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Sophie's Tails Double Trouble
Sophie's Tails Double Trouble
Sophie's Tails Double Trouble
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Sophie's Tails Double Trouble

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My name is Sophie and I have always had a nose for trouble. What happens when I make a friend that also has a curious nature? Double Trouble. Diesel is my best friend and sometimes we don't make the best choices when we are together. What started out as a day of fun turned into the wrong kind of adventure. 

PublisherM.C. Beynon
Release dateNov 3, 2023
Sophie's Tails Double Trouble

M.C. Beynon

I believe in pursuing dreams and making them a reality. I have always been a creative person, whether it is crafts or some other form of art. Writing is just another creative outlet. I am a single mother of two wonderful kids, and two fur babies. I live in the Midwest. My passions are coffee, animals and books. When I am not reading or writing, I can be found playing softball with my daughter, gardening, or enjoying the outdoors.

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    Book preview

    Sophie's Tails Double Trouble - M.C. Beynon


    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    About the Author

    All About Sophie

    Copyright © 2023 Meredith Wojciechowski

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Editor: Virginia Carey

    Cover Artist, Illustrator and Interior Design: The Illustrated Author Design Services

    First Printing, 2023

    Printed in the USA

    To all those that have been supporting me on this journey so far, I am so grateful. I would like to especially say thank you to those who help spread the word about my books. There is no better compliment than telling someone else about my books. Savanna, you are my number one fan and I appreciate you telling everyone that will listen about my books. To my friends and family thank you for your continued support. Michelle, you were a wonderful friend and great beta reader, you will be missed. Michelle helped me choose the title and she passed away after a long battle with cancer August 14, 2022.


    Chapter one

    Hi there, I am Sophie. Some of you might remember me from the last book. I have a nose for trouble, but you can’t help loving me. I have a new friend Diesel; you might remember that we moved next door to him a few months ago. Diesel is a Siberian husky and the most handsome guy on this block. His Dad is a local truck driver and most days you will find him riding in the passenger seat of the truck. Every single day he gets to have a new adventure. I am kind of jealous of that, the farthest I get to go is around the neighborhood or on errands with my humans. Diesel and his Dad get to visit different places to make deliveries for all kinds of orders all over the city and suburbs. There are some days they go to a stop they have been to before and Diesel is okay with that because they usually have a treat for him, some of the dock workers even play ball with him for a bit if there is a large load to load or unload in the truck. I am sure wherever they go they are happy to see him, his face is hard to resist. He has these bright blue eyes and a silly looking grin on his face most of the time. Have you ever met a dog that you didn’t like? I would like to think I speak for all dogs when I say, I don’t think humans would know what to do without us. We lick you when you are sad, we make you laugh when you are having a bad day and distract you when you are supposed to be doing homework.

    Diesel and I have become fast friends and I think Jax is a little jealous that I don’t spend as much time with him anymore. Diesel and I started out just running by the fence and now we are inseparable. He matches my energy level, Jax just gets tired watching us. He is getting up there in age and just can’t keep up with me anymore. Diesel likes to run, dig holes with me, tip toe in my Mom’s garden and we nap in the shade when we need a break. We have two favorite napping spots, the first is under the big Oak tree in my backyard when the weather is nice and the second is the big comfy bed my Mom got for us in the sunroom. Well, at least when he is home that is, when he is at work I am left to my own devices. We all know what that means, trouble here I come. I try awfully hard to behave and listen to what Mom says, but there is always this little voice inside my head telling me not to listen to them. In my defense if they were playing with me like they talked about doing I wouldn’t have gotten myself into trouble. I am a ball of energy and get bored easily. Lindsey tries to be the boss of me, but what does she know. She is just a silly teenager that doesn’t even know what she is doing half the time. I will tell you my latest story and you will let me know what you think.

    So here it goes, the humans are on some type of lockdown and zoned out in

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