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Secrets in a Corrupted Society
Secrets in a Corrupted Society
Secrets in a Corrupted Society
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Secrets in a Corrupted Society

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Secrets is written as a page-turner book, mostly in the mystery genre. Lily is a top-tier agent for the CIA, though her husband was told she's an agricultural attache, to explain her overseas missions. Disturbing developments at the office foreshadow developing troubles. When she is suddenly sent on a str

Release dateSep 14, 2023
Secrets in a Corrupted Society

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    Book preview

    Secrets in a Corrupted Society - Dennis Hausker

    Chapter 1

    Mentally distracted by her concerns, Lily stared blankly at her reflection in the vanity mirror as her mind was elsewhere, pondering job issues. Living dual lives had always been challenging, but recently it was becoming more difficult. Outside her bedroom door, she heard her children arguing.

    Like living examples of sibling rivalry gone to extreme, Tommy at eight and Cathy at seven sparred constantly over virtually anything and everything. It brought Lily out of her stupor. Fluffing her long dark hair one last time, she arose to head out of the bedroom to start her day. Standing for a moment, she adjusted her dark-blue wool dress, or at least she tried. Static caused it to cling too tightly nonetheless. Regardless, it was a cold winter day, which in her case meant dressing in wool.

    Stepping into the hallway, her kids quieted, looking at her unsympathetic facial expression.

    Enough, I’m not in the mood for it today.

    But— Tommy started to complain.

    Shhh! She pointed her finger at him, her face with a stern look.

    The children were cowed. I’m hungry, Mom, Cathy whispered.

    She nodded. Okay…so let’s go eat, folks.

    In the kitchen, three bowls, three spoons, and three juice glasses later, Lily put out the OJ, milk carton, and cereal boxes.

    Eat up. The bus will be coming soon.

    Tommy had her husband Jack’s brown hair, while Cathy had Lily’s long black hair. She looked like a miniature Lily. However, her hair could often be askew.

    Cathy, did you comb your hair?

    Cathy answered, Yes.

    Tommy added, No.

    It started another argument. Lily simmered and replied too angrily.

    "Stop! Cathy, go comb your hair again, and, Tommy, mind your own


    Later, after shooing them out the door, Lily watched them through the window joining the other neighborhood children waiting for the school bus. It always tugged at her heart watching her babies get on the bus to go out into the world. Lily saw the world much differently than the other neighborhood moms.

    Jack was still away on his overseas business trip until the weekend. It always bothered Lily when no parent was available during the day.

    Oh well, she muttered reflectively. Time to jump back into it, Lily.

    Grabbing her gym bag, she walked into the garage.

    Opening the garage door, she backed her new black Ford Mustang out onto the street and drove away toward her office.

    The weather was overcast and gloomy, like her mood. It started misting as she drove along, so she turned on her windshield wipers, setting it on intermittent.

    Turning on her radio, she listened to the news, which always seemed to be problematic these days. Idling along in a traffic backup on the expressway, her thoughts raced again. The taillights of the cars ahead looked like a long winding glowing red snake.

    She mused, There is so much to do and so little time. I wonder if the report is in yet?

    Speculating was risky in her line of work; hence she needed facts. That field report was a way she got those critical facts.

    After an hour on the road, she finally reached her exit and headed onto side streets to the office parking structure. Pulling into her unofficial parking space, Lily got out and walked toward the elevator door. Pushing the button on her key fob, she heard the chirp from locking her car, but as a habit, she always looked backed anyway to see the doors lock.

    Three colleagues were waiting there, waiting for the elevator door to open.

    Hi, Lily, said Nancy Mitchell.

    Hi, Nancy. Hey, Carrie, Marnie.

    You dressed up today. What’s up, Lily? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you in a dress before.

    I’ve got that meeting I’m not ready for.

    There’s nothing you’re not ready for, darling. Nancy punched her playfully on the shoulder.

    Lily smiled while her friends laughed.

    We’ll see about that. This is a delegation from Washington, DC. I doubt they’re coming to exchange pleasantries.

    You’ll be fine.

    I repeat, we’ll see.

    They rode upward to the tenth floor, where the friends went to their clerical desks, while Lily went to her office.

    Her phone was ringing.


    Are you here yet?

    Lily chuckled. Obviously. I just answered your call, didn’t I, Wesley.

    I called because I heard some of my British friends will be coming to our meeting.

    That sounds worrisome. Do you have any idea what this is about?

    I do not. However I’m going to let you do all of the talking.

