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Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023
Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023
Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023
Ebook138 pages53 minutes

Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023

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Around the sixteenth century, the mankind took more than 100 years to overcome its hardened belief that the Sun revolved round the Earth.
In modern times, the fact, that all the cricket we see is institutionally fixed and scripted like a puppet show, lies scientifically proved and publicly exposed since 2013. Yet, like in the 16th century, the totally
false notion of natural cricket continues to persist among the masses. It is reinforced more by the vested interests.
Strangely enough, even the best minds around fail to comprehend the reality which is not much difficult to perceive.
This book will help the readers a long way in grasping the explosive truth through knowledge of cricket betting.
PublisherDiamond Books
Release dateDec 21, 2023
Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023

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    Cricket Betting And The Fake ICC World Cup 2023 - Atul Kumar

    Cricket Betting and CWC 2023

    There are tens or hundreds of millions of cricket bettors in the world. Still, the vast majority of a few billion cricket fans don’t bet and have only very superficial knowledge about cricket betting.

    Most of us know that for most of the matches anywhere in any format, there are betting odds for win or loss of a team. For example, starting odds for a team to win may be 1.38 - 1.39 (meaning that one betting for that team to win will get additional 38 paisa or 0.38 dollars for every one rupee or dollar wagered respectively, and the one betting for the opposite team to win will get additional 1/.39 = 2.56 rupees or dollars for every one rupee or dollar wagered).

    We don’t know how these odds are decided or arrived upon, we have only our beliefs in this regard. Who does it and on what authority? But these odds are centrally controlled worldwide and the same odds are used by all the bookies - hundreds and thousands of them, and all the betting websites – scores and hundreds of those, may be with some negligible variation here or there. Addicted to betting, and lured by the prospects of making easy money, the millions and millions of bettors globally continue to place bets nevertheless (mostly to lose) worth tens of billions of dollars daily, remaining in the dark all the time about the origin and control of the bets etc.

    But something very important and valuable is officially known. One, Times of India news report dated 27/7/2013 and titled ‘IPL betting rates set by Dawood, says chargesheet’ had this to tell, ‘....Delhi Police’s chargesheet, likely to be filed next week, is expected to explain how Dawood was not above pulling a fast one even on bookies who trusted D-company’s tip offs, pointing to the treacherous world of illegal betting controlled by the don.

    Small and middle level bookies trusted the winning team information announced by D-company as this mostly turns out to be true. But sometimes, the information was faked. A wrong winning team would be named. So, while some bookies knew where to place money, others who took the D-company information at face value lost. Both ways, D company benefitted, said a senior police officer....’

    Two, following is in the Mudgal Committee report as brought out in the book ‘Fixed!: Cash and Corruption in Cricket’ (a rare valuable book on Cricket) by the awarded veteran journalist Shantanu Guha ray: ‘…Chutani would routinely convey opening rates to key bookies in India, Pakistan, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur. He was sure about what would happen in a match and rates were fixed accordingly….’ Javed Chutani has been mentioned as one of very few in the inner circle of Dawood Ibrahim, in direct touch with him.

    A little application of mind to the above two alone should be enough to make anyone endowed with some commonsense realise that the cricket betting odds were decided by the betting mafia controlled by Dawood Ibrahim those days, with full prior knowledge as to what would happen in a match, and not on any other basis; various beliefs of the myriad people notwithstanding. Irrespective of anything else, this alone tells us that the betting odds and their movement didn’t depend upon how the play was progressing, but it was the other way round. Play in the grounds followed the betting odds and how those were supposed to move. The opening odds for various matches in the CWC 2023 (as enumerated in the next chapter), and the movements in those odds amply demonstrated this.

    Consequently, it does mean that all the matches were institutionally fixed and scripted from start to finish. All the talk of spot fixing here or there, of random bookies luring random players, of complaints by some players at times of approach by shadowy characters etc. was all hogwash, broadly created to camouflage the reality and to keep the billions in the world constantly fooled. So was the action against some players now and then; that could also be for the reasons that those players tried to play smart with the authorities to earn some extra bucks. Any talk about Cricket notwithstanding, the institutional scripting had to be in place all the time for the very survival of the big betting industry, and for exponential gains to it. It’s so simple.

    The betting odds for a match don’t remain static, but continue to move up or down with the progress of a match. For example, in Australia vs Afghanistan match on the 7th November, 2023, the starting odds before toss were 1.14 -1.15 in favour of Australia, after toss the same were 1.18 -1.19. The odds went on varying/moving throughout such that when Australia were 91/7 while chasing, the odds were around 1.00 – 1.01 in f/o Afghanistan. These odds continued to increase for Afghanistan win

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