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Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God
Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God
Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God
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Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God

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This amazing story tells how God called Allan E. Parker, Jr. to represent "Roe" and "Doe", the original Plaintiffs in the two cases that brought legalized abortion to America, in their legal efforts to reverse their national landmark cases. Confirming His call through Isaiah 28:14-22, God promised to do amazing, extraord

Release dateAug 23, 2023
Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God

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    Reversing Roe V. Wade - Allan E. Parker


    Introduction Reversing Roe v. Wade: My Journey With God, Norma, Sandra, Operation Outcry, and The Moral Outcry

    Something Amazing Has Happened

    Agreat and mighty thing has happened in the land. Something has shaken the mountain tops. It has shaken the land to its core. The enemies of God are moaning, mourning, and gnashing their teeth. ¹ They cry loudly and angrily. But the people of God are rejoicing. But don’t worry, no one has to be an enemy of God. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. ² This book will hopefully be full of the glory of the Lord, of His judgments, His grace, and His mercy. Abortion has been a great national sin. Perhaps the worst in our history. At last, the covenant with death (NAS) has been annulled. The agreement with hell (KJV) has been cancelled and No longer stands. ³

    What is this mighty thing that God has done? He has cancelled the covenant with death, the agreement with the grave that were entered into by the Supreme Court of the United States in two landmark cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.

    What many, many people said could never be done, has been done. Roe has been reversed! He has risen up as at Mount Perazim, and his name is The Lord, The Master of Breakthroughs. He has done amazing, unusual, and extraordinary things. (Isaiah 28:21) He has done things which have never been done before in American history because the Lord Jesus Christ is the Prince of Life. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

    I had the privilege of being part of this journey alongside so many other groups and individuals who recognized that abortion hurts women, men, families and society.

    On February 11th, 2000, God gave me a mighty promise: that that the covenant with death created by U.S. Supreme Court’s companion cases of Norma McCorvey, who was the "Roe" of Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, who was the "Doe" of Doe v. Bolton, would be cancelled. How could this happen? What did He do that was unusual and extraordinary?

    It is the purpose of this book to give glory to God for the great things He has done. I have watched the Lord fulfill His Word. I have represented Norma and Sandra, the two plaintiffs in the two landmark cases that brought abortion on demand to America, in their legal efforts to reverse Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Now, through this book, you can go on this amazing journey with me. It also portrays an exciting future of revival, repentance, restoration, and healing for America. God is on the move as C.S. Lewis said about Aslan the King in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Jesus is on the move, the Lion of Judah. He is the Coming King!

    On June 24, 2022, at 10:10am Eastern time, after 49 years of supposedly being the law of the land, Roe v. Wade was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health.⁴ As the President of the Justice Foundation and a member of the bar of the US Supreme Court, I was blessed to be Lead Counsel or Co-Counsel on five major written Amicus Curiae (Friend of Court) Briefs at the Supreme Court in that historic milestone case. Dobbs reversed Roe v. Wade and will go down in history as one of the Supreme Court’s greatest cases. It has already affected the whole world.

    Who deserves the credit for that victory? God alone. Even former President Donald J. Trump on the very day of the decision, when asked if he deserved the credit, said in unusually modest language for him: God did it.

    God did use President Donald J. Trump in amazing, unusual, extraordinary ways, as He also used The Justice Foundation, and others, in reversing Roe v. Wade and its successor case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Casey had weakened Roe in 1992, but not killed it completely. It allowed some safety regulations and restrictions on abortion, but still allowed the supposed U.S. Constitutional right to abortion to overturn every effort of every state to ban abortion. Why do I call it a supposed U.S. Constitutional right to abortion? Because as Dobbs correctly explains, a right to abortion never existed in the Constitution.

    Who Are These People?

    Norma McCorvey is more well known as the "Roe" of Roe v. Wade. She was more visible publicly than Sandra Cano, the Doe of Doe v. Bolton, the companion case to Roe which created the health exception, which allowed abortion on demand up to the moment of birth in America.

