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It Was Always "The Plan"
It Was Always "The Plan"
It Was Always "The Plan"
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It Was Always "The Plan"

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With many books, the title will arrest one's attention but equally true, it will often be the name of the author. Since this author is a relative unknown, therefore no name recognition, the title chosen for this book is of first importance.

The title speaks of a plan predicated on a certainty, a certainty from infinity. What could such a plan mean? Who designed it? And if planned from infinity, what could be the implications of such a plan? It Was Always the Plan is a plan unlike any other. A plan which is unequaled and, humanly speaking, unthinkable and impossible except for the Designer. The plan discussed in this book is such a plan, a plan which was always in place; it always was the plan!

Release dateAug 1, 2022
It Was Always "The Plan"

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    Book preview

    It Was Always "The Plan" - David DeFebbo

    Table of Contents






    The Goal of Moral Truth

    Truth Defined

    Questions/Answers Regarding Moral Truth

    Scriptural Difficulties/Conflicting Views




    (Not Just Knowing About Him)

    The Christian's Journey

    Another Journey








    Genesis 1 and 2

    News Flash


    Similar to God in Moral Virtue

    Specific Acknowledgments and Clarifications



    God's Moral Justice


    (The Ultimate Achievement)


    Personal Reflections

    About the Author


    It Was Always The Plan

    David DeFebbo

    ISBN 978-1-64559-919-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64559-920-3 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-64559-921-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 David Defebbo

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576


    As a pastor and itinerant teacher often, I have opportunity to discuss theology and Christian practice with others. David DeFebbo is one of those. As friends, we are candid. As fellow teachers, we are passionate about talking about the word of God. As students of the word, we are passionate in discussions. That same passion is read on the pages of IT WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN. Dave writes with the studious details in which he teaches, and with the passion he brings to the study of the word. Though we do not agree on all points, we absolutely agree on God's love for humanity, and His perfect plan to rescue and redeem. To be challenged and inspired, I recommend reading this book. Tyrone P Jones, Lead Pastor, Church for The City, Yuma, AZ

    Tyrone P Jones

    Lead Pastor, Church for The City

    Perhaps Dave stumbled upon hidden treasure as if by accident, but I think he just staked his life on the claims of the Word of God then rolled up his sleeves and started digging, searching for insight and understanding. He majors on being a miner, a miner for the truth that is more precious than gold and more costly than silver. The promise to all of us is that if we seek for wisdom, we will discover the knowledge of God. Dave has sought, dug and discovered nuggets, gems, jewels and may have even struck the mother-lode. Good news for him AND good news for us…... he has made his gold mine public property! So climb on down into this book and help yourself.

    Jeff Howie

    Base Pastor, CDTS Leader YWAM Tyler

    I have a high regard for David DeFebbo, and this is a book with clear thinking in the area of apologetics. This is a book for those who want to understand how the nature and character of God reflected in the Bible is credible to modern thinkers.

    C. Lynn Green

    Harpenden, England

    Former International Chairman, Youth With a Mission

    Member, Youth With a Mission Founders Circle


    Whenever doing an introduction or a forward to a book, I feel it is very important for one to know as much as you can about the author…not just the content of the book. So this brings me to the author of this book, David DeFebbo and his wife Ethel who have been like family to me since we've known each other for over 55 years. Beginning in 1964, I was Dave's pastor in New Jersey, where he lived with his parents. Sometime later Dave met Ethel and I performed their marriage ceremony in 1967. On February 25th, 2017, we celebrated their fiftieth anniversary together with them, when they renewed their vows, and so it's been a long and wonderful journey with their family.

    While Dave was with us at the church in New Jersey, he went through the New Jersey State Police Academy in 1967 and began his career as an NJ State Trooper. He was not just a police officer, but he was one that I would say was an excellent police officer, because of his brilliant mind, his strong discipline, and his pursuit for excellence. He was very much an ideal police officer because he was not just concerned that people drove safely on the roads, but concerned that people took lawful responsibility for their actions at all times. This is the man whom I have come to know and appreciate so very much, Dave DeFebbo,

    He is also a man who has pursued his studies very carefully. When he writes down his ideas and thoughts in the process of developing a book, I pay close attention. And so it is my pleasure at this point, to introduce his book that is close to being published.