    That’s not going to happen. You’re in this as much as I am, whatever ‘this’ is.

    Lily glanced to her door as her boss, Ray Stager, loomed.

    I’ve got to go, Wesley. Yes, sir, what can I do for you?

    The meeting has been moved up. Our visitors should be here soon.

    Okay. Do we have any idea—

    No, we don’t. At this point, we respond to whatever they say. He cut her off tersely.

    That’s pretty nebulous.

    It is what it is. He scowled before walking away.

    His unusual mood for a mild-mannered guy left her puzzled. For a rare time, Lily felt anxiety.

    Sifting through her new mail, she immersed into it to take her mind off her tension. That didn’t completely work as her roiling tummy remained.

    It seemed like no time had passed before Wesley came to her office.

    They’re here. Are you ready?

    Probably not.

    They walked to the large conference room, which was filling rapidly. Among the visiting delegation were numerous military uniforms. Lily recognized some SEAL team acquaintances. Donna Smith, a light-skinned Black woman from Detroit; Joe Gilson, a Biloxi, Mississippi, sharp shooter; and Andy Rieger, a Boston Strong former police officer. All three were in superb physical condition and confident in their demeanor.

    They walked over to her.

    Hey, Lily."

    Donna, what are you doing hanging out with these two reprobates?

    Donna laughed. Joe and Andy are like gum stuck to my shoes that I can’t get off.

    Lily noted, in spite of the banter, both guys had serious expressions.

    Are you guys okay? You look pretty grim.

    Before they could respond, her boss spoke. Everybody, go find a seat. We’ve got a lot to cover.

    It took only moments for everybody to sit down.

    First, I’d like to welcome our friends from MI-6. Also, we have Ari Goldstein from Mossad and Hassan Aboud from Egyptian intelligence. Everything that is said in this meeting is classified, so repeat it to no one, no exceptions. Understood?

    Yes, sir, everyone spoke in unison.

    I also want to point out we have Bill Barton from the FBI, Cal Greer from NSA, Captain Patty Baymill from the US Navy. As you can see, she brought three friends, all SEALs. You all know John Jakes from the White House staff and Megan McCoin, also from the White House staff. You already know the CIA agents in the room. I called back more folks, but they’re away on overseas assignments currently. They’ll be back as needed. We do have Lily Carson here, Ron Gray, Steve Sawyer, and Grace Bailey. You overseas folk know Lily very well.

    Oxford University hasn’t been the same since she left England with her master’s degree, Wesley Bromwell joked.

    The room laughed.

    She tried to smile, as all eyes were suddenly on her, to cover her annoyance. Attention was not something she ever sought. For her, it was something unsolicited that always landed on her going all the way back to elementary school and had followed her all the way through college and into her current life. Beauty had always seemed a curse for a person who chose to ignore the trappings. Equally, she attended office social gatherings only when required.

    The reason we have some visitors like the FBI here in this room is that we’re unsure what this operation is going to involve. There could be both foreign and domestic situations to deal with. I can only say you didn’t get advanced warning because we didn’t know anything before yesterday.

    He looked around the room at many confused faces.

    Before he could explain, the door opened.

    Admiral Billings, I didn’t know you would be attending. Ray had a look of surprise. As you all know, the admiral is chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Welcome, sir.

    I didn’t know I was coming here either, Ray. The president asked me to sit in to brief him directly right away after we’re done.

    Certainly, sir. I…eh…let me start by explaining we have covert operations ongoing in numerous hot spots, and recently, some disturbing chatter has surfaced those points to a very dangerous situation. What’s different is the same rumors are being heard in locations all across the globe. As you know, some radical movements are multinational, but in this case, we suspect they are banding together to hatch some serious trouble outside of their own regions. If that is true, you can see why they have our attention. The what, when, and where is something we need to know right now. We’re directing our staff to reach out to our local contacts to shake the tree and see what falls down. Once we get a preliminary idea of what we’re dealing with, we can dispatch assets to address the issues we find. In a sense, we’re mirroring their idea of combining forces, which is why Mossad and Egyptian intelligence are sitting side by side. There will be other international partnerships included, but with such short notice, we couldn’t get everybody here this quickly.

    He paused to take a swallow of water. Lily noticed the Poland Springs brand name on the plastic bottle. It brought back a pleasant memory of vacationing in Maine, coincidentally, near one of their bottling plants.

    Admiral, would you like to add anything?

