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Astrology and Rituals 2025
Astrology and Rituals 2025
Astrology and Rituals 2025
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Astrology and Rituals 2025

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This book contains accurate predictions and practical advice that will allow you to make decisions during 2025. This will be a year full of changes. Here you will find your Tarot card, lucky color, amulet and quartz of the year. From love, to career and health, each page is designed to illuminate your path. If you wish to attract more abundance, love, happiness and health in 2025, in this book you have the tools available. Practice these rituals to raise your energetic vibrations and transform your life this year. When you practice these rituals you will be amplifying and magnetizing material and spiritual prosperity.

Release dateOct 19, 2024
Astrology and Rituals 2025

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    Astrology and Rituals 2025 - Alina Rubi







    Alina Rubí

    A red diamond with gold writing Description automatically generated

    Published Independently

    All Rights Reserved © 2025.

    Astrologer: Alina Rubí 


    Editing: Angeline Rubí/Alina A. Rubi

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means. Including photocopying, recording, or any system of archiving and retrieving information, without the prior written permission of the author.

    General Predictions 2025

    Year in Review

    2025 Full Moon Calendar

    Best Days to Cut Your Hair

    New moon

    Crescent moon

    Full moon

    Waxing Moon


    Aries ‘s General Horoscope


    Taurus ‘s General Horoscope


    Gemini’s General Horoscope


    Cancer’s General Horoscope


    Leo’s General Horoscope


    Virgo’s General Horoscope


    Libra’s General Horoscope


    Scorpio's General Horoscope


    Sagittarius’s General Horoscope


    Capricorn’s General Horoscope


    Aquarius’s General Horoscope


    Pisces’s General Horoscope

    Lucky dates to get married in 2025:

    Lucky Days for Rituals 2025

    Lunar Calendar 2025

    Full Moon Calendar 2025

    Energy Cleanses by 2025

    Bath to Open Your Paths 2025

    Lucky Bath

    Rituals for January

    Ritual for money

    Spell for good energies and prosperity

    Ritual for Love

    Spell to Make Someone Think of You

    Spell to Preserve Good Health

    Rituals for February

    Ritual with Honey to Attract Prosperity.

    To Attract Impossible Love

    Ritual for Health

    Rituals for March

    Ritual with Oil for Love

    Spell to improve health

    Rituals for April

    Ritual for love

    Spell against Depression

    African Aphrodisiac



    Rituals for May

    Spell to Attract Your Soulmate

    Ritual for Health

    Rituals for June

    Ritual to Attract More Money.

    Ritual to Consolidate Love

    Rituals for July

    Romani Ritual

    Bath for Good Health

    Rituals for August

    Ritual for Money

    Spell to Transform you into a Magnet

    Bath for Health






    Rituals for September

    Love Spell with Basil and Red Coral

    Ritual for Health

    Rituals for October

    Ritual to Ensure Prosperity

    Spell to Subdue in Love

    Bath with Parsley for Health.

    Energy Cleansing with an Egg

    Rituals for November

    Ritual for the Union of Two Persons

    Shamanic Energy Cleansing

    Rituals for December

    Cash Flow Ritual

    Spell to Separate and to Attract

    Spell to Increase Your Health

    About The Author

    General Predictions 2025

    This will be another significant year on an astrological level. We are facing an exciting cycle in which the outer planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter, will transit towards communicative signs, completely changing the spirit of the year at a global level.

    After having been in more passive positions, these transits indicate a gigantic leap into action. The energy will move outward, encouraging creativity and innovations.

    We are facing an expansive cycle that can stimulate passion and desires for adventure, along with emotional intensity, and excesses.

    Saturn in Pisces, and Neptune in Aries, lead the group, located at the midpoint between Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius.

    Imagine everyone claiming their freedoms and using their minds, and technology, to open new frontiers of creativity, knowledge, and achievement. Imagine approaching life, and all that it has to offer, ethically, that is, for mutual benefit.

    Think about your new humanity, putting yourself in the shoes of your higher self and being able to fulfill the call of your destiny.

    With all the outer planets at 29°, transitioning to new signs, people will believe that the world is ending, and they may be prone to act in extremist and self-destructive ways. An Era is ending, but not our planet. Stay away from fake and catastrophic news about the end of the world.

    Narcissism and selfishness will be aggravated, and many may use them as a weapon. That narcissism will encourage aggressive policies on climate change, alternative protein options, and the use of digital currencies.

    People's egos have the possibility of dissolving, something that will force us to have better mental health, or to be tortured by our inner demons. On the negative side, it could feed narcissism, because many people will be trapped in their old versions.

    A new legion of spiritual soldiers will be born, but do not forget that it is your job to guide yourself spiritually and not always depend on an external source.

    Breakneck technological advances will transform communications, travel, the financial and medical industries. That pace will be difficult to manage on a mental level. With Uranus and Pluto in air signs, the energy will move so precipitously that it will feel electric.

    This is the year to strengthen yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually so that you can overcome the loss of the old structures and be able to build the new one on stronger foundations.

    You should try to set impenetrable boundaries and stay focused on the future you want to create, without listening to what the news says. As the world around you disintegrates, ignore everything. Do not agree to let anyone manipulate your empathy as a weapon or demand personal sacrifices for the common good. Close your borders, build a wall, secure your home, buy provisions and food that will sustain you for a few months, specifically if you are a free-thinking person.

    Investments in prisons, private security, military defense, and cyber security are guaranteed monetary bets. Similar with gaming companies, and medical technology.

    Technological innovations, and the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, could create many layoffs and economic shock. You must be very attentive and question everything. If people say something is good for humanity, the planet, and animals, be sure to ask if it benefits you too.

    Protect your mental health, do not consume toxic news, and restrict the use of social networks. Try to interact with like-minded people. Lean on groups that defend and protect individuality.

    Human rights movements will play a leading role this year as they fight to enact laws that protect us from technology and oppression.

    You should try to stay sober. Alcohol, drugs, and other forms of escapism will not do you any favor. Addictions must be cured. If you do not trust conventional medical care, look for alternative healing. Do not forget that natural does not mean bad. Focus on your nutrition, exercise, and learn how to deal with stress.

    Beware of cults as so many drastic changes will generate excessive fear, and people will be prone to cling to gurus or religious leaders. These so-called leaders, who promise salvation, are seeking power, money, fame, and control.

    The friction between structure (Saturn) and dissolution (Neptune) will push you to reevaluate what really matters to you. It is a crucial period to define the direction of your life and your values.

    Many changes are coming. Research who you really are, define the future you want to create, and work quickly to achieve it.

    Saturn's influence will help us identify and let go of unrealistic expectations, fostering an authentic and lucid approach to life's challenges.

    The mixing of the energies of the planets Saturn and Neptune can increase uncertainty. You must learn to deal with this, it is the only way to strengthen your ability to implement long-term goals effectively.

    Historically, these periods have exacerbated conflicts between different ideological currents, such as those that currently exist between religion and science, or between political parties. Social debates will be more accentuated and divisive.

    These periods lead to a collective feeling of disillusionment with existing systems and leaders. However, they can be fertile cycles for new models of leadership and more spiritual and ethical governments.

    Saturn's influence will help us transform Neptune's dreams into concrete actions. It is a time to focus on taking practical steps that align with higher visions. For that reason, as the friction between Saturn and Neptune sharpens, we will reevaluate what really matters to us. This is a crucial period for realigning the

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