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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Ebook183 pages54 minutes

Artificial Intelligence

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About this ebook

Touchpad Artificial Intelligence series has some salient features such as AI Reboot, AI Deep Thinking,
AI in Life, AI Lab and AI Ready which ensures that NEP 2020 guidelines are followed.

- National Education Policy 2020
- AI Game: It contains an interesting game or activity for the students to try on their own or with their classmates to learn how the game mechanics work while having fun.
- Ice Breaker Activity: This section allows students to familiarise with the concept with the help of an activity.
- Brainy Fact: It presents an interesting fact relevant to the topic or the chapters.
- AI in Life: It presents questions that promotes the moral growth and experiential learning.
- AI Deep Thinking: It presents a question/scenario in which the students are required to think deeply and apply their knowledge.
- Digital Solutions

Touchpad Artificial Intelligence series has some salient features such as AI Reboot, AI Deep Thinking, AI in Life, AI Lab and AI Ready which ensures that NEP 2020 guidelines are followed. Every chapter has competency based questions as guided by CBSE to ensure that students are capable of applying their learning to solve some real life challenges.
There are plenty of Video Sessions for students and teachers to go beyond the syllabus and enrich their knowledge. There are some brainstorming questions in the form of AI Task in between the topics to ensure that students give pause to their learning and use their skills to reach to some creative ideas in solving given problems.

You will learn about:
- Introduction to AI
- Excite
- Relate
- Purpose
- Possibilities
- AI Ethics

Grade 8

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Numbered list)
1. Excite
2. Relate
3. Purpose
4. Possibilities
5. AI Ethics
6. Projects
7. Glossary
8. AI Innovators
Release dateSep 2, 2021
Artificial Intelligence

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    Book preview

    Artificial Intelligence - Geeta Zunjani

    Introducing AI

    Brief History of AI

    Tasks Performed by AI

    Terminologies Associated with Artificial Intelligence

    Why Artificial Intelligence Matters?

    Difference between Human Intelligence and AI

    Types of Artificial Intelligence

    Various Practices Involved in Artificial Intelligence

    Domains of AI

    Human-Machine Interaction (HMI)

    Ever since machines were invented, humans have been trying to make machines smarter like themselves. Thus we can say artificial intelligence is associating machines with human thinking process like decision making, problem solving and learning through the available database. In other words, we can say AI is the study of how to make computers think like humans in the fields at which they are better like decision making and logical thinking.

    To understand AI, we need to understand the unique thinking capabilities of human beings. We effortlessly pick up fresh tomatoes eliminating the rotten ones. We instantly identify rose among lots of flowers.

    Introducing AI

    "One of our big goals in search is to make search that really understands exactly what you want, understands everything in the world. As computer scientists, we call that artificial intelligence."

    —Larry Page, Google Co-founder

    In simple terms, we can define AI as a machine that can simulate human thought process and can take actions based on those thoughts and even draw conclusions. It should also be able to correct itself, if it makes a mistake. This also means that AI-based computer would be able to make a decision in a given situation like human beings and in some cases even better.

    Brief History of AI

    The journey to understand if machines could truly think began much before John McCarthy’s first academic conference. In Vannevar Bush’s seminal work As We May Think, he proposed a system which amplifies people’s own knowledge and understanding. Five years later, Alan Turing wrote a paper on the notion of machines being able to simulate human beings and the ability to do intelligent things, such as play Chess.

    In 1950s, AI was limited to problem solving and later in 1960’s US Defence did most of the work. The first intelligent personal assistant was introduced by One Voice as IVAN in the year 1999.

    The following table represents the evolution of AI over the years:

    Tasks Performed by AI

    Although AI is still evolving but the AI machines are expected to perform the following tasks:

    Generalised Learning: This model of AI is capable of drawing conclusions from the existing data and producing new results based on the new data.

    Reasoning: This model of AI can make decisions based on some rules and give proper results in some really difficult situations.

    Problem Solving: This model of AI is specifically built to handle problematic situations and figure out the most efficient path to handle the situation.

    Adaptability: This model of AI is designed to adapt to the conditions it is put in and draw conclusions based on these data.

    Perception: This model of AI is usually found in robots. They are designed to perceive the environment around them and gather data for a higher cause.

    Computer Vision: This model of AI can analyse and understand images just like human beings.

    Speech: This model of AI can interpret speech and convert text to speech.

    Natural Language Understanding: This model of AI is designed to accept and comprehend data in the form of speech or text and provide results in human understandable form.

    Logical Symbol Manipulation: This model of AI is proficient in interpreting symbols and provides results based on these symbols. Symbols here, refer to the signs that are used to describe data.

    Robot Control: This model of AI specialises in controlling robots and such

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