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Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes
Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes
Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes
Ebook174 pages1 hour

Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes

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About this ebook

Catalan Pastis is the third volume in our series World of Cakes.
In Luxembourg A Piece of Cake we toured the incredible cake shop world in tiny Luxembourg. The variety far exceeds what you would expect in a country smaller than Rhode Island. The book was an unplanned accident.
In Florida Cakes we continued the habit of taking pictures of some of the cakes we purchased. Our life took us to the sunny beaches of Florida for a while. The cake designs in Florida are just incredible.
Now back in Europe we had business in Spain and especially in Catalonia, which we enjoyed during a number of months.
Again, we took advantage of its uniquely enjoyable cake shops bombonierie making the most wonderful cakes pastis in Catalan - some which are not found elsewhere.
There must be at least one thousand cake shops and cafes in Barcelona alone serving these great specialities.
We will try to discover some of the secrets behind this formidable variety and quality of Catalan pastis Catalan cakes. You will be surprised!
We very much hope you will enjoy the tour and will take the opportunity to visit Spain and Catalonia yourself one day!
Many thanks to Concha Marchante of the Servei de Pesca Continental in Barcelona and Professor Emili Garcia-Berthou from the University of Girone for their kind assistance with very interesting information on the fish in the Tordera River.
Release dateOct 24, 2023
Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes

Cristina Berna

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She writes to entertain a diverse audience.

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    Catalan Pastis - Catalonian cakes - Cristina Berna

    About the authors

    Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

    Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

    Also by the authors:

    World of Cakes

    Luxembourg – a piece of cake

    Florida Cakes

    Catalan Pastis – Catalonian Cakes

    Andalucian Delight

    World of Art

    Hokusai – 36 Views of Mt Fuji and more titles


    Deer in Dyrehaven – Outpets in Denmark

    Florida Outpets

    Birds of Play


    Copenhagen vehicles – and a trip to Sweden Construction vehicles picture book Trains

    American Police Cars

    American Fire Trucks

    and more titles

    Missy’s Clan

    Missy’s Clan – The Beginning

    Missy’s Clan – Christmas

    Missy’s Clan – Education

    Missy’s Clan – Kittens

    Missy’s Clan – Deer Friends

    Missy’s Clan – Outpets

    Missy’s Clan – Outpet Birds and more titles


    Christmas Nativities Spain

    Christmas Nativities Barcelona

    Christmas Nativities Malaga

    Christmas Nativities Sevilla

    Christmas Nativities Madrid

    Christmas Nativities Luxembourg Trier

    Christmas Nativity United States

    Christmas Nativity Innsbruck

    Christmas Market Innsbruck

    Christmas Market Vienna and more titles

    Contact the authors

    Published by

    Cover picture: Tortell de Nata, Barcelona. ©Berna 2017

    Inside 1 viewing Natcha shop window ©Berna 2015

    Inside 2 Tortell de Nata - ©Berna 2015






    Barcelona Cake Shops


    Independence Movement


    Language Jokes

    Bomboneria Natcha

    The Rambla

    Terror Attack


    Tossa del Mar


    Poblet and Montblanc




    Catalan Pastis is the third volume in our series World of Cakes.

    In Luxembourg – A Piece of Cake we toured the incredible cake shop world in tiny Luxembourg. The variety far exceeds what you would expect in a country smaller than Rhode Island. The book was an unplanned accident.

    In Florida Cakes we continued the habit of taking pictures of some of the cakes we purchased. Our life took us to the sunny beaches of Florida for a while. The cake designs in Florida are just incredible.

    Now back in Europe we had business in Spain and especially in Catalonia, which we enjoyed during a number of months.

    Again, we took advantage of its uniquely enjoyable cake shops – bombonierie – making the most wonderful cakes – pastis in Catalan - some which are not found elsewhere. There must be at least one thousand cake shops and cafes in Barcelona alone serving these great specialities.

