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Halal Investing
Halal Investing
Halal Investing
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Halal Investing

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Halal Investing – Muslim Guide On Islamic Finance by Blessed Books

Take a look into Halal Investing - A book that will teach You all the basics in investing in order to following Shariah - Islamic Law when it comes to Investing.

Remember there are some Investments & written sources & books that can claim to be Halal or Shariah compliant but beware they take another approach on investing which is not permissible and could lead You in trouble on the day of judgement with our Creator so rather be safe than sorry by following the correct screening for Halal investing...

What You will learn:
- The basics of Halal Investing
- Key terms and definitions
- Halal investment options
- How to choose and screen investments for Islamic Shariah compliance so You are safe on the day of judgement by following the correct screening
- Don't just trust if it's Shariah & Islamic compliant, we teach you how to test investments for Shariah compliance.
- Halal Investing & Estate Planning & Islamic Wills.
- Zakat - one of the pillars of Islam

Buy now and learn Halal Investing today and be safe to know Your Investments are Halal…

PublisherBlessed Books
Release dateSep 29, 2023
Halal Investing

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    Book preview

    Halal Investing - Blessed Books

    Halal Investing Introduction

    Halal investing is a type of ethical investing that complies with Islamic law. It is based on the principles of Sharia, which is the Islamic code of conduct. Halal investing prohibits investments in businesses that are involved in activities such as gambling, alcohol, pornography, and pork production, it also prohibits investing in any investments that is not Shariah Compliant and haram.

    Halal investing has a long history in the Muslim world. The first Islamic bank in the world was the Mit Ghamr Savings Bank, which was established in Egypt in 1963. It was founded by economist Ahmad Elnaggar, who was inspired by the principles of Islamic law. The bank offered a variety of Sharia-compliant banking products and services, such as savings accounts, checking accounts, and loans.

    The Mit Ghamr Savings Bank was a success, and it inspired the establishment of other Islamic banks around the world. In 1975, the Dubai Islamic Bank was established, and it became one of the most successful Islamic banks in the world.

    Today, there are over 1,500 Islamic banks in over 75 countries around the world. The Islamic banking industry is worth trillions of dollars, and it is growing rapidly.

    The United States is one of the largest markets for halal investments. There are a number of Sharia-compliant investment funds and ETFs available in the US, and many US companies offer halal investment products and services.

    The United States is also a growing market for Islamic finance, and the country's Islamic banking sector is the largest in the Americas. The US government has also been supportive of Islamic finance and has introduced a number of policies and initiatives to promote its growth.

    The US is home to a number of Islamic financial institutions, including Islamic banks, investment banks, and asset management companies.

    The US also has a number of halal investment products and services available, including sukuk (Islamic bonds), Islamic mutual funds, and Islamic ETFs.

    Here are some halal investing facts from around the world:


    Malaysia is a global leader in Islamic finance, and the country's Islamic banking sector is the largest in the world.

    The Malaysian government has been supportive of Islamic finance and has introduced a number of policies and initiatives to promote its growth.

    Malaysia is home to a number of Islamic financial institutions, including Islamic banks, investment banks, and asset management companies.

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