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It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections
It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections
It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections
Ebook66 pages1 hour

It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections

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This book “It’s a Mistake, Make the Corrections” serves as a poignant reminder and a guide to believers to always remember that there is a standard, a script that has been written down for us all, long before we even came into existence. Our role as believers is to live out the script God has carefully written down for us. The only way to live out this script is to stay close to God and follow his direction, with that, we would live exactly the way He wants us to live.
Release dateMar 13, 2024
It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections

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    It's a Mistake, Make the Corrections - Stella Chiamaka




    COPYRIGHT © 2024

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author or publisher.

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    +234 8139 260 389

    6, Amusa Street, Agodo-Egbe, Lagos

    Published in the Federal Republic of Nigeria

    A script has been written down for a man before the foundation of the world

    An ordination made before a man was born into the world

    Purpose has been made clear for a man on earth

    The vision has been made plain

    There is a blueprint for a man

    A path has been created for a man to walk on

    Everything has been set before a man walked in

    A manual has been kept ready to navigate the course of his life

    The creator made it, from the very foundation of the world

    The creator wrote down a plan

    Please find it and use it.


    O Lord, I know that the determination of the way of a man is not in himself, it is not in man, even in a strong man or in a man at his best to direct his steps. O Lord correct, instruct, and chastise me, but with judgment and in just measure not in your anger, lest you diminish me and bring me to nothing. -Jeremiah 10:23-24

    Mistakes in life are inevitable, it’s only in the hand of God to correct and help a man not to make mistakes in his life. Man naturally, was created to be inadequate, insufficient, and incompetent but when he yields totally to God, his sufficiency becomes of God. When a man begins to submit his life to God, he will discover that living a life of purpose becomes much easier. When Christ becomes a core strength of a man, the man does not live a mistake life but walks in the course of life that God has predestined for him.


    If you are given a document to reproduce and you discover that the copy reproduced when compared to the original copy of the document has certain discrepancies in it. This means that the copy reproduced is a mistake. A mistake is an error. When we do or choose things wrongly, it results in a mistake. There is an original copy for every man’s life. There is a person, God truly wants you to become. When the person you are, is not who God wants you to be, it becomes a mistake (an error made by you). We either walk on the course of life that God has created for us or live a contrary life, which is a mistake-life.

    Every man born of a woman has a definite purpose, an assignment to do and a destiny to fulfil. The assignment given to a man by his Creator can only be done when the man begins to allow His Creator to lead him. If he tries to do it by walking in his direction, it leads to destruction (mistake). The Creator has a script for everyone He created because he is the writer; He has a definite plan and purpose for His creatures.

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee- Jeremiah 1:5

    He told Jeremiah that before he was formed from the womb, He knew him because He is the Creator, so He knows everyone born on earth. For us to truly live out the script He has written down for us, we must get close to Him because living a life aside from what is written in that script is a mistake. The bottom line is that everyone was created for a PURPOSE. We have been called according to God’s purpose, not our purpose,

    Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His PURPOSE and GRACE… -2 Tim 2:9

    When we begin to live a life outside His purpose, then we are living a mistake life which is outside what He originally planned or drafted out for our life.

    PURPOSE is our reason for existence, we were not created just to eat, sleep, and die. There is more to life, than what we think it is.  The devil understands this part and that is why, he constantly fights man to prevent him from achieving His God-given purpose. No man was created useless, no matter how small or big you are, there is a vacuum (space) that you are meant to fill.

    There are potentials, gifts, and talents God has placed inside of us. There is nobody born without something special and unique. In the parable of Talents that Jesus told His disciples in Matt 25:14, you will discover that when the Lord of the servants was about to travel, He gave every one of His servants Talents, none was without any talent. They were all given according to the measure of their abilities. In the same vein, God has given every man, talents, and gifts to work with according to the measure of their ability, so there is no room for comparison. Before we can maximise the potential deposited in us,

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