    We will try to discover some of the secrets behind this formidable variety and quality of Catalan pastis – Catalan cakes. You will be surprised!

    We very much hope you will enjoy the tour and will take the opportunity to visit Spain and Catalonia yourself one day!

    Many thanks to Concha Marchante of the Servei de Pesca Continental in Barcelona and Professor Emili Garcia-Berthou from the University of Girone for their kind assistance with very interesting information on the fish in the Tordera River.

    Cristina and Eric


    Catalonia is a busy region in Northern Spain, bordering France. Through the region runs the major roads which day and night carry much of the exports of the other regions of Spain up to Europe and a major part of the imports as well. The main connections are to Paris and to Lyon, and via Germany to the Nordic countries.

    The mountainous region Aragon to the west of Catalonia does not have North – South bound road capacity to carry the Spanish exports. The only other entry into the Iberian peninsula is via the Basque countries west of Aragon, especially at Irun, with connections to Bordeaux and up North in France to Benelux and UK.

    The Catalan region is 32,198 km² and has a population of 7.523 million (2016). All Spain is 505,990 km² – and Spain’s total population is 46.56 million (2016).

    We lived in Barcelona regularly since 2014 and the first edition of this book was written 2019.

    Desigual is one of the many successful textile companies based in Barcelona, Catalonia. ©Berna 2016.

    In comparison Florida is 170,305 km²and has 20.61 million inhabitants (2016) and Denmark is 43,560 km²and has 5.731 million inhabitants (2016).

    20 per cent of the Spanish exports also come from the Catalonia region itself – which produces 13,000 cars daily at Mercedes-Benz, Nissan and Seat plants here and processes crude oil into various products. Catalonia also has a huge textile sector and several big pharmaceutical companies.

    A huge insurance company, Catalana Occidente and two international scale banks, Sabadell and Caixa Bank, grew up here.

    The wealth in Catalonia is visible in the expensive tastes – here sandals from Jimmy Choo in the Christmas shopping window. No price tag and of course very, very expensive. ©Berna 2015.

    Catalonia and especially the main town Barcelona are however probably best known as popular tourist destinations.

    Barcelona has been promoted relentlessly for 25 years as a prime tourist destination and in 2016 was visited by 32 million tourists. 8 million stayed in hotels and 24 million stayed in tourist apartments. This spreads wealth directly to apartment owners, many of whom are small people. 23 million tourists were day-trippers.

    There are abt. 75,000 hotel beds and abt. 50,000 beds in legal licensed tourist apartments, plus an estimated 50,000 illegal beds. An estimated 17,000 apartments have been converted into tourist apartments. This is claimed to put some pressure on the market for accommodation for the population of 1.6 million inhabitants. A conflict between apartment owners and renters. But this on the other hand creates investment and employment in construction.

    The city has enacted a new planning law to limit new permits for tourist beds with estimated effects from 2019. Spain can be expected to enjoy increased inflow as a tourist destination, after radical Muslim terror attacks have made many tourists concerned about visiting countries like Turkey, Egypt and in North Africa.

    The tourist sector accounts for over 12% of the 72bn euro (89 bn USD - £61bn) GDP of Barcelona, according to figures for 2014.

    The sector is said to pay only half the average annual income and employs many immigrants.

    Barcelona von El Carmel ©Berna 2012


    Depending on where you start history is a long thing.

    The Romans conquered the peninsula over a couple of hundred years from 219 BC and made it part of Rome. Barcelona was founded as a Roman city but the Greeks already had trading settlements on the coast. The Emperor Trajan was born in Italica close to modern Sevilla 53 AD with full citizen rights.

    After the fall of Rome the Germanic Visigoths came and took control from the 5th to the 8th century in a kingdom that also comprised southern France. The area incl Catalonia was called Tarraconensis.

    In 711 AD the Muslims invaded the peninsula as part of a war of Visigoth succession. The brutal invasion soon conquered most of the land.


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