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The Charisma of Husayn
The Charisma of Husayn
The Charisma of Husayn
Ebook108 pages1 hour

The Charisma of Husayn

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This collection contains valuable statements of Ayatollah Khamenei, on the two subjects: 'Zaynab al-Kubrā (a)' and 'Arbaeen'. It provides valuable insights about these two topics by providing in-depth analysis, along with practical applications for our day to day life.

Release dateSep 2, 2024
The Charisma of Husayn

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    The Charisma of Husayn - Ayatollah Khamenei

    The Charisma of Husayn

    Orignially published in Persian under the title jazabe-ye husseini by Inquilab-e Islami Publishers.

    © Copyright 2024

    First edition published in 2024.

    Published and distributed by Mishkat Publications.

    All rights reserved. The use of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations quoted in articles or reviews is an infringement of the copyright law.

    ISBN 978-93-340-9410-7


    Zaynab al-Kubra7

    The knowledge of lady Zaynab al-Kubrā regarding how the blood of Husayn ibn ʿAlī will continue to evoke intense mourning9

    The Epic Struggle of Lady Zaynab in the Tragedy of ʿĀshūrā13

    Lady Zaynab’s Words about the Future of Karbala14

    The Grandeur of the Farewell of Imam al-husayn and Lady Zaynab14

    The Greatness of the Personality of Lady Zaynab al-Kubrā19

    How Zaynab al-Kubrā Correctly Understood the Circumstances and Acted Out of Responsibility26

    Lady Zaynab: A Role Model for Women of the World28

    Carrying the Trust with Courage29

    How Zaynab al-Kubrā Protected Islam30

    Zaynab al-Kubrā: An Eternal Role Model31

    Zaynab al-Kubrā: the Pioneer of Preserving Events Through Art33

    How the Efforts of Imam al-Sajjād and Lady Zaynab Preserved the Memory of ʿĀshūrā35

    The Last Ten Days of safar: The Ten Days of Zaynab al-Kubrā36

    Zaynab: The Reason why Blood was Victorious Over the Sword41

    The Magnificence of the Historical Sermon of Lady Zaynab43

    The Greatness of Lady Zaynab46


    Arbaʿīn: Establishing the Tradition of Ziyārah and Reviving the Memory of Karbala48

    The Islamic Revolution: A Re-experience of the Triumph of Blood over the Sword52

    Arbaʿīn: The Continuation of the Movement of ʿĀshūrā54

    Arbaʿīn: Establishing the Commemoration of the Movement of husayn55

    Masā’ib on the Arbaʿīn of the Master of Martyrs59

    The Ever-Increasing Significance of the Ziyārah of Karbala60

    Arbaʿīn: The First Gush from the Fountain of husayn’s Love62

    Arbaʿīn: The Beginning of the Magnetic Attraction of HUsayn63

    Arbaʿīn: The Beginning of the Spreading of the Message of Karbala67

    A Harrowing Silence: The Result of Yazīd’s Suppression After ʿĀshūrā68

    Arbaʿīn: The First Sign of Breaking the Suffocating Environment68

    The Collective Duty of Preserving Precious and Powerful Memories71

    The Role of the Congregation of Arbaʿīn as the World’s Largest Congregation73

    The Arbaʿīn Walk: A Display of National Determination and Resolve75

    the Ziyarah of Arbaeen77

    The Objective and Philosophy of the Imam’s Uprising79

    An Explanation of a Sentence from the Ziyārah of Arbaʿīn81

    The Summary of Imam al-husayn’s Movement83

    The Outcome of the Uprising: Government or Martyrdom87

    The Ever-Increasing Radiance of Abū ʿAbdillāh89

    Ignorance and a Lack of Dignity: The Root of Humanity’s Problems Today90

    Spirituality, Dignity, and Absolute Servitude Throughout Imam al-Husayn’s Uprising92

    The Effect of Keeping the Message of ʿĀshūrā Alive95

    The Philosophy Behind Why Imam al-Husayn Brought his Family96


    This collection contains valuable statements of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Āyatullāh Khamenei, from the year 1980 up to 2010. The two subjects of the book are ‘Zaynab al-Kubrā (a)’ and ‘Arbaʿīn’, and the statements have been extracted from the book Āftab dar masāf. (i) The content has been summarised and presented with headings for the respected audience’s convenience.