    One of the things that I have noticed about David, and I think this comes from his giftings and his background, and of which he is very concerned about is this; that we as Christians, do not present ourselves as victims, but rather, we must take responsibility for our actions. I believe this is a very important point and that it is also the Biblical view, the same one which I also hold on to very strongly. We sometimes like to place ourselves in a position of being a puppet on a string that has no volition. Some have a victim mentality.

    A seminary student in Europe, many years ago, overheard a group of other seminary students speaking on the campus. They were making comments like, Isn't it wonderful that God has reconciled Himself to man? The student's ears perked up, and he said, God reconciled to man? God doesn't need to be reconciled to man, man needs to be reconciled to God! That is what I am suggesting here-in; that many people like to think of themselves as some kind of victim, and that God is responsible or to blame for everything they've done, however, we know from making a careful study of the Word of God, that God is a God of love. 1 John 4:8 says, He that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is love.

    I strongly urge you to study this book that Dave has written. You may not agree with every detail of it, but I think many of you will find it to be so refreshing, particularly in the generational time we are now living where many attempts are made to escape personal responsibility. Of special concern, is our church world where I believe, we are guilty of failing to study the Word of God carefully enough.

    Many years ago, a dear friend of ours said, Only 5% of the people think, 15% think they think, and the other 80% would rather die than think. If that is a true gauge, David DeFebbo is one of those people in the 5% category, and he would be in a group that is seeking the truth. He doesn't write things down quickly, but he studies very carefully and then when convinced in his mind and in his heart, he writes it down.

    As I said earlier, at first you may not agree with everything that David has to say, but at least be open enough to consider it. We had another dear friend who said, I don't ask you to agree with everything I say, but I invite you to think. So whether the subject is dealing with God's purpose for creation, man's betrayal of God, the atonement; the price paid for our salvation, the guilt of mankind, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what He did…David addresses all of these issues. Was it all for a select few, as some people think it was? Or, as the scripture declares.…it's not His will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

    I believe there is strong evidence throughout the Bible pointing to the fact that God is the lover of our soul. He became the innocent victim of our guilt and sin, therefore, we are the ones that need to be reconciled to God. As you study this book, prayerfully consider what you can do to help bring a change to our society.

    I strongly endorse this book and I encourage you to make it a pattern of study for your life. Let us determine to present the God of the Bible the way that He indeed, needs to be presented.

    God bless you and enjoy your journey in this book, It Was Always The Plan!

    Thank you,

    D. Leland Paris

    Founder, YWAM, Tyler, TX


    The Goal of Moral Truth

    Perhaps you have never given any thought to the fact that man is the ultimate beneficiary of all creation as described in the first book of the Bible in Genesis 1 and 2. Humanity possesses, far and above all creation, superior mental capabilities and knowledge over all other forms of life on Earth. For example, humanity has been endowed with a mental aptitude enabling thoughts processes to reason through ideas, to contemplate and make choices enabling actions upon or toward anything he chooses to do and pursue. Actions immensely profitable and pleasurable while at the same time providing for the well-being of other forms of life on Earth. Over the years, various theories have been debated in reasoning how and why humanity has such endowments, and what we are or should be responsible for in our world or even beyond. Truly without a doubt, humanity is the ultimate beneficiary in the entire world.

    Studies have provided mounting evidence of how much our world has been affected by humanity's influences. Such influences for the most part is the direct result of man's superiority having been unchallenged, unmatched, and unequalled among all coinhabitants of the Earth, thus the dominant human influence continues unabated. Man seems to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and is unable to restrain himself from continuously seeking and exploring the world in which he lives producing ever-increasing changes to our world. Man seems to be driven to discover more and more knowledge about his world and in so doing, he may answer one set of questions but invariably promotes more issues to resolve and so a continual cycle of searching and discovering is perpetuated. However, man's quest for information and knowledge is not a negative pursuit but rather a beneficial and positive one notwithstanding there will be periodic degrees of negativity. Such negativity or challenges to one's mind must be expected as we often struggle with new or different views on such important issues of life. One issue which has become increasingly evident is our apparent contribution to atmospheric changes affecting our climate and weather patterns and also the very air we require to live. While some effects have been directly attributed to man's causation, other factors and causations are still under investigation and are open to much speculation. Given the observable and measurable changes in our environment, time will continue to reveal more of humanity's influence and impact on our world.

