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Ebook88 pages29 minutes


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Winner of the 2025 GLCA New Writers Award for Poetry

Moving between the scriptures of the Qur’an and the Bible, the poems of Theophanies arise from the speaker’s tenuous grip on her own faith while navigating the colonial legacy of Partition and inherited patriarchal expectations of womanhood.

Sarah Ghazal Ali's award-winning debut, Theophanies explores the complexities and spectacles of gender, faith, and family, its poems working to spin miracles from the mundanities of desire and violence. Through art and music, Pakistani history, and scriptural stories, Theophanies struggles to envision a true self and speak back against time to the matriarchs of the larger Abrahamic faiths—the mothers at the heart of sacred history.

Theophanies asks: What does it mean to have a woman’s body when that body has been hailed a vessel for the divine? Is seeing really believing, and is believing belonging? The speaker seeks to understand her own, bewildering "I," to use it with reverence, and to mythologize herself and all mothers to ensure their survival in a male-dominated world hard at work erasing them. Stitched through these poems is longing—for mothers, angels, and signs from the divine. 

Release dateJan 17, 2024

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Utterly astonishing! A book written in fire.

Book preview

Theophanies - Sarah Ghazal Ali


A name is not unlike

a sexed body. Like mine,

it carries.

Is remembered most

for what it fails

to yield. A name

is a condition meant to last,

to outlast, as should a daughter, her mother


I am but do not have

a daughter.

When I look in the lake,

who looks back

is a sister

self: O, little i—I

carry you as you

carry who I am waiting to be.


A pair of apples blistering under the sun—

my eyes have been so saturated.

Before dreamdeep, I start awake, overstimulated

by the stacking of my bones, their caress and jostle.

My granted days I could live or leave. Each loaned

breath I can—do—waste or wield, straining

for the bell in belief. How an arrow flees limb to pierce.

How a pen bleeds to grant shape to speech.

In each instance of angels’ descent,

they soothe: Do not fear, O Hajar, Maryam,

vesseled thee. Or is it awe that clamors the flesh?

A raptor’s lean shadow for a flash

obliterating the high-noon sun: may it

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