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Bruised but Not Broken
Bruised but Not Broken
Bruised but Not Broken
Ebook55 pages47 minutes

Bruised but Not Broken

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This book is based on the life of a woman who struggled her whole life trying to find herself. Dealing with countless setbacks while battling depression, she refused to be a victim of her circumstance and joined the military as a way out of the streets of Baltimore.

Finding true love and hoping that she would finally see herself as worthy, she set out to become the best wife and mother she could be. It was then that life threw a curveball, and she faced issues of abandonment after the loss of her marriage.

Fighting a losing battle with depression while searching for her lost identity, was she able to find her healing and overcome it all?
Release dateMar 20, 2018
Bruised but Not Broken

U.R. Worthy

U. R. Worthy, 34-year-old author and dedicated mother began her writing career at pivotal time in her life when she began to lose hope. Bruised and scarred by a divorce that threatened her very existence, it was through her writing she found her peace. With an enormous amount of love and support from friends and family she was able to emerge Bruised but not Broken

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    Bruised but Not Broken - U.R. Worthy

    © 2018 U. R. Worthy. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse    03/19/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3025-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3023-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3024-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902349

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    In memory of the Life of Markeisha



    Chapter 1   Growing Up

    Chapter 2   Take Care of Home

    Chapter 3   Bruised

    Chapter 4   What Worth?

    Chapter 5   Broken

    Chapter 6   Navy Days

    Chapter 7   Love At first sight

    Chapter 8   Happily Ever After

    Chapter 9   New Chapter

    Chapter 10   D- DAY

    Chapter 11   Who is She?

    Chapter 12   No Deeper Pain

    Chapter 13   Daddy’s Gone

    Chapter 14   Low

    Chapter 15   Lost

    Chapter 16   There is healing in forgiveness


    She looked in the mirror after a deep awakening. Noticing someone who resembled her but, had never been seen before. It was beauty, it was grace, it was resilience. You see she had always seen weakness and hurt, pain and regret, shame and guilt. Abandon by those sworn to love her and storing up deep rooted pain of worthlessness and dissolutions of what her perception of love was.

    You see her life had been filed with fragments of unhealthy examples. Those who modeled the picture where actors playing the parts they were given by their guides, the ones who came before her. It’s a cycle you see, generational curses, carrying the torch for cycles of ill will, ill love. Burdens which came with pardons that would cleanse the palette of those who wish to break chains that hold them captive to what once was, and still is a force that should not continue.

    You see, she realized something that pain she held on to, it was a disguise. One she’d clothed herself in, too ashamed to walk in her truth. Too ashamed to confront the real her inside. What would happen if she cried out? Not the cry for others pain, but the pain she never grieved. You see, her pain was not a worthy cause. She’d taken up the touch, to run into battles for those whose voices where never heard. But what about her voice? Can you hear her? Would you hear her?

    Empty from the cries she’d let out before, praying for a rescue that would never came. When would someone help fight her battles? This woman, a girl trapped inside of an empty shell praying for sweet nectar to quince the thirst of the bitterness she’d been fed her whole life. When will it come? Who would come?

    Instead she rises from her salted wounds waiting for the cavalry. This time she stands, not for a cause, not for others but for a queen who has write-fully returned to her throne. Your majesty, your worth, it is an honor to finally meet you!


    This book is based on the live of a woman who struggles her whole life trying to find her. Dealing with countless setback while battling depression she refused to be a victim of her circumstance and joined the military as way out the streets.

    Finding true love and hoping that she would finally see herself as worthy she set out to become the best wife and mother she could. It was then life threw curve ball and as she faced issues

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