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Paladin's Hunt
Paladin's Hunt
Paladin's Hunt
Ebook30 pages19 minutes

Paladin's Hunt

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A warrior of light faces the powers of darkness.

For millennia, the paladins of the Temple have wielded the power of the Radiance against the servants of the Void.

And when a paladin finds a village under attack from orcish raiders, he must take up his sword in the villagers' defense.

Even if he is destined to die in battle...

Release dateAug 6, 2024
Paladin's Hunt

Jonathan Moeller

Standing over six feet tall, Jonathan Moeller has the piercing blue eyes of a Conan of Cimmeria, the bronze-colored hair of a Visigothic warrior-king, and the stern visage of a captain of men, none of which are useful in his career as a computer repairman, alas.He has written the "Demonsouled" trilogy of sword-and-sorcery novels, and continues to write the "Ghosts" sequence about assassin and spy Caina Amalas, the "$0.99 Beginner's Guide" series of computer books, and numerous other works.Visit his website at:http://www.jonathanmoeller.comVisit his technology blog at:

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    Book preview

    Paladin's Hunt - Jonathan Moeller



    Along time ago, I stood before the throne of the Oracle of the Fire Wastes.

    Hear me, Hector, paladin of the Temple, son of Tashurbanipal the Great Khan of Khans! the Oracle hissed at me. She was an elven woman, but ancient, so ancient that she looked like skin stretched tight over a skeleton. She wore a simple gray robe, unadorned and unornamented, bound about her thin waist with a leather belt. Her eyes glittered in their deep sockets as they glared at me, not with madness or with malice but with clarity.

    And foresight.

    Terrible, terrible foresight.

    I shall tell you where to find the sword that will break your father’s spells of dark magic and slay him, said the Oracle. But hear now the doom of your fate. You shall never know rest and never have a home to lay your head. You shall be a man of war and blood and never one of peace. You shall fight until the day of your death, when you are foreordained to fall in battle against a servant of the Void. So I have foreseen, so shall it be!

    Her voice rang through the ancient stone hall. Behind the Oracle’s throne, a deep chasm sank into the earth, a red glow rising from its depths. A tremor went through the hall and the priestesses who served as the Oracle’s attendants dropped to one knee, bowing their heads. Each one was a powerful wizard, a match for the Magisters of the empire’s Conclave, but they still bowed their heads when the Oracle spoke.

    I did not look away from those terrible, lucid eyes.

    I accept your terms, I said.

    The fury in me, the rage that had driven me to seek the secret of my father’s invincibility and immortality, would accept nothing less.

    I had always known I would die in

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