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Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran
Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran
Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran

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"Daddy, where are we going?" I questioned.

"Going through this huge lake of a road. Headed to town, baby girl." Daddy Answered.

We go through the water-covered roadway.

"Gotta make it through, baby girl!" He cheered.

This short story is about a crazed Vietnam Veteran and the

Release dateOct 17, 2023
Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran

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    Book preview

    Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran - Leiloni Caughell-Simpson


    The outlook on Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran to me, and the walk of life of such a man.

    My father looked like a sasquatch and even talked like him, too. He was well known for being the greatest man around. He cared about a lot of people, and those people will always be remembered by him, even in the afterlife.

    Running the club and being the president of the Vietnam Veterans Bike Club were his waking moments when he was clean and sober.

    Drugs have taken a lot of men from the Vietnam War, but not taken the hearts of those men.

    They fought for our country forever. It was different being raised by a man like him, but he never gave up on me. Even in his old age, he tried to keep up with me and did as I did.

    This book is about the life that we went through, the two of us against the world.

    The stories that can cripple a country in just moments if lived by the life of a Vietnam veteran, but he raised a daughter in the most exquisite way.

    The stories told in this book are very true and very vivid like you are living them yourself.

    I bring you the story of a daughter of a Vietnam veteran. May the moon be at your back and the sun on your face.

    Chapter One

    Ambushing the Enemy

    Wake up! There’s something creeping around here! Shh! Be very quiet. The enemy is outside. Listen very closely so you can hear them. Remember, at least one soldier must always be by my side. Came the sounds of a disabled, crazed veteran.

    I’m up! What do you mean they are outside? I asked, confused.

    With a loaded pistol in his hand, Dad reaches out and puts his hand over my mouth. Shh, I told you they are outside. You ready to take down the enemy? He asked.

    No, Dad, I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep. I answered.

    Shaking his head frantically, Dad pulls me off the bed and gets a crazy look in his eyes and on his bearded face.

    No! You are coming with me! He orders me.

    Fine, Dad. Where is he? I asked, irritated.

    He? You mean the enemy? He corrected me.

    Yes, I mean the enemy, I replied.

    Okay, let's scout them, Dad said excitedly.

    "Here we go! It's going to be a long ride and a long night. Where you at, you little pricks? My daughter and I are going to scout you out and kill your ugly asses! This is war! We fight, we light, and it's gonna go all night! You, this is my rifle. This is my gun! We're gonna find you because you are number one! He shouted.

    Then, he runs over to the cabinet in the house and says, Get over here. We’re at war.

    Then, he continues, Listen to the sounds of the night. Is there anything you don't recognize? What sounds can you hear?

    I hear that one. Oh, yeah, that one. One, two, three, he comes with me. Crazy at night and brave during the day. Listen to what I say. Light the night and broaden the day. Listen to what I say. One, two, it is you! Three, four, I hear the door. Don't mess with me cause, five, four, that's a whore! Off task is the bearded stash. Seven, eight—we skipped six, so now you're late! Dad booms.

    I hear the enemy at the side. This is the ride. Hey, fuckers, I got a bomb!

    Kaboom! The grenade goes out the door.

    Shh, I think I got them. Let's go see what we got. This will be fun.

    Dad laughs. There's a devil on the ground. Damn, the grenade didn't get them. That's okay. We have dinner tonight. A fox.

    Then he walks inside with his prize that he had gotten and says, Mmm… A fox for dinner. You better be hungry.

    I'm gonna have a lot of personal stuff spilling out, so you better get a box of tissues and grab a bag of popcorn, too. The deadly roller coaster ride. Hold on, soldiers! Don't give up! He says.

    He’s at our viewpoint! Don’t let him out of sight! With his loaded shotgun in his hand, he crawls like a snake on the ground. Well, the two of us did, me and him.

    He whispers to his right shoulder, You see how he’s right there?

    Yes, Daddy, he’s right there, I whisper back.

    Right there! He exclaims.

    Yes, Dad.

    Now, sshh. We gotta be quiet. We’re coming up on his backside. Don’t make any noise. He hands me the gun.

    Then, he yelled. Three, four is a bearded whore!

    And I take aim.

    Get them, sissy. He orders, and I load off on them.

    Get them, sissy! You got it! I fired the gun just like he wanted and hit the damn thing.

    Another fox for dinner. I say you did pretty good. Now, that’s how you raise a daughter. He says proudly.

    First shot, and she lands it! Golly! She’s my daughter for sure." He says proudly as he grabs the dead animal from the shooting range.

    Come on, baby girl, we’re having Fox for dinner tonight.

    We walk back to the homestead and see Mamma there on the porch, waiting for us.

    God, you must have good ears to know we were on the way to ya. The second fox of the week, he says to Mamma.

    The one time she’s home and I land a fox!

    By golly, she did well. Better than I'd ever be, and that says a lot. I mean it. I'm a dead shot. Must run through our blood. He lays the fox on our porch.

    The smell of fox cooking

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