    Norma lived a life of contradictions and conversion. She started out as simply a woman of the streets, a sometimes drug seller. Someone who lived a hard life. Her story is told in Chapter Three. She had three children, and the first child was raised by her mother. The second child Norma placed for adoption. The third child, who became the Roe baby, was also placed for adoption. Norma never had an abortion. Even though Norma became the lead Plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, it only takes nine months to have a baby, but it took three years to take her case from March 3rd, 1970 (the date it was filed) to January 22nd, 1973, the date the Supreme Court decided her case and that of Sandra Cano, the "Doe" of Doe v. Bolton. The Court combined them as companion cases, though Norma came from Texas and Sandra came from Georgia, to open the floodgates of abortion death into America.

    On March 4, 2020, at the very beginning of the fiftieth or jubilee year after Roe’s filing, the Court heard an oral argument in the June Medical Services, LCC v. Russo, 591 U.S. 1101 (2020), a case involving whether a state could require abortionist to have hospital admitting privileges to treat women’s abortion injuries. It became the last case in which the Court struck down an abortion safety regulation on the grounds it violated Roe.

    On March 16, 2020, shortly after they made their internal decision in that case, when only the Court and God knew what had been done, the Supreme Court announced their building would be closed to the public because of their sheer terror over the overwhelming scourge of coronavirus, which lasted over two years, until they had finally reversed Roe. They were one of the last government buildings to reopen.

    Why do I call Norma and Sandra’s two cases decided together on January 22, 1973 a covenant with death, an agreement with the grave? It is based on Isaiah 28:14-22. I’ll tell the more complete story of how the Lord gave me this amazing passage in a later chapter. But right at the beginning you need to know that on February 11th, 2000, as I was given the opportunity to represent both Norma and Sandra in their legal efforts to reverse their own cases, the Lord gave me this life changing Isaiah 28 scripture:

    God Speaks to the Judges

    "¹⁴ Therefore, hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers,

    Who rule this people who are in Jerusalem,

    ¹⁵ Because you have said, "We have made a covenant with death,

    And with Sheol we have made a pact (agreement).

    The overwhelming scourge will not reach us when it passes by,

    For we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception."

    ¹⁸ Your covenant with death will be canceled,

    And your pact (agreement) with Sheol (the grave) will not stand;

    When the overwhelming scourge (or pestilence) passes through,

    Then you will become its trampling ground.

    ¹⁹ As often as it passes through, it will seize you;

    For morning after morning it will pass through, anytime during the day or night,

    And it will be sheer terror to understand what it means….."

    ²¹ For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim, (which means The Lord, The Master of Breakthroughs (2 Sam 5:17-20)

    He will be stirred up as in the Valley of Gibeon,

    To do His task, His unusual task,

    And to work His work, His extraordinary work." (NASB 1995)

    That passage marked my life from that day forward to work and pray for the reversal of Roe and Doe. God gave a promise that He would end the covenant with death that was Roe and Doe. Doe allowed abortion on demand and death up to the moment of birth. He also gave me the promise that He would do His work, doing unusual and extraordinary things to end that covenant with death. Other versions call it His alien, or incredible work. I think you will agree as you read further that He has done incredible things. This book will show you some of the amazing, extraordinary things that He has done, as He promised in Isaiah 28:14-22.

    On June 24th, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States released its official decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health which explicitly reversed Roe and Casey. Doe was the companion case to Roe v. Wade, and involves the story of Sandra Cano, told in chapter four. The Dobbs decision was as serious for America as doctors using a life-saving defibrillator on a dying patient – stand clear! On June 24th, the Supreme Court gave a shock to the nation. God said that Roe would be reversed and it has been reversed. On that day, the Supreme Court struck down one of the most evil decisions ever made by the United States Supreme Court which had stood for 49 years at that point. Other evils the court once said the Constitution supported, but no longer upholds, were slavery, segregation, and forced sterilization.

