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An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes
An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes
An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes
Ebook26 pages18 minutes

An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes

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The Holy Spirit inspired Solomon to write Ecclesiastes, but I see no evidence that He gave Solomon a knowledge of future events when he wrote this particular book. Rather, Solomon had thoroughly studied life on this earth, and the Holy Spirit moved Solomon to publish his conclusions.Included in his conclusions are references to God's future work of salvation which he undoubtedly gained from studying the Pentateuch and perhaps oral tradition handed down from Adam and Noah.

Release dateFeb 7, 2024
An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes

Daniel Zimmermann

Daniel Zimmermann was born in Merrill, Wisconsin, and grew up in Hustisford, Wisconsin. He was graduated as valedictorian from Northwestern College, Watertown, Wisconsin. His valedictory concerned the ancient philosopher Plotinus. Special honors were third place in an Eta Sigma Phi Greek composition contest and the Doctor Ott award. He was also graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. After serving as pastor for several years, he became a free lance writer. Because of the outstanding success of his Spanish poetry in Mexico, his biography was included in Who's Who in the Midwest. He is also a former member of American Mensa. He is married to Merian, nee Ecot. The couple is residing in the Philippines. Daniel Zimmermann is the author of short stories and poetry. He also writes non-fiction, especially on literature, history, Christianity, and botany.

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    Book preview

    An Interpretive Summary of the Book of Ecclesiastes - Daniel Zimmermann

    Chapter 1

    The book of Ecclesiastes begins with the words: The words of Koheleth, the son of David and king in Jerusalem.

    The word Koheleth tells us that the author is calling the people together in order to instruct them. For this reason, most versions translate the word Teacher or Preacher. In Hebrew, the word Koheleth is a feminine noun because it is an abstract noun denoting his office.

    Though author does not reveal his name, the above description clearly shows that the author is King Solomon. In accordance with Solomon’s wishes, I shall usually call him Koheleth, especially when he functions as such.

    Ecclesiastes 12: 9-12 forced me to consider an alternate possibility. These verses could be interpreted as a personal message of a compiler who had heard Solomon speak, had read Solomon’s written proverbs, and subsequently organized this material into the book of Ecclesiastes.

    However, Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 are obviously Solomon’s words. A compiler would not have added his personal contribution before Koheleth had finished speaking.

    Koheleth begins with his theme: Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. From the way he develops this theme, it is evident that he means that everything under the sun is vain, i.e., the earth and everything on it.

    He wonders what a person gains from all the labor at which he toils under the sun. No one really accomplishes anything. When his generation passes away, the earth is still the same as it always was.

    Nothing ever changes. Sunrise and sunset repeatedly follow one another, and the wind seems

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