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Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom
Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom
Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom
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Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom

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I grew up without computers and cell phones. My family didn't have a TV until I was in the third grade, and it had only three channels. We went outside to play and explore the neighborhood with our friends.

Things seem so different today. Students have computers to explain and inform them on what to think. We used sayings to le

Release dateSep 26, 2024
Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom

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    Only in America - Jacqueline K. "Jackie" Hughes

    Only in America:

    Our sayings, Expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom

    Jacqueline K. Jackie Hughes

    Copyright © 2024 Jacqueline K. Jackie Hughes

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Visit Heaven Press—Sumter, SC

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-218-49032-4

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-3304-1837-4

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024916765

    Title: Only in America: Our sayings, expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom

    Author: Jacqueline K. Jackie Hughes

    Digital distribution | 2024

    Paperback | 2024

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real.


    I want to thank everyone who helped in some way to bring this book to be published. I especially want to thank my cousin and good friend, Nancy Weatherly Jordan and my son Theodore Teddy Hughes, who helped with the computer and contributions. Without their help this wouldn’t have happened.

    Also, my good friend, Stephanie Gibbons, who always helps me with the computer.  And of course, Erica with New Book Authors. 


    Only in America:



    Addictions of all kinds

    Regular Sayings

    Books, Movies, Nursery Rhymes, Trial, TV Shows

    Other Sayings

    Nursery Rhymes


    President George Washington


    Note from Author

    About the Author



     am writing this book about saying, because I don’t think that younger people are aware of them in the United States today. Back in about 2012 I was a substitute teacher and was in a math class. It was a 4th grade class and they were doing the math the teacher had assigned.  One of the students wanted me help the class with a problem. I ask if one of the students would like to show the class how to work the problem. One of the students volunteered. When he finished, I asked the class if they wanted to know how to do it in an easier way.

    They told me they had to do it the way they were taught. I said OK but there is more than one way to skin a cat. One of the girls starting crying. I asked her why she was crying and she said that I said I was going to skin a cat. I explained that I did not say what she was thinking that I said. I asked her to go home and ask her grandmother what I meant. I could have explained it to her but I really didn’t think that she was capable of knowing what I was saying. I have no idea that she went home and asked her grandmother what it meant.  

    I have thought a lot about that situation since it happened.  I just keep wondering how many everyday sayings are understood or misunderstood by those that are young.  

    I have been collecting saying since then.  I have now put them on paper. I have broken them down by subject. I will not try to explain them because we all have to figure out what they mean as that is part of growing up. We say them many times a day without even thinking about it.

    There is no way I could ever think up all the saying because they are as numerous as the stars in the sky or the sand on the sea shores. Just kidding. I have no idea how many there could have been since the start of time to this very day.

    Let’s get going. Enjoy yourself.

    Addictions of all kinds


    re you being judgmental?  Judging another child of God or are you using good judgment? Knowing when someone else is dangerous for you to be with.

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  (Joshua 24:15)

    Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Then what?

    Before passing judgement on anyone, walk in his shoes for a couple of weeks.

    Being dry is not being sober!

    Do you prefer to be Right or Happy?

    Easy does it.

    Evil prevails- when good people do nothing.

    FACE is to be aware, ERASE is to forgive and REPLACE is to change.

    Failure is not final!  It may be a detour, but is doesn’t have to be a dead end.

    FEAR knocked on the door, FAITH opened it to find no one there.

    First things first!

    4 Paradoxes - 1. die to live, 2. surrender to win, 3. be sick to get well, and 4. give it away to keep it!

    God helps us when we can’t help ourselves.

    God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us. (Saint Augustine)

    H-A-L-T-S (don’t get to Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired or Stressed.)

    Happy, joyous and free, is what I want to be!

    Help me to remember God, that nothing is going to happen today, that YOU and I can’t handle together.

    Honesty is Truth and the Truth shall set me free!

    I am what I am and that’s all that I am.

    I don’t care how much you know, until I know how much you care.

    I judge myself by my intentions, but the world judges me by my actions.

    I pray - not to change God’s mind, but to ask God to change mine.

    I was angry with a foe, I told him not, it did grow. I was angry with a friend, I told him so, it did end.

    I was in such Denial, that I didn’t even know, what I didn’t even know.

    I would rather be here by mistake, then be out there by mistake.

    If I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand.

    If I spend all my time looking for Your faults, then I don’t have the time to look for My own.

    If it is to be it is up to me!  (Ten 2 letter words)

    If you Pray, don’t worry!  If you Worry, don’t pray!

    If you understand or you don’t, if you believe or if you doubt, there’s a universal justice. And the eyes of truth are always watching you!

    If you want a compliment, give one.  You have to give to receive.

    If you want to understand me, identifying is just the key. Comparing for you will see, will cause it not to be.

    If your thinking is stinking, please be kind and change your mind.

    I’m a victim of my own thoughts and actions.  What I think and do always comes back to me.

    It isn’t you drinking that’s stinking...It’s your thinking!

    Keep the Faith.

    Let go and let God!

    Live and let live.

    Live well, Love much and Laugh often.

    Miracles happen to those who believe in them.

    Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

    My way may not be the right way, since it doesn’t even work for me.

    My purpose here on Earth is that I bear witness unto the Truth.

    Never give up.  It’s always darkest before dawn.

    Never give up.  The tide always turns at its lowest point.

    No God - No Peace.  Know God - Know Peace!

    One day at a time, One moment at a time.

    One step at a time.

    Poor Me, Poor Me, Pour Me, another drink.

    P - U - S - H - Pray Until Something Happens

    Pray and Meditation.  Talking to God-Listening for God’s answer.

    Rule #1 - Don’t sweat the Small Stuff! Rule #2 - It’s all Small Stuff!

    Say what you mean. Mean what you say.

    Selfishness- Self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of all our troubles. So, our troubles, we think are of our own making.

    Serenity is directly proportional to my level of acceptance and inversely proportional to my expectations.

    Take what you want and leave the rest.  It’s all up to You.

    Teach Only Love, for that is what you are.  (A Course in Miracles)

    The ability to choose, YOUR response- is being "Response-able!

    The 7 Deadly sins.  Pride, Greed, Lust, Anger, Gluttony Envy, Sloth

    The Disease of Alcoholism is Threefold, 1. The Problem - is Emotional, 2. The Symptom - is Physical, 3. The Solution - is Spiritual.


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