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The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js
The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js
The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js
Ebook134 pages47 minutes

The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js

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About this ebook

JavaScript is used by more software developers today than any other programming language. You will find chapters that cover the basics of loops and the language fundamentals. You'll find easy and engaging example code throughout.

JavaScript topics include:

  • Variables, values, and statements.
  • Function basics and conditionals
  • Different styles of loops
  • Scope and closures
  • Objects, arrays, and equality


We also cover Vue.js a popular reactive JavaScript framework. Here are some of the topics covered:

  • Installation and basic syntax
  • Binding and rendering data
  • Forms, List, and Vue Lifecycle
  • Vue router basics and more.
Release dateJun 17, 2024
The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js

Tom Henricksen

Coder. Speaker. Power Skill Enabler.

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    The Joy of JavaScript With a Side of Vue.js - Tom Henricksen

    Tom Henricksen

    The Joy of JavaScript with a side of Vue.js

    Copyright © 2024 by Tom Henricksen

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    1. JavaScript A Useful Tool For Tired Minds

    2. Look I found these astounding benefits of JavaScript variables and values

    3. First easy JavaScript function basics that are the most fascinating

    4. Avoid painful mistakes with these Simplistic JavaScript Conditionals

    5. JavaScript has Sizable loops that will explode your mind

    6. Surprisingly Improved JavaScript Variable Scope You Need

    7. Exploit JavaScript Closures More and Don’t Panic


    8. Unparalleled JavaScript Objects Make You Thrilled

    9. Easily Pluck Better JavaScript Arrays

    10. Quick JavaScript Type Conversion and Coercion That Will Make Code Better

    11. Actually, JavaScript Has Surprising And Practical Strings

    12. This Is What JavaScript Numbers Opportunities Make

    13. It Is Time To Spotlight the JavaScript Arrow Function

    14. Valuable JavaScript Strict Equality and Targeted Inequality for the Best Outcome

    15. The Truth About JavaScript Object Notation is Found

    16. The Peril of JavaScript spread and Awesome Rest operator


    17. Get to know the basics of Vue.js

    18. Installing Vue.js The Quick And Dirty Tips

    19. Bind and render what? Know the basics of Vue.js

    20. Forms, Lists, And So Much More In Vue.js

    21. Circle of Life, get to know the Vue.js lifecycle

    22. The pieces to the Vue.js puzzle

    23. And now the last bits of basics for Vue.js

    24. Know the Vue Router Fundamentals

    25. Vuex Keeps Your Vue.js Components Under Control

    26. I’m excited, Jumping into Vuetify, start with the components

    27. Vuelidate, Vue.js outstanding validation made jaw-droppingly easy

    About the Author


    This is broken into three pieces. The basics are first. Covering topics like variables, functions, and conditionals. We also cover loops and closures too.

    Then in the second part, we delve into more advanced topics in JavaScript. Starting with objects, arrays, Type Conversion, and Coercion. Next, we cover complementary topics like numbers, strings, equality, and the arrow functions.

    As I have learned JavaScript over the years in fits and starts this compilation is of some of the fundamentals. The numerous changes that came with ES6 have shifted things. I cover the spread and rest operator too. I have found some of these things more challenging. So I took the time to add some additional resources for you.

    In our third part, we cover Vue.js. This is a popular reactive JavaScript. We cover how you can get started with Vue.js. From installing it to covering the basics of how it binds data. Then we review form components and lists. The Vue Router is the director for your application. In our last couple of chapters, we review Vuex for state management, Vuetify for styling, and Vuelidate for validation. These are common enhancements for Vue.js.


    Part One

    In part one, we start with the basics of JavaScript. We code some fundamental aspects to help you understand how to get around.


    JavaScript A Useful Tool For Tired Minds

    I have a confession. JavaScript and I started badly. My first foray was for form validation. I would cuss about its existence.

    As luck would have after being reintroduced to it I began to respect it. Over the years it has grown into a powerful language.


    With its humble beginnings, JavaScript has evolved into a modern programming language. From the browser to the server it can handle almost everything. Node.js gives it a powerful framework on the server side.

    Mozilla created it and here is how they define it. JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions. That is a mouthful!


    Let’s look at some basic code. It is an HTML file displaying some JavaScript. Save this code to

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