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Flying A Dinosaur
Flying A Dinosaur
Flying A Dinosaur
Ebook47 pages41 minutes

Flying A Dinosaur

By Elowen Fox and AI

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In "Flying A Dinosaur," a thrilling YA fantasy adventure, seventeen-year-old Alex Foster finds himself stranded on a mysterious island teeming with prehistoric life. This uncharted paradise, with its lush jungles and towering trees, becomes both a wonderland and a deadly challenge for the aspiring marine biologist.

As Alex fights for survival among dinosaurs long thought extinct, he must rely on his scientific knowledge and quick thinking to navigate this primordial world. The island's secrets deepen as Alex discovers a vast network of luminous caves, hinting at the land's enigmatic origins.

His exploration is punctuated by heart-pounding encounters with ancient predators and the formation of an unlikely alliance with a young Velociraptor named Swift. This unique bond between human and dinosaur adds a touching dimension to the tale, challenging perceptions of intelligence and companionship in the animal kingdom.

As Alex unravels the island's mysteries and searches for a way home, readers are treated to a captivating blend of survival adventure, scientific discovery, and the wonders of a lost world.

Release dateSep 11, 2024
Flying A Dinosaur

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    Book preview

    Flying A Dinosaur - Elowen Fox

    Shipwrecked: A New World Awaits

    The first thing Alex Foster noticed as consciousness slowly returned was the rhythmic sound of waves lapping against the shore. His eyelids fluttered open, squinting against the harsh sunlight that beat down upon his face. For a moment, he lay there, disoriented and confused, his mind struggling to piece together the fragments of his memory. The last thing he remembered was the violent storm that had engulfed his small research vessel, tossing it about like a toy in a bathtub.

    Groaning, Alex pushed himself up onto his elbows, his body protesting with every movement. Sand clung to his damp clothes and skin, a testament to how long he must have been lying there. As his vision cleared, he found himself staring out at a vast expanse of turquoise water stretching to the horizon. The beach he was on curved gently, its pristine white sand unmarred by footprints or debris.

    Hello? Alex called out, his voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. Is anyone there?

    Only the sound of the waves and the distant cry of unfamiliar birds answered him. Slowly, painfully, he rose to his feet, taking in his surroundings with growing wonder and trepidation. Behind the beach rose a dense wall of vegetation, unlike anything he had ever seen before. The trees were massive, their trunks wider than any redwood he'd encountered, with strange, broad leaves that seemed to shimmer with an almost metallic quality in the sunlight.

    Alex's scientific mind began to race, cataloging the impossibilities before him. The flora didn't match any known species he could recall from his studies. Even the air felt different, heavy with unfamiliar scents and an underlying charge that made the hair on his arms stand on end.

    Where am I? he whispered to himself, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through his veins. This can't be real.

    But it was real. All too real. The ache in his muscles, the salt crust on his skin, the gnawing emptiness in his stomach – all of it testified to the harsh reality of his situation. Alex was stranded, alone on an island that shouldn't exist.

    Survival instincts kicked in, overriding his scientific curiosity for the moment. He needed water, food, and shelter – in that order. Alex scanned the treeline, looking for any sign of a freshwater stream. The lush vegetation suggested there had to be a water source somewhere nearby.

    As he began to move along the shoreline, his eyes constantly darted between the ocean and the jungle. Part of him hoped to see some sign of rescue – a ship on the horizon or a plane overhead. But another part, the part that had always dreamed of discovering something extraordinary, was captivated by the mysterious island.

    After what felt like hours of walking, Alex finally heard the telltale sound of running water. Following the noise, he pushed through the dense foliage at the edge of the beach, stepping into the shadow of the enormous trees. The temperature dropped noticeably, providing welcome relief from the relentless sun.

    The stream he found was small but clear, cascading over moss-covered rocks. Alex cupped his hands, bringing the cool water to his parched lips. It tasted sweeter than any water he'd ever had before, with a subtle mineral flavor that was oddly refreshing.

    Okay, Alex, he said to himself, wiping his mouth. Water: check. Now for food and shelter.


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