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Becoming a Better Person
Becoming a Better Person
Becoming a Better Person
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Becoming a Better Person

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Becoming a Better Person is something most everybody desires. This book presents many ways to make this happen. It is based on practical findings from both research and theory. The authors provide guidelines, tips, ideas, examples and steps to make becoming a better person not only possible but desirable.

Release dateJun 28, 2024
Becoming a Better Person

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    Becoming a Better Person - Bridger Lee Jensen


    Becoming a Better Person

    Larry Cyril and Bridger Lee Jensen

    © 2024 Larry Cyril & Bridger Lee Jensen.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.

    Larry Cyril and Bridger Lee Jensen

    Published by Authors Branding

    9620 Las Vegas Blvd S Ste E4 632

    Las Vegas, NV 89123, USA

    (725) 240-6558

    ISBN: 979-8-9896059-7-2 (paperback)

    ISBN: 979-8-9896059-8-9 (ebook)


    Whether you think you are a good person or a bad one you can become a better person. Become more joyful, happier, successful, competent and more. How do you do it? You change, you grow, you expand and evolve. Welcoming change is the key. Instead of resisting or merely accepting change you embrace it.

    More than a decade ago I was invited to teach a course on becoming successful in marriage. At the end of the class one of my students helped me collect my lectures and write the book, Becoming a Better Marriage Partner. Now, sitting down to write this book, I realize how much my marriage book was about personal change and so we will draw heavily on it’s content to write for you this book, Becoming a Better Person.

    I am motivated to write this book because my son Bridger, who is a therapist, notices that many of his clients upon completion of their sessions do look for the best most practical ways to move forward in becoming the best person they can be. Fortunately, it came to my recollection that Decades ago, in the twentieth century, it was popular for psychology departments to offer a course on individual differences. When teaching this course in the 1960’s, I used a book entitled Stability and Change in Human Characteristics, by Benjamin Bloom. From teaching this course I came to realize that in general, we act as if each individual is a stable material object. However, whenever much reflection is given to this question the answer is in the opposite direction. You and I and all people are found to change during the life course, during the year, during the day, and even each moment. We are constantly changing entities not stable objects?

    So the pathway is open for all of us to become a better person. You will find in this short little book important streps, tips, and guiding ideas to help you become a better person. That is why I asked Bridger to coauthor this book for you.


    First Thoughts About Becoming a Better Person

    Philosophers, psychologists, and behavior scientists have almost always postulated that there is something inside a person that influences the behavior of an individual person. Considersome of the names they have proposed; consciousness, awareness, self, and ego. A past President of the American Psychological Association, Albert Bandura centered his theory around the phrase, self-sufficiency which he defined as the capacity of the self to exert control over motivation, well-being, and personal behavior. Other psychologists refer to self-monitoring, self, self- concept, self -esteem, self-regard, self- control. Over and over the word self is used to refer to something inside the person.

    The voices of existential philosophers from Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Satre have proposed that humans must be understood in a very different way. Their famous saying existence precedes essence leads us to the belief that a person first exists, which is our existence, and then the person creates his/her essence. In this book I interpret this key statement in a way to present a positive, hopeful conclusion.

    This statement of existence precedes essence is interpreted here as that each human begins with an existence and then each creates or develops an essence. The essence is what we become; it is us, it is our consciousness, our awareness, it is really what we are as we live each day. We create our essence from our choices, perceptions, and reactions during our everyday lived experiences.

    Most people now and in the past believe that combined with the body and the mind is a spirit. Christian and most religions believe that a spirit exists as part of the person, or the person is or has a spirit. Even non-religious scholarship often refers to man’s spirit. In common language we say such things as, He has a mean spirit, Don’t break the boys spirit, and You have a good spirit, If you believe that each person has a spirit and the spirit has an enduring eternal quality then everything you conclude about yourself and others will be different. If the spirit endures after the body, then isn’t it just logical to conclude that the spirit is the central or key enduring feature of the person you are now and are always creating?

    A Person is a Body, Mind and Spirit

    The old woman was skipping, almost dancing as she flittered around the large hall. The program was over and the cleanup had begun. Her eyes beamed as she moved among those clearing the tables and visiting. She held my attention as I thought her childish actions were unbecoming of a person her age. Who does she think she is? "She should act her age.

    Then suddenly, everything changed. The grandmother transformed into a little girl. I saw her in her youth. I saw within the old body a young vibrant spirit. My criticisms melted. I felt so good watching her enjoy life. I felt she was so lucky to still have a young joyful spirit. I felt I was fortunate to be able to, at that moment, see more than meets the eye.

    At that moment, the old woman was more than just a worn out body. For

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