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The Folk Tales From Kannauj
The Folk Tales From Kannauj
The Folk Tales From Kannauj
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The Folk Tales From Kannauj

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The origin of Kannauj is as old as the Bronze Era. It is an ancient historical town of northern India. Many dynasties had ruled over this old city. It's fame was on peak in 7-12 lth century, specially during the reign of King Harshvardhan from 607 to 647 AD and Yashovarman in early 8th century. Kannauj is internationally famous for it's production and trading of various ATTARS- Perfumes of Khus, Kevda, Roses, Jasmin and Mogras etc. These crops are commercially grown around the city for extraction of essences from their flowers. This town is so heavily loaded with the manufacturing Perfumes of distinct fragrances that we find good smell of perfumes coming out from the drains at places because of the residue being drained out into the drains.

PublisherBook rivers
Release dateAug 25, 2023
The Folk Tales From Kannauj

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    The Folk Tales From Kannauj - C Ram

    C Ram




    Website: Place: Lucknow

    Year: 2023

    MRP: 190/-INR





    No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.




    Thisbookisdedicated,firstly,tomyRespected father, Late Shri G Prasad. In fact, these stories are his precious gift to me. Had he not told me these stories in my childhood, this story book could have never come into existence.

    Secondly, the book is dedicated to my loving wife, Late ShrimatiKamla who always used to pressurize me to write thesestoriesinabookformasandwhenshesawmeidleor being busy with the idiot box.



    The contributions and the joint efforts obviously generate new things in a better way. My close relatives and friends havemade valuable contributions in bringing out this book. Without their help and support, writing of this book, could havenotbeenpossible.So, Igivemyheartfeltthankstomy beloved wife late ShrimatiKamla and daughter Dr. Savita Biswaswho used to motivate and persuade me times and againtopendown these stories. Ithank mygranddaughter, RuchikaAhirwar, who being a graduate in Animation and Multimedia has provided the cover pictures of this book.I thank my senior University fellow ShriNatha Ram, aretiredDirectorfrom NCDC, whogavehis precioustimeto read the draft of the stories and suggested some minor changesin the climax offirst two stories. These changes have improved the themes. However, the main themes of the stories remained unchanged. I also thank my Golfing Friend Shri Rajiv Kumar Suri for rendering the help in finding out a suitable title for this book.

    In the end, Ithank mypublisher who has been kind enough to publish this book.



    The stories in this book were told by my father in my child hood in the local Hindi dialect. He used to put me to sleep by telling these stories. As I grew up, I used to tell these stories to myfriends, relatives and later on to children, thus Ibecameagoodstoryteller.Thestoriesweresofascinating and absorbing that most of them used to press me to write and compile into a storybook. In pursuant to their pressing demand, I had to start writing and compiling this book. But due to huge gap of time, many links of the stories were missing. Hence Ihad to work hard to restore or recreate the links through my creative thoughts to complete the stories.

    I found a better opportunity during the lockdown period of Covid-19 and made it’s best use in writing these stories. This is how this story book came into existence. The book is very interesting. These are simple but amazing stories. If one starts reading the stories, would never like to leave any portion unread till their ends. The contents of this book will give a lot of satisfaction and amusement to the readers. I am sure that people and children will thoroughly enjoy reading this book.

    I am not a regular writer. I have written this book as a freelancer on persuasion by my close relations and friends asbrought out above.Thoughall possibleefforts havebeen made to depict the correct English, still a few grammatical/ spelling mistakes cannot be overruled. The readers are requested to kindly bear with the Author.


    The Ist story, Thug of Thugs is about the wits of battle between the four seasoned cheats and a debutant young man who is crazy to become a cheater. The young man being smarter, wins the battle in cheating. However, he mended his ways and became gentleman under the sustained coxing efforts of his mother. In turn, he also reformed the four cheats, who left the cheating forever and became the honest persons.

    The second story is about a long fight between a good man and a bad man. As usual, the good man defeated the bad man through his strong ethical will of honest character. In the last, the bad man had to change himself also duly impressed by the decent and honest deeds of good man.

    The third story is about the mentally retarded seven brothers who left their village for better avenues but had to come back to their village under forced circumstances. The village teacher and the village Dr worked hard for months together to bring them back as normal persons. The villagers were very happy to see them improved as gentlemen.





    hereliveda widow Shantiinavillagewithher only son Shambhu. Her husband had died long back. He wastheonlyearningmemberofthefamily.The

    mother and the son were passing their days in poverty.They did not have their own land to cultivate. So, perforce, they had to work as village labourers that too on the availability of work. In addition, sometimes, they used to earn paltry extra money by the sale of self-made baskets of Bamboo and Dates leaves, but still, it was not sufficient for theirsmooth living. The motherand the son used to discuss with each other to find out the ways and means to enhance earnings for their comfortable living.

    One day, they were conversing on the same issue, when Shambhu asked his mother, O ! Mother! Tell me how my father was earning our livelihood? I still,remember those days of ourcomforts when father was alive. You may recall my childhood mother ! I used to get everything I wanted. Shanti replied softly, "Forget your father’s way of earning. His mode of earning was very tuff and prone to many risks which is not easily feasible these days due to much improved law and order situation. You are still a child for that profession. You may not be

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