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Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks
Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks
Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks
Ebook67 pages30 minutes

Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks

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About this ebook

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses characterized by excessive and persistent anxiety and fear. While fear is a normal response of the body to threats that helps people respond appropriately to dangerous situations, in anxiety disorders it becomes a dysfunctional and disabling force. Those affected experience intense feelings of fear, which often bear no realistic relation to the triggering events. This excessive anxiety leads to significant impairment in daily life, affects the thinking, emotions and behavior of those affected and can severely limit their ability to cope with everyday tasks.

Types of anxiety disorders

There are different types of anxiety disorders that differ in their symptoms and manifestations:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This disorder is characterized by chronic and excessive worrying about numerous areas of life that is difficult to control. Those affected often worry about everyday things such as health, finances, work and interpersonal relationships without there being a specific trigger.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks

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    Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia, Overcoming Fear Attacks - Maja Möller

     Anxiety disorders and social phobia

    What are anxiety disorders?

    Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses characterized by excessive and persistent anxiety and fear. While fear is a normal response of the body to threats that helps people respond appropriately to dangerous situations, in anxiety disorders it becomes a dysfunctional and disabling force. Those affected experience intense feelings of fear, which often bear no realistic relation to the triggering events. This excessive anxiety leads to significant impairment in daily life, affects the thinking, emotions and behavior of those affected and can severely limit their ability to cope with everyday tasks.

    Types of anxiety disorders

    There are different types of anxiety disorders that differ in their symptoms and manifestations:

    1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): This disorder is characterized by chronic and excessive worrying about numerous areas of life that is difficult to control. Those affected often worry about everyday things such as health, finances, work and interpersonal relationships without there being a specific trigger.

    2. Panic disorder: Characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks - intense episodes of sudden fear or unease that are accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweats and shortness of breath. The fear of further attacks often leads to avoidance behavior.

    3. Social anxiety disorder (social phobia): Those affected have an intense fear of social or performance-related situations in which they could be evaluated or judged negatively by others. This can cause them to avoid social interactions and public appearances, which can severely limit their professional and social lives.

    4. Specific Phobias: These phobias refer to intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as heights, animals, or flying. These fears often lead to strong avoidance behavior.

    5. Agoraphobia: The fear of places or situations where escape would be difficult or embarrassing, or where help would not be available in the event of a panic attack. This may cause those affected to avoid places such as public transport, shopping centers or crowds.

    What is social phobia?

    Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is one of the most common anxiety disorders. It is characterized by a strong fear of social or performance-related situations in which the affected person fears being negatively judged or shamed by others. This fear goes beyond normal stage fright and can be so intense that it significantly affects those affected's professional, school and social activities.

    People with social phobia often experience the following symptoms:

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