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Angular 2 Components
Angular 2 Components
Angular 2 Components
Ebook225 pages1 hour

Angular 2 Components

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About this ebook

A quick and concise guide to Angular 2 Components

About This Book
  • First look to the Angular 2 Components architecture
  • Creating your own Angular 2 Component
  • Integrating your components with third party components
Who This Book Is For

If you are a front-end developer with some experience in Angular and want to understand Angular 2 Components, and easily put it to use to create powerful user interfaces and views, then this book is for you

What You Will Learn
  • Break your application into reusable dynamic components
  • Take advantage of TypeScript in Angular 2
  • Migrate your Angular 1 directive to an Angular 2 Component
  • Understand the Angular 2 component structure and APIs
  • Hook to component life cycle events
  • Bind dynamic data to your component properties
  • Communicate with other components using events
  • Compose complicated UIs from simple components
In Detail

This book is a concise guide to Angular 2 Components and is based on the stable version of Angular 2. You will start with learning about the Angular 2 Components architecture and how components differ from Angular directives in Angular 1. You will then move on to quickly set up an Angular 2 development environment and grasp the basics of TypeScript. With this strong foundation in place, you will start building components.

The book will teach you, with an example, how to define component behavior, create component templates, and use the controller of your component. You will also learn how to make your components communicate with each other. Once you have built a component, you will learn how to extend it by integrating third-party components with it. By the end of the book, you will be confident with building and using components for your applications.

Style and approach

A step-by-step guide covering features and working of Angular 2 Components along with the process for creating your own components.

Release dateNov 30, 2016
Angular 2 Components

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    Angular 2 Components - Nir Kaufman

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    Angular 2 Components


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    1. Angular 2 Component Architecture

    The Model-View-Controller pattern

    MVC in Angular 1

    Moving from views to components

    Defining components

    Breaking the application into components


    2. Setting Up an Angular 2 Development Environment with angular-cli

    Node and npm

    Installing Node

    Introducing npm

    Installing angular-cli

    Generating an Angular 2 project

    Choosing an IDE


    3. The TypeScript Primer

    Introduction to TypeScript

    Managing dependencies with modules

    The export and import statements

    The default exports


    The type system

    The basic types

    The custom types

    About generics

    Using decorators

    Decorators versus annotations


    4. Building a Basic Component

    Bootstrapping the application

    The component selector

    Selector options

    The component template

    Embedding styles in component template

    The shadow DOM

    Encapsulation modes

    Data bindings


    5. Building Dynamic Components

    Data interpolation

    Core directives


    The asterisk – *





    Property bindings

    Event bindings

    Two-way bindings


    6. Component Communication

    Passing data via properties

    Emitting custom events

    Referencing with a local variable

    Querying child components with the parent component


    7. Putting It All Together

    Preparing our development environment

    The accordion component

    Extending the accordion component tree

    The component life cycle

    Life cycle event interfaces

    OnInit and OnDestroy


    Other life cycle events


    8. Integrating Third-Party Components

    Preparing our development environment

    Importing dependencies

    Bootstrap tooltip component

    Bootstrap collapse component


    9. Angular 2 Directives

    Components and directives in Angular 2

    Preparing our development environment

    The basic attribute directive

    ElementRef and Renderer

    Reacting to events from the host element

    Passing properties to the directive

    The basic structural directive



    Angular 2 Components

    Angular 2 Components

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: November 2016

    Production reference: 1211116

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-234-0



    Nir Kaufman

    Thierry Templier


    Robin Böhm

    Daniel Zen

    Commissioning Editor

    Sarah Crofton

    Acquisition Editor

    Meeta Rajani

    Technical Editor

    Narsimha Pai

    Copy Editor

    Laxmi Subramanian


    Safis Editing


    Hemangini Bari

    Pratik Shirodkar

    Production Coordinators

    Deepika Naik

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    Cover Work

    Deepika Naik

    About the Authors

    Nir Kaufman is the Head of Angular Development at 500Tech, a leading front-end consultancy in Israel. He is a passionate JavaScript developer, an international speaker, and an Angular evangelist.

    Nir runs three local Angular community meetup groups in Israel. He also collaborates with other local Angular communities around the world.

    Thierry Templier is a senior full stack developer with 17 years of experience. He has been a JavaScript addict for a long time now and started to work with the early versions of the language. He has a particular passion for Angular 2 and loves to help developers to use this framework, particularly on the StackOverflow website, where he has answered more than 1,900 questions.

    He also enjoys writing articles to promote and explain Angular 2's specific features on his blog ( and on the Restlet blog (

    Thanks to Nir, Meeta, and Narsimha for taking me on board and working with me on this project. Thanks to my beloved wife and son, Séverine and Maël, for their daily support.

    About the Reviewers

    Robin Böhm is a Germany based passionate trainer for Angular. He is also the co-founder of the AngularJS.DE platform, which is the biggest community for Angular in Germany. Together with his team, he offers intensive workshops and trainings for web development with Angular. Since 2013, they have successfully trained over 5000 developers from freelance developers to employees of large German corporate (DAX) companies.

    Daniel Zen is a MIT graduate in Computer Science Engineering and has been teaching and writing software for the past three decades. He has taught computer programming and Agile methodologies at NYU, The New School, and at numerous Fortune 500 companies. He has worked on large-scale art projects, as well as interactive installations at the Museum of Science in Boston and The Milk Gallery in NYC. A former consultant to both Google and Pivotal Labs, Zen is now focused on, a full stack JavaScript training and consulting company.

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    Angular 2 is a leap forward from the previous Angular 1.x framework, which became the most popular frontend JavaScript framework in history.

    It is a complete re-write, an up-to-date platform that

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