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A Brighter Future
A Brighter Future
A Brighter Future
Ebook124 pages1 hour

A Brighter Future

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The human soul is said to officially weigh 21 grams, representing the essence of who we are and the potential for our future. This profound idea suggests that our souls, or soul memories, carry forward from our past lives and serve as the foundation for our future growth. It implies that we can shape our destinies by influencing the passage of time relative to our energy.


As you embrace this new chapter, embrace the boundless possibilities. Nurture the foundation of your soul and exercise your free will with confidence and purpose.

The first mention of the soul in the Bible, in the King James version, is in Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 7, which says, "And the Lord God. The first mention of the soul in the Bible can be found in the King James Version, specifically in Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 7. This verse describes how "the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." This passage is significant as it highlights the creation of humankind and the imbuing of life and soul by a divine forced formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." 

PublisherTina Ketch
Release dateJun 20, 2024
A Brighter Future

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    A Brighter Future - Tina Ketch


    Reflecting on my life's journey, I liken it to riding a rollercoaster where every thrilling ride begins and ends in the same place because no matter what happens, the outcome is my perspective, good or bad. My perspective on life is a constant source of enthusiasm, propelling me forward with unwavering encouragement to observe what lies beyond the horizon and to understand its impact on the continuous evolution of humanity, my humanity specifically.

    I am driven by a genuine desire to challenge conventional norms and to catalyze transformative change within our collective existence. Throughout this pursuit, I acknowledge that while my aspirations do not encompass the achievement of utopia on earth or realizing world peace, they are rooted in a profound commitment to progress with a positive transformation. In the current societal landscape, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are lagging in our progress towards a more inclusive and forward-thinking future. The prevalent victim mentality is on the rise, with individuals quick to assign blame and proclaim, It's not my fault, when faced with challenges or express, You hurt my feelings in response to difficult situations. A proactive approach to problem-solving seems to be lacking, as fewer individuals seem to inquire, What can I do to fix it? or How can I prevent that from happening again? This prompts reflection on whether we exist in our current circumstances or are actively evolving and maturing as individuals and society.

    Do we need preparation to handle recurring problems effectively? Or are we unintentionally creating ongoing issues for ourselves that persist without much change, leading to even more complex challenges that only inflate our sense of importance? These questions are at the heart of the purpose behind this book. We must put a stop to the seemingly never-ending cycles of denial, dysfunction, and dissatisfaction that stem from unproductive lifestyles, possibly influenced by our ancestral DNA patterns. It's time to break free from the patterns of frustration and uncertainty by taking ownership and control over our present circumstances to instigate meaningful change for our future. Within the pages of this book, you will find guidance to help you escape the cycle of redundancy once and for all.


    At the core of our existence, every individual is on a quest for fulfillment, be it a sanctuary that provides a sense of safety, solace in one's innermost being, or a niche within the heart imbued with sustenance. Whether this manifests as the embrace of a supportive family, the pursuit of a creative vocation, or an unyielding ardor for the sensation of the sun's warmth upon our visage and the earth's grounding beneath our soles, the yearning to embark upon a journey resonates within all of us. Inside every one of us, there should be a constant pursuit of upward mobility and advancement, striving for betterment and growth in all aspects of life.

    Understanding where you have been is essential for progress. The past lays the foundation for the future; without it, the future cannot exist. Embracing the past allows for a deeper appreciation and love for the present moment; without gratitude, there cannot be appreciation.

    When meeting new friends, it is common for the conversation to shift towards asking about one's origins and cultural background. Questions like Where are you from? and Who are your people? often arise, soliciting progressive conversation and building the foundations of a new connection. The building blocks of a relationship can be compared to the foundational elements that have contributed to shaping your identity. Your personal history, upbringing, experiences, and family interactions have played a significant role in who you are. The unique combination of genetic traits inherited from your ancestors and the environmental experiences and influences you've encountered throughout your life have significantly shaped your identity and personality. This amalgamation of factors can be considered as causal energy, representing the complex interplay of nature and nurture that underpins your existence and continues to influence your journey through life.

    Causality encompasses the fundamental principle of how everything in the universe operates, with consciousness as its core component. This concept signifies that every action or event has consequences that influence subsequent occurrences. It has previously been described as the interplay of cause and effect or the complex idea of karma, which suggests that our actions and intentions have a ripple effect on the world around us.

    Karma is the moral compass that resides within you. It influences your decisions by guiding you towards what is right and deterring you from what is wrong. It operates as a system of checks and balances along your life's journey and stores all the information in your consciousness for future reference. Nothing will ever be hidden, and nothing will ever go away.

    It is becoming increasingly clear that consciousness extends far beyond what was once perceived. For generations, we have believed that the brain is the central core of all aspects of life. However, growing evidence suggests that the nature of consciousness may be far more complex and expansive than previously thought. "Science, medicine, and spirituality have jointly contributed to our understanding of causality, and its influence on our life's journey may stem from the heart. Take a moment to reflect deeply: Where are you currently situated?

    Are your actions aligned with your desires, propelling you toward your intended destination, and are your desires driven by your heart or greed?" This may be your million-dollar question.

    Table of Contents



    How much do you know about yourself


    How energy vibrations manifest into feelings, emotions, and events......

    Generational Energy

    Consider the following scenario


    Example of Generational Energy

    The Soul

    Past life regression - under hypnosis

    Past life memory through dreams



    Your Purpose

    The New You

    Talking to yourself

    This is what makes you - you

    How to raise your vibrational rate


    Healing by Proximity

    Consciousness moves us, not the brain

    The Seven Hermetic Principles

    Principle 1 - Mentalism

    Principal 2 - Correspondence

    Principal 3 - Vibration

    Principal 4 - Polarity

    Principal 5 - Rhythm

    Principal 6 - Cause and Effect

    Principal 7 - Gender


    How much do you know about yourself

    You possess, at birth, nothing. You will have a name, the specific location of your birth, and the precise time you entered the world if someone wrote it down. Despite obvious details about your parents' identities, physical appearances, and their respective occupations, your authentic essence and identity remain veiled in mystery, not by choice but as the result of the genetic map that you brought with you into this life. The genetic traits passed down through generations will profoundly impact shaping your identity, behavior, and predisposition to certain conditions beyond what you know about your family members.

    But remember, perspectives are critical. In retrospect, looking back at historical records and accounts, our great-great-great grandfather might have been depicted as a ruthless king. It is essential to consider whether this portrayal is accurate or influenced by the perspectives of those who have recounted the story over time. It is necessary to acknowledge that genetics is only one component that influences the intricate dynamics of your life. While genetics play a role, environmental factors, life experiences, and personal choices also significantly shape your life.

    The factors mentioned, such as upbringing, cultural influences, and personal relationships, can significantly impact and shape your thought processes and behaviors. The experiences during your upbringing, including cultural influences and personal relationships, play a crucial role in developing your reasoning, emotions, and beliefs, yet remember the influence that television or social media has played in your life. Additionally, exploring the specific values, preferences, and cognitive processes that form the basis of your decision-making can provide insight into how these factors influence your choices and actions. Examining the genetic markers that you share with each of your parents can provide valuable insight into the genetic influences on your traits and characteristics. By understanding the specific genetic contributions of each parent, you can better comprehend the inheritance of traits

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