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Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C
Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C
Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C
Ebook1,089 pages9 hours

Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A new edition of the comprehensive resource linking hymns and anthems to lectionary readings.

The final volume in a three-volume series of planning guides for church musicians and clergy, this resource identifies hymns and anthems that are connected to the scripture appointed for Sundays and feast days. In addition to identifying hymns and anthems appropriate for each Sunday of the church year, this volume also offers suggestions about where in the liturgy each selection can best be used. Featuring hymns from hymnals authorized for use in the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Moravian Church in America, as well as anthems from a variety of sources, Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary helps liturgical planners add musical variety to services and links congregational and choral singing to the lectionary.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C

Thomas Pavlechko

Thomas Pavlechko has served Episcopal, Lutheran and Catholic churches as music director and organist since 1978. He is a widely published composer of hymns, Psalm settings, service music, choral anthems, motets and instrumental arrangements. He was a member of the liturgical music editorial team for the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, and has served on advisory teams for Augsburg Fortress, Church Publishing, and the Hymn Society’s Center for Congregational Song. He lives in Dallas, Texas

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    Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C - Thomas Pavlechko


    Music for the

    Revised Common Lectionary

    First Sunday of Advent | Hymns

    Left Columns: E = Entrance; S = Sequence; O = Offertory; C = Communion; P = Postcommunion

    Right Columns: H82 = The Hymnal 1982; WLP = Wonder, Love, and Praise; LEVAS = Lift Every Voice and Sing II; VF = Voices Found;

    MHSO = My Heart Sings Out; ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship; MBW = Moravian Book of Worship; CP = Common Praise;

    HO =; OL =; CG = The Crowning Glory; IN = Trumpet Descants

    Same tune, different text     [S] Seasonal     [C] Collect     [P] Psalm     [GR] Gospel-related     [SC] Semi-continuous

    First Sunday of Advent | Anthems


    Second Sunday of Advent | Hymns

    Left Columns: E = Entrance; S = Sequence; O = Offertory; C = Communion; P = Postcommunion

    Right Columns: H82 = The Hymnal 1982; WLP = Wonder, Love, and Praise; LEVAS = Lift Every Voice and Sing II; VF = Voices Found;

    MHSO = My Heart Sings Out; ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship; MBW = Moravian Book of Worship; CP = Common Praise;

    HO =; OL =; CG = The Crowning Glory; IN = Trumpet Descants

    Same tune, different text     [S] Seasonal     [C] Collect     [P] Psalm     [GR] Gospel-related     [SC] Semi-continuous

    Second Sunday of Advent | Anthems


    Hymns | Third Sunday of Advent

    Left Columns: E = Entrance; S = Sequence; O = Offertory; C = Communion; P = Postcommunion

    Right Columns: H82 = The Hymnal 1982; WLP = Wonder, Love, and Praise; LEVAS = Lift Every Voice and Sing II; VF = Voices Found;

    MHSO = My Heart Sings Out; ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship; MBW = Moravian Book of Worship; CP = Common Praise;

    HO =; OL =; CG = The Crowning Glory; IN = Trumpet Descants

    Same tune, different text     [S] Seasonal     [C] Collect     [P] Psalm     [GR] Gospel-related     [SC] Semi-continuous

    Anthems | Third Sunday of Advent


    Fourth Sunday of Advent | Hymns

    Left Columns: E = Entrance; S = Sequence; O = Offertory; C = Communion; P = Postcommunion

    Right Columns: H82 = The Hymnal 1982; WLP = Wonder, Love, and Praise; LEVAS = Lift Every Voice and Sing II; VF = Voices Found;

    MHSO = My Heart Sings Out; ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship; MBW = Moravian Book of Worship; CP = Common Praise;

    HO =; OL =; CG = The Crowning Glory; IN = Trumpet Descants

    Same tune, different text     [S] Seasonal     [C] Collect     [P] Psalm     [GR] Gospel-related     [SC] Semi-continuous

    Anthems | Fourth Sunday of Advent


    Hymns | Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I

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