    The final days of Safar are referred to by Āyatullāh Khamenei as the days of Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her). These days also coincide with the commemoration of the Arbaʿīn of Sayyid al-Shuhadā (peace be upon him), which according to Āyatullāh Khamenei marks the beginning of Imam al-Husayn’s attraction in hearts of the people, as well as the beginning of the attempt to revive the memory of Karbala and establish the tradition of commemorating his movement. As a result, in this collection efforts have been made to compile and publish material related to both themes as we approach these significant days. Naturally, a substantial portion of the content of both topics are closely connected with one another. Hence, their compilation in one collection was deemed appropriate.

    This book consists of three chapters entitled: ‘Zaynab al-Kubrā (peace be upon her),’ ‘Arbaʿīn,’ and ‘An Exposition of Some Passages from the Ziyārah al-Arbaʿīn.’ The content has been organised chronologically in each chapter, meaning that in each chapter statements related to the theme have been brought, ordered by the date that they had been given. Content that was deemed to potentially not be relevant, was omitted from this collection. Additionally, clear titles have been provided for the overall theme of the statements, which also summarise the content.

    We hope that this work will provide the followers of wilāyah [al-faqīh] with greater and better opportunities to benefit from the guidance of that lofty personality.

    Finally, we express our gratitude and appreciation to the officials and researchers of the Hadīth-e Lawh va Qalam Institute who assisted in compiling this work.

    i. The book Āftab dar masāf (The Sun on the Battlefield) is a comprehensive collection of Āyatullāh Khamenei’s statements to do with Imam al-Husayn (peace be upon him).

    chapter one

    Zaynab al-Kubra

    The knowledge of lady Zaynab al-Kubrā regarding how the blood of Husayn ibn ʿAlī will continue to evoke intense mourning

    When Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her) saw the dismembered body of her brother lying on the ground in that sanctuary of love, devotion, sacrifice and jihad, she placed her hands under the body and raised her head towards the sky, crying out:

    إلهِي تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا هَذا القُرْبَان

    O God! Accept this sacrifice from us. (ii)

    She knew that the memory of that fervent blood would create a tsunami of love for martyrdom and sacrifice throughout history in the hearts of Muslims, and so it did. Since the day of the tenth of Muharram, ʿĀshūrā, this roaring wave has continued its course throughout history.

    The blood of these martyrs led to the toppling of numerous tyrant rulers. Under the impact of this tempest that destroys the pillars of injustice, the tyrannical rule of the Umayyads, the Abbasids, and many other oppressive regimes were completely destroyed and erased. Over time, many governments came and went in the Islamic lands while Islam itself remained. Shīʿah Islam, as the pulsating vein and the invigorating inspiring current within Islam, endured.

    Despite the efforts of the tyrannical governments, from a hundred years ago until today, everywhere [we see] the blood of Husayn beating and the hearts of the martyrs throbbing, inspiring the Islamic community to move forward and strive. This is the case from the time of Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Asadābādi (iii) and Mīrzā Hasan Shīrāzī (iv)—those great religious scholars—through the era of the scholars who initiated the Constitutional Movement (v) and until the time of Mīrzā Kūchak Khān Jangalī (vi)—that noble Islamic scholar, that Islamic guerrilla fighter, and that founder of armed struggle in Iran. Similarly, this continued up to the time of Sayyid Hasan Mudarris, (vii) the martyr Shahīd Nawwāb Safavī (viii) and the Fadaiyaan-e Islam, (ix) the Oil Nationalisation Movement, (x) and the bloody 15th Khordad uprising of [the Iranian year] 1342. (xi) (xii)

    The Epic Struggle of Lady Zaynab in the Tragedy of ʿĀshūrā

    On the ʿĀshūrā of Husayn (peace be upon him), after all the young men of the Banū Hāshim had fallen to

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