    Amazing and Extraordinary Acts of God

    Here are just a few of the amazing, extraordinary things that God did to reverse Roe v. Wade:

    1) For the first time in American history, two people (Norma and Sandra) who won landmark Supreme Court cases went back to the Court seeking reversal of their own cases.

    2) In 2007, the Supreme Court cited the Amicus (Friend of the Court) Brief of Sandra Cano and 180 Operation Outcry Women Injured By Abortion to uphold the federal ban on partial birth abortion. This was only seven years after declaring unconstitutional 38 state laws banning the gruesome late-term partial birth abortion under Roe.

    3) There was a gradual change of Supreme Court Justices over 22 years, some in very serious and unusual ways.

    4) The election of a formerly pro-choice New York playboy turned President, Donald J. Trump, who became the most prolife President in American history.

    5) The numerous prophetic words and their fulfillment that President Trump would have three Supreme Court vacancies in his first term and confirm three nominees in amazing ways.

    6) The Dobbs case was considered 22 times by the Supreme Court before it was officially taken by the Court. Normally, about 99 times to 1, the Court will simply say no the first time they consider any case. Cert. denied – No appeal! Down comes the gavel.

    7) Finally, the Court resisted slander, libel, physical, political, and verbal threats, intimidation, an actual assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh, and the first leak to the press of a full draft of a complete opinion, and still had the moral courage to do the right thing and reverse Roe.

    Now, how did all that happen? Let’s go back the beginning. Get ready for an amazing journey.

    Operation Outcry: Courageous Women Speaking The Truth About Abortion

    Operation Outcry is a national mobilization effort of post-abortive women who have told the United States Supreme Court the truth about what abortion does to women. Operation Outcry overcomes the two great lies of the abortion industry with truthful testimony from those women who have personally experienced its tragedy. Those lies are: It’s not a baby and Abortion is good for women.

    Operation Outcry was birthed by the Lord in 2000 to overturn the greatest injustice of the twentieth century, one of the greatest holocausts the world has ever known – the systematic destruction by a nation of approximately one third of its own children. Ironically, this women’s movement was initially spearheaded by two women formerly associated with the legalization of abortion – Norma McCorvey, who was formerly Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, who was formerly Mary Doe of Doe v. Bolton. These two women’s own infamous Supreme Court decisions together brought legalized abortion on demand to America in 1973.

    Operation Outcry is a grassroots legal effort which needs your help to end this injustice to women and children by bringing about the Final Days of Abortion in America now that Roe v. Wade is reversed. Eventually total victory is within our grasp. You can become part of this movement to end the injustice of abortion. This book is written for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

    And on that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. The afflicted also will increase their gladness in the Lord, and the needy of mankind shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. For the ruthless will come to an end, and the scorner will be finished, indeed all who are intent on doing evil will be cut off; who cause a person to be indicted by a word, and ensnare him who adjudicates at the gate, and defraud the one in the right with meaningless arguments.

    Isaiah 29:18-21

    Operation Outcry offers a message of hope, encouragement and forgiveness to those women who have been deceived and misled by our highest courts, and our culture.

    Operation Outcry encourages women to seek forgiveness and healing from the Great Redeemer and Healer, Jesus Christ. Abortion is a terrible sin, but it is not the unforgivable sin. Those women who were forced, or beguiled by fear, shame or pressure of circumstances, or by spouses, boyfriends or parents into participating in the covenant with death, namely legalized abortion, are now able to stand up and make a difference for themselves and for others. After all, let none of us forget that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. Their testimonies are redemptive to others who face similar difficult decisions in crisis pregnancies. They bring honor and recognition to the lives of their unborn children whose loss of life they deeply grieve.

