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Alice II Playing With Reality
Alice II Playing With Reality
Alice II Playing With Reality
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Alice II Playing With Reality

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Welcome back.

Come along into the mystic. Into worlds of love and adventure you will never forget. 


Lots of lessons worth learning.

Knowledge and wisdom worth having.

Wild adventures and lots of fun worth sharing.



PublisherBlue Valley
Release dateJul 4, 2024
Alice II Playing With Reality

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    Alice II Playing With Reality - Betty Marlow


    Playing with Reality

    Betty Marlow

    A wild story of a poor little orphan girl

    Welcome to all you fine people who haven't had your wild spirit tamed or beaten out of you.  Come along on more wild adventures you will never forget.



    Arlene gave me a big hug when I got back from Walton.  At least as big a hug as her big belly would allow.

    "Jason, a guy from the Merry Jesters of

    Darkness, wants you to come to a play rehearsal, 454-3243."

    Ok!  They decided to include a female in one of their dramas.  Should be fun, especially if Pan has to adjust their attitude toward women again.  Teach them how to treat a lady.

    What a surprise Darryl Delaney got when he thought I was easy prey and got slammed against the wall.  You don’t mess with the Dark Lady!

    No call from Karla.  Perhaps our friendship has ended.  I will miss him.

    Arlene fretted and fumed about her burning feet, sore back, tender breasts, spreading hips, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc, etc.  But I notice she’s gently rocking her belly.

    Alice, come quick!

    Yep, the little bugger’s kicking in her ribs.  Weird knowing there’s a little girl in there ready to pop in a month or so.  Arlene is going to call her Samantha, Sammy for short.

    Barry hasn’t called for a while.  Do unmarried fathers have visitation rights?


    I love walking to campus in the morning.  The delicate, white strands of fog are often still streaming across the dark-green hills of Berkeley.  The air so clear.  The flowers so bright.

    After I finished my usual bacon-cheese omelet and two delicious chocolate donuts at the Bear’s Lair, I went to Mary’s office to plan classes and lab work for the coming year.  She wasn’t there.

    The psych department secretary told me Dr. Barteau didn’t show this morning and doesn’t answer her phone.

    Akishi’s shadow was waiting for me outside Tolman Hall.  You know.  That one eyed shaman from Two Medicine lake.  Waved for me to follow.   Sure, why not.

    Went past the library, the gym, and into the Hearst Museum of Anthropology.  To a large room full of Indian artifacts.

    There was a woman behind a desk in the corner, probably late 30’s.  Didn’t bother to look up from her paperwork.  Reminded me of Arlene when she was a sour puss.

    Akishi went to a table against the wall and pointed at a shaman rattle.  Yeah, it looks like the rattle he used on the shore of Two Medicine Lake.

    SHAMAN TURTLE RATTLE  Sioux  Late 19th century

    He picked up the rattle with a Shadow hand and gave it a good shake.

    Please do not touch the artifacts, they are very fragile.  High and screechy.

    I did not touch your artifacts.

    "Quit lying!  You shook the rattle!"

    I did not shake the rattle.

    Her face turned pink with bright splotches of red.  I hope her heart is in good shape.  Akishi grinned and winked.

    19th Century Blackfoot shaman grin and wink?  No way.  I must be creating him, or maybe not.  The Shadow World is so confusing.

    Please do not touch any of the artifacts again.

    When she went back to her paperwork I moved away from the rattle.  Akishi gave it another good shake.

    She exploded out of her chair and shot me the meanest look I’ve seen in a good long while.  But then became very still when she saw I was nowhere near the rattle.

    The hard lines of her face began to soften and her eyes were no longer unfriendly.

    I apologize, young lady.  You were telling the truth.

    I accept your gracious apology.  You might tell the curator that the rattle is mislabeled.  It is Blackfoot and was used by a shaman around 1830 on the shore of Two Medicine Lake in what is now Glacier National park.

    She stopped me as I was about to leave.  No longer an old sour puss.  An excited little girl.  Full of excitement and wonder.

    All my life I wanted mystery and magic, but never found any until now.  Please!  Please tell me what just happened and how you know so much about the rattle.

    Go visit this group, and wrote down the time and place of the one exploring psychokinesis.  Tell Mrs. Crowley, Alice suggested you come.

    She grabbed my arm as I turned to leave.

    It’s about time for my break.  May I offer you a cup of coffee and two chocolate donuts?

    The lady has more magic than she knows.


    On the way to the Bear’s Lair she told me her name is Catherine Davies.  She always wanted at least a tiny bit of magic in her life.  She tried Yoga, Silva, crystals, and a bunch of others.  All promising worlds of wonder.  Nope!

    She even spent a weekend in a quiet room at the Monroe Institute with Hemi-Syncs dancing her brain.  People report out-of-body experiences.  Nope!

    So she gave up.  Yeah.  Broken dreams turn people a little sour.

    We found a quiet table in the corner and she went to get the coffee and donuts.  How can I help her?  Or should I?  Have I become mother to the world?  It was fun shaping up Arlene and I think that will turn out ok.

    She brought coffee and two chocolate donuts for me.  Coffee and a lemon muffin for herself.

    Alice, you heard the rattle.  Right?


    Were you watching?  What did you see?

    Both times the rattle lifted a few inches off the table and shook.

    Did you have anything to do with it?


    But you gave me the time and place of a group that explores such things, so you must know more than you’re telling me.  Smart woman.

    Yes I do, but it isn’t something people talk about.

    So there is more to this world than scientific materialism teaches?

    Oh my yes.  Scientism is more intolerant and closed-minded than most religions.  And a whole more arrogant

    Alice, I’m scared to believe there really is magic in the world.  I’ve been disappointed so many times.  So many people promised, took my money, and gave me nothing.

    Why does it matter so much?

    "Oh, I don’t know.  When I was a little girl I loved the stories of fairies and wood sprites, and watched for them at night before I went to sleep.

    "Sometimes, yes just my imagination, but sometimes I saw fairies flying about my head and heard the fairy bells.  But as I grew older they stopped coming.

    "Just like in Peter Pan

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