    Thanks, Ray. I’d like to emphasize the urgency of this mission. You’re all consummate pros, so I realize I’m preaching to the choir, but there could be a great deal more jeopardy here than we’ve ever faced before. I have faith in you. With whatever you find, I want to say good hunting.

    Thank you, sir. Next, I want to discuss some other data we’re wrestling with. As concerning as the international threat seems to be, there’s also some rumblings of domestic discord, possibly in league with these terrorist plots. Hence, we need the FBI working with us. I know that irks you all that any Americans can be working to attack our great country. It’s despicable but a challenge we need to be ready for nonetheless.

    Lily, I’m going to ask a lot of you. You’re our most experienced field operative, and you have contacts virtually anywhere on the planet. We may need an extended stay out of country. With the short notice, is that something you can accommodate?

    Sir, I’ll do whatever is required. Depending on the assignment, some things are going to be more difficult than others. What kind of cover story do you have in mind for my family?

    Depending on the circumstances, we may read-in your husband.

    You realize he has no idea about my job. I told him I work for the government as an agricultural liaison traveling to third world countries.

    I understand, but there could be some lengthy trips abroad. We’d fill him in as needed.

    He knows I have a concealed weapon permit, but supposedly it’s just for personal protection. He doesn’t know that I actually fire it. He hates weapons and hasn’t touched one since his army days.

    Duly noted. After we go through some specific regional issues, I want you guys all to eat lunch together in the cafeteria to get to know one another. We need to quickly build teamwork like never before.

    Several hours later after the meeting ended, they headed over to get some food. Lily drew a lot of attention and new friends. When she sat down, Hassan Aboud was to her left and Ari Goldstein to her right.

    Hassan, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you over the years.

    Is that good?

    They chuckled. Yes, it’s good, Hassan. Our governments don’t always agree, but at our level, we appreciate what our peers in the craft accomplish. I think you’re principled, a good man.

    Thank you, that means a great deal coming from a legend such as yourself.

    Legend… She laughed. That’s a stretch.

    If you say I have a reputation, I reply you have an unmatched record. If there is a prototype spy, it would be you.

    Ari piped in, I agree with my esteemed colleague. Mossad would love for you to join our ranks.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Lily noticed Grace Bailey staring at her. What?

    Grace smiled wryly. You’re widely respected, Lily. Just accept it and move on.

    Lily shrugged. Yes, ma’am.

    Are you up for an afternoon workout? Turning her head at the voice, she saw Donna Smith smiling like a Cheshire cat. Tough looking, athletic, and aggressive, Donna intimidated most people, as SEALs tend to do. Having the respect of her male comrades spoke for itself.

    Sure, Donna. I’ve got some mail to finish processing, but maybe in an hour?

    That works for me. Donna flexed her arms. Lily laughed.

    The idea gained steam quickly, and soon the entire group of field folk decided to go to the gym. An hour later, they jogged on the track to warm up before squaring off on the mats.

    Donna grinned with confidence.

    You should know, SEAL training is tough sledding, princess.

    The gathered onlookers guffawed and chuckled.

    Princess? Lily responded. She gestured for Donna to make her move.

    Donna attacked immediately, trying to overwhelm Lily before the fight could even start. Lily fought off the initial strikes, pivoting often to avoid heavy strikes from Donna’s gloved fists.

    Careful, ladies, said Ray. Remember, we’re on the same side.

    No worries, Donna muttered and then started an even stronger strike. Lily dodged the worst of the swings, but Donna landed a couple of body blows with loud smacks.

    Lily huffed as the thuds knocked the wind out of her lungs. The other SEALs cheered on their mate, as if Lily was an enemy combatant.

    Suddenly as Donna launched into another attack meant to take down Lily, she got a savage counterattack instead. Lily drilled her both to the gut and then a smack to the cheek. Donna staggered back a step.

    Lily stopped, merely watching her. Donna glowered and attacked again. Both women landed stiff blows this time. Before they could draw blood, Ray stepped in to break up the bout.

    Enough, ladies! This is supposed to a friendly bout.

    Rather than the simmering hatred he expected, both women took off the gloves, smiled, and slapped hands.

    You’re pretty good, Donna.

    I’m better than pretty good. I’m surprised you’re still standing. The SEALs aren’t the only units that get strong training.

    I’ll admit you’re deceptive. You look like this dainty cheerleader type, but you do pack a punch. You move well.

    Thank you. I grew up as a tomboy playing with the boys, not with dolls.

    Did you, I wouldn’t have thought that. I wasn’t into dolls either. Earning the respect of my SEAL comrades, that’s validation enough for me.

