, as well as keeping a detailed record of research. Their dedication to documentation ensures that discoveries are accurately recorded and accessible in the future. In this case, it corresponds to my position.

    The investigation team complements each other and works together to achieve the objectives of the different missions. Each member brings their unique skills and knowledge, resulting in an efficient and successful team in their quest to discover more about civilizations and the past of different worlds.

    We feel a lot of excitement to explore and learn more about the different civilizations and their history. In our next mission, we will travel to planet earth to discover more about human beings and their past, we also have the mission to recover key information to end the war between the cobrato and the rest of the civilizations. What else will we learn on our trip?

    During the journey to Earth, our research team will face a wealth of discoveries and learnings. Some key topics they might explore include:

    1. The history of humanity: We will investigate the different historical periods, important events and technological advances that have impacted humanity over the centuries.

    2. Cultures and societies: We will explore the various cultures and societies that have existed on planet Earth, understanding their traditions, customs, ways of life and social systems.

    3. Technology and science: We will study the scientific and technological advances developed by human beings, from the past to the present, understanding their influence on society and how they have shaped today's world.

    4. Environment and biodiversity: We will analyze the variety of ecosystems present on Earth, as well as the importance of environmental conservation and biodiversity for global well-being.

    5, Interactions between civilizations: Investigate how the relationship between the different civilizations of the Earth has been throughout history, both in terms of cultural exchange and conflicts and wars.

    The research team will expand its knowledge of human history, cultures, science and technology, the environment and the interactions between civilizations, all with the aim of obtaining crucial information to end the war between the cobrato and other civilizations.

    The importance of myths in cultures.

    Myths are stories that have existed since time immemorial and have been passed down from generation to generation in all cultures. These stories play an important role in society, as they help explain the origin of worlds, dominant species and different natural phenomena. They also transmit values, teachings and beliefs that are fundamental to the understanding of reality and the formation of the cultural identity of a people. Myths represent a form of ancestral knowledge that has been preserved over time and allows us to know the worldview and beliefs of ancestral cultures.

    The existence of the various myths, are the tool to describe the world that different civilizations had, each myth corresponds to the vision that the inhabitants of antiquity had and therefore deserve to be studied and respected. The ancient myths were the answer to the curiosity of the things that intelligent beings could perceive with their senses, but there comes a point, in which ancient history merges with these myths and it is difficult to find a separation, it is at this point, where research teams like ours appear.

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