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Your Child's Celebrity: Nurturing children through a new lens
Your Child's Celebrity: Nurturing children through a new lens
Your Child's Celebrity: Nurturing children through a new lens
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Your Child's Celebrity: Nurturing children through a new lens

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About this ebook

It's every parent's dream for their child to be good and succeed in life. And therefore, we set out as parents to do our best. Parenting can be fun and also challenging and therefore having good intentions is not enough. You must have the right approach and strategy if you are to succeed.

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Release dateJul 1, 2024
Your Child's Celebrity: Nurturing children through a new lens

Eunice Essien

"Once a nurse always a nurse." Eunice, is a trained paediatric nurse and a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (health visitor), who worked with children and their families in the hospitals and in the community in the UK for many years. Eunice started working full-time in Kingdom Business a few years ago as a nurse, but a different kind of nurse working to bring healing and peace to children and their families in the church and in the community and the world at large. Parenting is her thing. It's her story. She is privileged and blessed with two children, a young adult and a teenager who are testimonies because God uses them to give her so much insight and understanding and wisdom to share. Nurturing children has become her thing. She had a revelation and then learned to become what she calls a committed parent apprentice, enjoying peace joy, and hope on this journey. It is her passion, conviction, and vision to bring the light to others. She says, "I know the Best and I learn from the Best. "She is honest, kind, and has a good sense of humour. She enjoys having a good laugh. She adores spending time with herself, her family, and her friends."

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    Book preview

    Your Child's Celebrity - Eunice Essien

    Chapter 1

    You are a Celebrity.


    od created us in His image and likeness, and so we are His children. Let’s look at what an image is. An image is a direct resemblance of an original and represents its nature or character. What does likeness mean? The word likeness means to look like, act like, and be like someone or something else. Therefore, as His children He created us to be in direct resemblance of Him, and that we will live, behave and be like Him in every essential way. But then we ate the forbidden fruit; sin entered the world and corrupted the holiness of God in us and distorted the image of God in us.

    Ever since, as a loving Father, God’s purpose and intent have been to restore us to our original holy nature. And that was why God sent His son Jesus Christ to the earth to live among us in the flesh, to show us what God is like; to teach us God’s nature and character. And by His death on the cross, our sins will be covered making it possible for His image and holiness to be fully restored in us. And to be reconnected to our Father through His Holy Spirit.

    Our parenthood parallels God’s in that as physical beings and earthly parents, we birth our children in our image and likeness. It is very interesting and one that its implications should not be taken lightly. That means a parent is to reproduce the parent’s nature in the child. A successful parent is one who successfully raises a child who essentially shares similar morals, ethical values and spiritual values as the parent. I suppose you want good morals, ethical values and spiritual values in your children. I want that. Do you?

    You are a celebrity to your child. Right from day one your baby’s looking up to you. Your baby wants to learn from you and be like you. You as a parent also consciously or unconsciously has the desires that somewhat meet your baby’s needs. You want a mini ‘you’. You look at the physical attributes of your baby and you ask, Does my baby looks like me?

    No wonder when your child is old enough to walk, they begin to put on your clothes and shoes and make-up and behave like you. They even pretend to be like mummy or daddy in their demeanour and the way they speak. They imitate and copy you. Usually, parents laugh and feel entertained when little ones behave in this manner. I hope that from now on, as well as seeing the amusing side of this, you will begin to appreciate the inherent desire for your child wanting to be in your ‘image and likeness’.

    So right from day one, even before your child could say ‘dada’ or ‘mama’, you may be aware that your child had been copying you and learning from you. But the part that I want to draw your attention to is the fact that your child is not learning just your physical attributes or demeanour, they are learning and copying everything about you – physically, emotionally, spiritually, and morally. A typical example is we are told that when a baby senses anxiety or fear in his or her mother (or primary care giver), the baby picks up and mimics it in his or her behaviour. That is to say that for a mother who has episodes of anxiety, her baby may also display episodes of anxiety which may manifest in excessive crying or you may say the baby is unsettled.

    Again, a baby can sense its parent’s love or lack of it and thereby mimic that behaviour back in tensing or crying in the arms of the parent, just as the parent may display an uncomfortable demeanour around the baby.

    So right from the get go, you are imparting your nature and character and behaviour in your child even before, they start to walk and talk. If you have noticed, from the above examples that I have given, what the baby picks from the parent are not tangible or material things but characteristics of the emotional state of the parent.

    The point I am getting at is when it comes to raising our children, it is not about material things or the physical stuff. It is not about the shoes and the clothes, nor the expensive buggy or pram or the food on the table. I am not saying that these material things are not good, neither am I saying that they are not necessary. What I am saying is that, it is just the tip of the iceberg, a small part, so don’t lose sight of the bigger colossal mass under the water. Many parents lose sight of what is underneath. I know I did.

    Nurturing children is about raising godly children. When I was given the opportunity to learn this truth, it changed everything for me. Allow me to explain. Everything changed because suddenly I realised that I had been ignorant and so I have been neglectful of the needs – especially around spiritual and emotional of my children. How do I raise my daughter and my son to be godly? Am I godly? You may ask yourself the same questions and think about it for a minute before you continue.

    The truth was, I didn’t know what to do but what I did know was that I couldn’t give what I didn’t have. I couldn’t teach what I didn’t know. It is the same for you. You cannot give what you don’t have neither can you teach what you don’t know. And from that time on I made it my business to possess what I didn’t have and what I didn’t know. I devoted myself to learning. I am glad for you for buying this book because it tells me that you want to learn too. Not only do you want to do better you have taken the first step of acquiring knowledge. Good on you. I am delighted for you because you are on the right path. It is a good start indeed.

    When I opened myself to learning, I also committed myself to change for the better. I opened myself to unlearning to relearn. There are people who learn some valuable things but they still remain in the same position. I did not want to be like that. I decided I was not only going to acquire knowledge but I was also going to practice what I learn or I am taught. I chose to become committed to intentional learning. In the process I developed a yearning and a learning heart. I became hungry and thirsty for learning: knowing the right thing and doing the right thing and the result was fulfilment as Matthew 5:6 says,

    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

    The point I am trying to make is simple. If I want godly children then I must first be a godly parent. I wanted to become a godly parent who will raise godly children who will fulfil their life purposes and transfer their godliness onto their own children. I was looking into the future of not just my children but my children’s children. It opened my eyes to a worthwhile legacy. A legacy that is not material based. A legacy that is perpetual. It became my new definition of success for me when it comes to parenthood.

    I realised that successful parent to God, is not about achieving A in mathematics or going to the best school or the best holiday or eating the most expensive food or wearing the best clothes money can buy, but raising children who share in the moral, ethical and spiritual values of the parent; children who will live, worship and serve the Lord through their lives and bless others.

    Working on my character for good then shaped my behaviour and attitude. I became positive and nurturing.  It was hard for me because my daughter was a teenager and my son was pre-teen. The good news for you is, your case is different. You may have a baby or younger child who may still be in their formative years. Take this opportunity to sort yourself out. Sort your character out. You want good children. Are you good yourself? It is nearly impossible to train good and godly children when you as a parent has a bad character. You know the saying, "The apple does not fall far from the

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