    You’ve added me as a fan too. I appreciate that, Lily.

    Let’s jog again for our cooldown. Okay.

    The two women were joined by Grace Bailey and Patty Baymill in taking more laps. This time the pace was much stiffer. The others of the group went through their own sparring episodes in the meantime.

    The women showered together afterward in the group shower.

    Patty, do you have any inkling about this threat beyond what was said in the meeting? asked Grace.

    Not really. As they said, we’re all picking up on chatter because there is so much of it happening now. There are no specific plans or targets we can distill out…yet. We’re going to get a handle on it, believe me.

    Donna spoke, glancing at Lily’s torso. "Did I give you some boo-boos?

    You’ve got a couple of nice welts."

    Lily looked back with a smirk. I’ve had boo-boos before. I’m fine. I seem to have tagged you too. How many of those marks did I give you?

    Most of these are old damage. SEALs have a very physical life. I’m fine also. You can see that Patty has been gored too. Rank doesn’t protect you in the SEALs.

    Patty laughed.

    I’ll take your word for that. Have I validated myself? We’ll let you live, for the moment. Can you shoot? Is that our next contest?

    Why not keep sharp, I always say.

    It will have to be tomorrow. I’ve got a couple of things to wrap up before I go home to feed my brood.

    You’ve got kids?

    I do, a son and a daughter. Is that a problem?

    Well, in the field, that could be an issue if enemies can leverage that against you.

    We don’t broadcast our personal lives.

    You know as well as I do the other side can get our secrets whether we take measures or not.

    Lily didn’t respond. It was a troubling possibility she’d thought about a great deal over the years as international politics eroded.

    I’m not trying to yank your chain, Lily. That’s one reason I never sought a marriage.

    I’m aware of the danger. What are your other reasons?

    I never found the right person, I guess. Maybe I’m too picky.

    I will say marriage with the right person is great. With the wrong person…well, I would agree with you. Before I met my husband, I had a relationship with a guy that soured over time. His true nature came out, and I didn’t like what I saw. I’m not a person to be owned, controlled, and belittled. He did love himself. You get the picture.

    I’ve known some of them. Those relationships of mine I had resulted in some painful conclusions, for them.

    Lily chuckled. So you were a badass from day one? Perhaps I was too immature back then in college. He was an athlete with all of the baggage that goes with it. Egocentric and a misogynist, feeling entitled, demanding, insistent, I was probably too dazzled by good looks and star status. It took me a couple of years before the drawbacks chafed enough that I started to come to my senses. When I cut the cord, he did not handle it well. Actually, he didn’t handle it at all. That was the start of my road to toughening up to defending myself. I never wanted to be abused and helpless again. He was a painful lesson. The next day I signed up for a self-defense course, and I’ve never looked back.

    I had my own version of growing pains and hard lessons, different than yours, but no less mortifying. I also was forced to toughen up. Those grim memories stick with you.

    They certainly do.

    I gather there was…stuff, Lily. Did you report him?

    I was ashamed and young. Hindsight is so tough because we’re our own worst critics. I blamed myself then and I honestly can’t remember why. God help the guy that tries to mess with my daughter. Both of my kids are enrolled in self-defense courses. I started them early.

    Patty eyed her thoughtfully, lost in her own memories and issues, while Grace had an enigmatic look.

    The women got dressed and parted ways for the evening to wrap up personal affairs.

    Lily returned to her office to find a large manila envelope sitting on her desk. Inside was the long-awaited field report. Though it took time, she read the entire document. Before she started reading, she’d called her neighbor. Hey, it’s me. I’ve got some work to do at the office. Would you mind watching my kids until I get home? You know I never leave them alone.

    Sure, Lily, no problem.

    The report was as frightening as she anticipated. She couldn’t put it down as she read it in total, and that was not a good sign.

    Top Secret Credible sources have confirmed rumors of an international plot dwarfing anything we’ve ever faced. The alleged players are both foreign and domestic. How this could come about seems impossible, yet it appears true. Radical sects throughout the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Africa, and both Americas are pooling resources and plans for some great event, or events, that threaten stability anywhere on the globe.

    Possible scenarios include triggering existing antagonistic rivalries causing global powers into conventional warfare. That doesn’t mean nuclear conflict wouldn’t occur too as an offshoot. As traditional treaties have been eroded by toxic politics, inherent weakness remains, making individual countries highly vulnerable. This we will discuss later.

    A second theory is both more and less credible. It says the amassing enemy forces are intent on anarchy

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