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Los días de la semana / Days of the Week
Los días de la semana / Days of the Week
Los días de la semana / Days of the Week
Ebook32 pages1 minute

Los días de la semana / Days of the Week

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A los niños les encantará esta divertida historia mientras aprenden los días de la semana. Disfrutarán escuchando esta adorable historia que presenta efectos de sonido y voces profesionales para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar vocabulario y mejorar sus habilidades auditivas. La historia se presenta primero en español y luego en inglés, lo que lo convierte en un recurso maravilloso para que los niños aprendan un idioma diferente. Las oraciones simples, la enunciación clara y las palabras repetitivas alentarán a los niños a enamorarse de contar historias y aprender un nuevo idioma.

Kids will love this playful story as they learn the days of the week. They will enjoy listening to this adorable story that features sound effects and professional voices to help children develop vocabulary and improve listening skills. The story is first presented in Spanish and then in English making this a wonderful resource for children learning a different language. Simple sentences, clear enunciation, and repetitive words will encourage children to fall in love with storytelling and learning a new language.
Release dateApr 4, 2024
Los días de la semana / Days of the Week

Kim Mitzo Thompson

Kim Mitzo Thompson has been a children’s author, record producer, and publishing executive along with her twin sister Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand for over 29 years. Known as the Twin Sisters®, the duo have written thousands of products for children including over 3,300 songs, 550 digital albums, 250 e-books, 550 teacher resources, 15 apps, hundreds of books, and more! Thousands of their physical products can be found on Amazon and are distributed by various publishers worldwide. Their digital products are available on all major music streaming sites, e-book sites, audiobook sites, and teacher downloadable resource sites. Besides being authors, the fraternal twins run two companies, Creative IP, LLC and Twin Sisters IP, LLC. Both companies are dedicated to creating and licensing exceptional products worldwide. Kim's past experience as an elementary school teacher, lecturer, and television personality brings product development and sales expertise to the organization.

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    Los días de la semana / Days of the Week - Kim Mitzo Thompson

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