    This movement is based on a promise of God to end the covenant with death, the agreement with the grave, that is legalized abortion. Isaiah 28:14-22. You will learn about that promise and our need to trust in God for its fulfillment. Abortion is the silent, hidden killing of innocent human life and the destruction of women’s consciences, futures and sometimes their lives. It is also a soul killing tragedy for many men. This book is a call for repentance and a promise of forgiveness. It points the way to healing for all women and men who have participated in abortion. It is a call to the church to offer repentance, forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation, in Jesus’ name.

    For the first time in American history, two women who won landmark Supreme Court decisions went back to Court to overturn their own cases. In chapter three, you will meet Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, whose identity was kept secret in her court case by using the legally fictitious name, Jane Roe. You will learn how Norma journeyed from unsuccessfully seeking an illegal abortion, to being a pro-abortion advocate, to working in an abortion clinic, to actually facing the truth about abortion and becoming a pro-life advocate, through the hand of God.

    Norma wanted the truth behind her story to be revealed. Although she believed abortion was necessary and right for many years, the gruesome reality of abortion intruded upon her conscience as time passed. You will learn how the reality of working in an abortion clinic transformed her opinions about what abortion really does to women. Her story is a proclamation to the nation about the destruction and wickedness of abortion and a call to return to God’s justice, not man’s. You can read the affidavit she gave to the Supreme Court in chapter three.

    Next, you will meet Sandra Cano. Sandra was the real woman whose identity was hidden from the court in Doe v. Bolton by the legal pseudonym, Mary Doe. You will learn about the tremendous fraud on the court that is the basis for the "Doe decision", which legalized abortion on demand and led ultimately to partial birth abortion. An abortion was sought in her name, by others purporting to act for her, but she herself never wanted an abortion. In fact, she fled to Oklahoma while the Doe case was pending to avoid being forced into an abortion by her mother and her lawyer. The real facts of her case exemplify that abortion was not about Sandra’s right to choose but about the coercion of others. Abortion today in practice is often equally coercive.

    You will also learn about Donna Santa Marie, (a teenager) in New Jersey. Like too many teenagers who become pregnant before they are married, Donna Santa Marie was forced by her parents to have an abortion. It was not her choice. Though the Supreme Court in the dark years of Roe’s reign once held even minors have the right to have an abortion, it was her parents and the abortionist who decided, not Donna. Although she struggled to resist the death of her child, her cries for help and her child’s survival from a punch in the stomach finally ended in the abortion that took her child without her consent.

    One of the most fundamental purposes for which government is established is to protect human life. That is why the Constitution says twice: "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." Amendments Five and Fourteen. The Constitution never mentions abortion as a right, but it expressly mentions life twice as a Constitutional right. Donna’s story, while horrible, is not unlike that of many girls across this nation and is part of the silent tragedy that occurs in abortion clinics every day.

    Donna Santa Marie’s story is typical of many, but seldom heard. The shame and secrecy of abortion is so deep that women usually don’t speak out about the pain and the hurt. Women are told by society that abortion is okay, a good thing, a right thing. Then why are they left alone to wonder why a right feels so wrong? They were told by the men they thought would love and protect them, to whom they gave their most personal physical intimacy, that it is now their problem. Why, if sex is so intimate, do they now feel so alone? Why, since it takes two to produce a child, is it just a woman’s right and not a man’s responsibility?

    Why, if the abortion facility is there to help them, are they not told about the true nature and consequences of abortion? Why, if it is a woman’s right to choose, is she never given a full range of choices? In chapter five, you will hear the truthful testimony of many of the thousands of women who have already given us legal testimonies to tell courts and legislatures about the great harm their abortion did to them and those they love.

    The Two Great Lies of Abortion

    Abortion is legal in America because of two great lies. One, It’s not a baby. And two, It’s good for women. The first lie will be overcome with scientific and medical evidence. The second lie can only be overcome with the truthful testimony of women who have had abortions. Most Americans believe that abortion is legalized murder, the taking of innocent human life. Though many do not let this stop them from also wanting legal abortion to help women. And many, including some members of the United States Supreme Court, think this abortion tragedy is necessary for women to achieve full dignity and an equal place in society.