    Another and perhaps an even more relevant issue to be considered is how our ethical and moral behavior effects, and has affected, our lives and subsequently our world at large. It is unquestionably the guiding principle of all we do in that mankind is endowed with superior intellect over and above any other form of life. We should intuitively understand there must be accountability for our actions and resultant influences upon our world. This expectation is understood to some extent by what we can refer to as conscience. That is, what one knows relative to what one must be responsible to and accountable for or more simply stated, ability equals responsibility, resulting in accountability. Therefore, considering such a supposition, perhaps the following questions should be asked. 1. Who are we? 2. How did we get here? 3. To whom and for what are we accountable? 3. Where if anywhere are we going from here, and 4. does any of it matter? If these questions can be answered with absolute truth, then we would be certain of the past, the present, and the future.

    Additionally, it would seem reasonable that if man is the superior and thus the ultimate beneficiary of the world, then at least to some extent, he is also its benefactor and guardian. Man, as the supreme beneficiary and designated co-governor or co-regent of Earth, is compelled to search for understanding in utilizing his superior intellectual ability. The reason man should be considered and designated co-governor or co-regent is that although man did not create any of the creation, he alone more than any other has been endowed and empowered to care for it. It is then both logical and reasonable to conclude that a greater empowering agency endowed man with such ability making him capable, responsible, and accountable to such agency. With such a supposition, it would be expected there be varying views, opinions, convictions, and downright disagreement to such complex issues. Thinking through varying suppositions we can recognize the great intellect we have been vested with, but unfortunately, far too many have not and will not exercise their minds in considering such propositions or questions very seriously. Often, we live for the moment or temporal gratifications while disregarding the potential dormant consequences or long-range implications of our actions. At the foundation of our accountability and thanks to our conscience, we are struck with the magnitude of our overwhelming superior intellect and we must seek help. And if as stated above, there is an empowering agency over all creation, we will be held judicially accountable for our actions. There will be no escaping the impartial and wise adjudication of man's accountability relative to his ability and endowments.

    Conduct of life can be divided into two main categories of behavior. One category is known as ethical behavior, and the other, an opposing behavior simply known as unethical behavior. Ethics in general terms can be explained as outward behavior which is generally defined as reasonable, normal, or proper demonstrations of how people view life and so live within their culture or ethnicity. Ethics can vary a great deal and are generally rooted in traditions, customs, and acceptance by various individual people groups or cultures. Certain ethical behavior can extend to many cultures who deem such ethics acceptable to them as well but are not necessarily accepted by the rest of the world as their standard of conduct. Ethics can also be predicated upon religion, work, social life, and other groups or associations setting forth acceptable standards of conduct.

    The second category closely related to ethics is known as morality, having to do with moral behavior. It refers to an individual's belief in principals regarding or determining a personal conviction or standards of right and or wrong. Within morality we can find three divisions: amoral behavior, moral behavior, and immoral behavior. Amoral issues make up a very large category covering a vast number of preferences or choices regarding opinions of taste, smell, appearance, likes, dislikes, and can include any number of viewpoints on the ways and means of doing a job. Amoral issues can result in many inconsistencies causing inefficiency, waste, and though many preferences are irritating or frustrating, they do not usually pose any life-threatening or dangerous consequences. However, with issues of morality, matters of right and wrong, thoughts or behavior issues of vital importance to life, wrong or immoral decisions are injurious if not fatal to one's life and usually affects others as well. Moral issues are not meaningless or simply irritating, rather they often involve and affect others for better or worse since morality is most often exercised between one's self and others, even if the other/s is not necessarily a human being. Since man is a moral being having been empowered and instructed to make decisions specifically regarding moral behavior, man is ultimately accountable to the empowering agency. Within moral issues we find two distinct categories, right or wrong behavior which are enabled through the mind, will, and emotions. We have morality described as morally right, and we have immorality described as that which is morally wrong. It is this concept of right and wrong, which is at the heart of the issue of our accountability affecting all we do on planet Earth. Immoral behavior is a product or the result

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