    In other words, many think abortion is good for the mother. The Supreme Court once said that Americans rely on abortion. In the words of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, in 1992, when she weakened Roe, but would not kill it by completely reversing it,

    "But to do this [reverse Roe] would be simply to refuse to face the fact that for two decades of economic and social developments, people have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail. The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives. See, e.g., R. Petchesky, Abortion and Woman’s Choice 109, 133, n. 7 (rev. ed. 1990). The Constitution serves human values, and while the effect of reliance on Roe cannot be exactly measured, neither can the certain cost of overruling Roe for people who have ordered their thinking and living around that case be dismissed."

    Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 851 (1992) (emphasis added).

    Operation Outcry ( seeks to mobilize post-abortive women to provide written testimony (sworn questions and answers) which are filed with the courts in specific legal challenges to abortion. Most people and judges in America have never spoken to a woman about what it is like to have an abortion. [In the Dobbs case that reversed Roe, Operation Outcry filed 4,728 sworn testimonies of women injured by abortion].

    Most women who have an abortion never want to talk about it again. They are ashamed, secretive and hide the truth in the secret places of their heart. Many husbands do not know their wives had an abortion before they met and married. Many parents do not know their daughters had an abortion. Post-abortive women and the abortion industry go to great lengths to maintain a tremendous veil of secrecy. As a result, state laws and court cases give the highest degree of confidentiality to abortion medical records, even over most other medical records. Yet this curtain of secrecy only protects the lie that abortion is good for women. In 2000, when Operation Outcry began, the Supreme Court had seldom or never heard from women witnesses about what abortion actually does to women. Yet the Court has said:

    Abortion is a unique act. It is an act fraught with consequences for others: for the woman who must live with the implications of her decision; for the persons who perform and assist in the procedure; for the spouse, family, and society which must confront the knowledge that these procedures exist, procedures some deem nothing short of an act of violence against innocent human life; and, depending on one’s beliefs, for the life or potential life that is aborted.

    Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 856 (1992).

    Even in the Casey decision itself, the Court admitted that abortion can cause devastating psychological consequences to women. Casey, supra, at 852-853 (1992). Later in Gonzalez, the Court would admit, based on an Amicus Curiae Brief and Testimony of 180 Operation Outcry Women, that some women come to regret aborting the infant life they once created and sustained. Gonzales v. Carhart, 550 U.S. 124, at 159 (2007).

    The media and abortion industry speak as if abortion is a good thing. Then why is it so secretive and shameful? In the absence of truthful testimony, the lie will win. If women who have had abortions, who now recognize that it was wrong, who feel its hurt and anguish, who know the truth, will come forward and tell the courts, legislatures, social media and the world the truth, then the lie can be swept away. If not, the lie will continue to win. In chapter five, there are excerpts from the sworn affidavits of some of the women who have actually had abortions. But we need more testimonies. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

    Many people do not want to know the truth. Some say America does not want to hear, but enough women speaking out will get their attention and force the courts to look at the truth. Evil thrives in the denial of truth. For example, in the past, there were lies that Jews were not real persons, but sub-human, or that black slaves were not real persons, but property. The truth eventually won, and now, with women coming forward, the truth will once again prevail over the decades of lies. As Alexander Solzenitzn has said: The most powerful weapon in the world is a word of truth.

    The truth about abortion is that it is the taking of an innocent human life. No amount of denial can hide that fact from the human conscience forever. Just as child, toddler, and adolescent are all words used to describe human beings before adulthood, so too are embryo and fetus. That is why every woman who participates in abortion will eventually come to know at a deep, deep level in her conscience that abortion is wrong. In 2007, in Gonzales v Carhart, the Supreme Court has acknowledged the child

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